Katie Baker
Department of Community and Behavioral Health
3rd Floor, Sherrod Library
DrPH in Community Health
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
MPH in Maternal & Child Health
University of Alabama - Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
BS in Health & Exercise Science
Furman University, Greenville, SC
- COBH 5250: Community Based Methods in Public Health, Spring 2020
- COBH 6160: Leadership & Systems: Mobilization of Public Health Assets (previously Systems Approaches to Public Health Issues), Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2020
- COBH 5377: Health Communication, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019 (online & on-ground)
- COBH 5029: Supervised Research, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019
- COBH 5850/6850: Field Experience, Summer 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Summer 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Summer 2019, Fall 2019
- COBH 5907: Independent Study, Fall 2014, Summer 2017, Spring 2018
- CSHP 1321: Communication Skills for Health Professionals, Fall 2015
- COBH 4060: Community Organization for Health Education Programs, Spring 2014
Courses & Programs Developed
- COBH 6160: Leadership & Systems: Mobilization of Public Health Assets (Note: this course was developed as part of the DrPH curriculum revision process)
- 2015 – 2017 ETSU Interprofessional Education Program (IPEP)
- College of Public Health Faculty Development: Lies, Damn Lies, and SAIs (Fall 2019)
- ETSU Center for Teaching Excellence: Teaching Adult Learners (Fall 2019)
- IPE Online Faculty Development (Fall 2019)
- GRAD 7800 & GRAD 7810: Faculty Technology Leadership (FTL) I & II, ETSU, ATS (Fall 2018, Spring 2019)
- College of Public Health Faculty Development: Community-Based Learning panel (Spring 2017)
- College of Public Health Faculty Development: How Do I Make This Go Away? Helping Students Navigate Services (Fall 2015)
- Interprofessional Education: Building a Framework for Collaboration, Interprofessional Education Institute (October 2014)
- Collaboration and Communication in Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice certification completed through UCSF via Coursera (Fall 2014)
- POGIL Introductory Workshop, ETSU (January 2014)
- ETSU GRAD 5110: Teaching Pedagogy for the Graduate Teaching Assistant (Spring 2011)
- Skin Cancer Prevention
- Mother-Daughter Health Communication
- Cancer Communication in the New Media Environment
- Reproductive Health
Mathis, S.M., Hagemeier, N., Foster, K.N., Baker, K. & Pack, R.P. “It’s took over this region”: Patient perspectives of prescription drug abuse in Appalachia. Substance Use & Misuse. Published online September 17, 2019.
Mathis, S.M., Hagaman, A., Hagemeier, N., Baker, K., & Pack, R. (2019) Provider-patient communication about prescription drug abuse: A qualitative analysis of the perspective of prescribers. Substance Abuse. Epub ahead of print.
Liegel, M., Southerland, J.L., Baker, K. (2019) Social Media Use among Nonprofit Organizations in Rural Appalachia. Journal of Appalachian Health, 1(2), 44-55.*
Buller, D.B., Walkosz, B.J., Berteletti, J., Pagoto, S.L., Bibeau, J., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J., & Henry, K.L. (2019) Insights on HPV vaccination in the United States from mothers' comments on Facebook posts in a randomized trial. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 15(7-8), 1479-1487.
Waring M.E., Baker K., Peluso A., May C.N., & Pagoto S.L. (2019) Content analysis of Twitter chatter about indoor tanning. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 41-47.*
Watson, M., Showmaker, M., & Baker, K. (2017). Indoor Tanning Initiation among Tanners in the United States. JAMA Dermatology, 153(5), 470-472.
Mounessa, J., Pagoto, S.L., Baker, K., Antonishak, J., & Dellavalle, RP. (2017). Creating the First Indoor Tan-Free Skin Smart College Campus. Preventive Medicine Reports, 21(6), 44-46.
Pagoto, S.L., Baker, K., Griffith, J., Oleski, J.L., Palumbo, A., Walkosz, B.J., Hillhouse, J.J., Henry, K.L., & Buller, D.B. (2016) Engaging moms on teen indoor tanning through social media: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Res Protoc, 5(4), e228. DOI: 10.2196/resprot.6624
Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., Scaglione, N., Cleveland, M. J., Baker, K., & Florence, L. C. (2016). A Web-Based Intervention to Reduce Indoor Tanning Motivations in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Prevention Science, 18(2), 131-140.*
Crouch, M. A. & Baker, K. (2016). Interprofessional education: It is more than a passing fad. International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 3(2).
Baker, K., Proctor-Williams, K., Cross, L.B., Alley, E., & Crouch, M.A. (2016). Initial Feasibility and Efficacy of an Interprofessional Education Pilot Program. International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 3(2).*
Polaha, J., Schetzina, K., & Baker, K. (2016). A Collaborative Practice Training Model for Pediatric Primary Care. International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 3(2).
Stapleton, J. L., Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., Baker, K., Manne, S. L., & Coups, E. J. (2016). The Behavioral Addiction Indoor Tanning Screener (BAITS): An Evaluation of a Brief Measure of Behavioral Addictive Symptoms. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 96(4).
Smith, S.C., Schetzina, K., Polaha, J., Wood, D., & Baker, K. (2015). The Family Check-Up in a Pediatric Clinic: An Integrated Care Delivery Model to Improve Behaviors in the Home Environment. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 9(4).*
Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., Cleveland, M.J., Scaglione, N., Baker, K., & Florence, L.C. (2015). Theory-Driven Longitudinal Study Exploring Indoor Tanning Initiation in Teens Using a Person-Centered Approach. Ann Behav Med, 50(1), 48-57.*
Quinn, M., Alamian, A., Hillhouse, J. J., Scott, C., Turrisi, R., & Baker, K. (2015). Prevalence and Correlates of Indoor Tanning and Sunless Tanning Product Use among Female Teens in the United States. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2, 40-43.*
Wickenheiser, M., Baker, K., Gaber, R., Blatt, H., & Robinson, J.K. (2013). Sun Protection Preferences and Behaviors among Male Adolescents during Maximum Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure Activities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10, 3203-3216.*
Holman, D., Fox, K., Glenn, J., Guy, G., Watson, M., Baker, K., Cokkinides, V., Gottlieb, M., Lazovich D., Perna, F., Sampson, B., Seidenberg, A., Sinclair, C., & Geller, A. (2013). Strategies to Reduce Indoor Tanning: Current Research Gaps and Future Opportunities for Prevention. American Journal of Prevention Medicine, 44(6), 672-681.
Stapleton, J. L., Hillhouse, J. J., Turrisi, R., Robinson, J. K., Baker, K., Manne, S. L., & Coups, E. J. (2013). Erythema and ultraviolet indoor tanning: Findings from a diary study. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 3(1), 10-16.
Hillhouse, J., Baker, K., Turrisi, R., Shields, A., Stapleton, J., Jain, S., & Longacre, I. (2012). Evaluating a Measure of Tanning Abuse and Dependence. Archives of Dermatology, 148(7), 815-819.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J., & Liu, X. (2010). The Effect of Initial Indoor Tanning with Mother on Current Tanning Patterns. Archives of Dermatology, 146(12), 1427-28.
Smith, S. C., Schetzina, K. E., Polaha, J., Baker, K., & Wood, D. (2016). The Family Check-Up in a Pediatric Clinic and Behavior in the Home Environment. Environmental Health Disparities: Costs and Benefits of Breaking the Cycle, Nova Science Publishers.
Robinson, J. K., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J. J. (2012). New Approaches to Melanoma Prevention. Dermatologic Clinics, 30(3), 405-412.
Buller, D.B., Pagoto, S., Oleski, J., Walkosz, B., Berteletti, J., and Baker, K. (2018, December 2-5). Insights on HPV Vaccination in the United States from Mothers’ Comments on Facebook Posts in a Randomized Trial. Poster session presented at the EUROGIN 2018 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Peluso, A., Baker, K., & Pagoto, S. (2018, May 3) ETSU is Skin Smart – Policy Adoption Aimed at Reducing Indoor Tanning Among College Students at a Small Southeastern University. Poster session presented at the 4th International Conference on UV & Skin Cancer Prevention, Toronto, Canada.*
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., Scaglione, N., Dean, R., & Florence, L. C. (2015, December 10). Continuing the Conversation: Long-term Follow-up of a Mother-daughter Skin Cancer Prevention Program. Paper presentation presented at the 3rd International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention, Melbourne, Australia.*
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J., & Khoury, A. (2020, April 23). “If you don’t do anything about it, then you’re planning:” women’s perceptions of unplanned pregnancy in South Carolina. Poster session presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. (Conference cancelled due to spread of COVID-19.)
Buller, D., Pagoto, S., Baker, K., Walkosz, B., Hillhouse, J., Berteletti, J., Bibeau, J., & Henry, K. (2020, April 1). Knowledge and support for indoor tanning laws among a sample of mothers and teen daughters from 34 states. Poster session presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Baker, K., Walkosz, B., Berteletti, J., Ventura, L., Peterson, A., and Dorgan, K. (2019, March 9). Exploring spheres of silence surrounding cervical cancer communication in Appalachian Tennessee. Poster session presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.*
Berteletti, J., Buller, D., Pagoto, S., Walkosz, B., Bibeau, J, Baker, K., Hillhouse, J., & Henry, K. (2019, March 8). Mothers’ Beliefs about Adolescent Marijuana Use: Insights from a Facebook-Delivered Intervention and Randomized Trial. Paper session presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Pagoto, S., Berteletti, J., Walkosz, B., Oleski, J., Palumbo, A., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J., Henry, K., & Buller, D. (2018, April 13) Delivering Health Promotion Interventions on Social Media Engagement and Methodological Considerations. Symposium session presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Baker, K., Pagoto, S.L., Buller, D.B., Walkosz, B., Hillhouse, J.J., Griffth, J., & Ariyo, O. (2017, March 31) A Mixed Methods Approach to Designing a Social Media Intervention for Mothers of Adolescent Girls in Tennessee. Poster presentation at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.*
Ariyo, T. & Baker, K. (2017, March 4-7) Sociocultural Correlates of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Uptake among College Women in East Tennessee. Poster presentation at the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO.*
Yadav, R., Baker, K., Bailey, B., & Maisonet, M. (2016, April 6 – 9). Sex-education Policy and Teen Pregnancy in Tennessee. Poster session presented at the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) Annual Conference, Washington, DC.*
Baker, K., Foster, K., Pagoto, S., Buller, D., Walkosz, B., Hillhouse, J.J., & Griffith, J. (2016, April 2). Social Media Use among Parents in Tennessee. Poster session presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Baker, K., Dean, R., Smith, C., Petgrave, D., Rowe, C., Schetzina, K., & Polaha, J. (2015, October 17). Reach, Effectiveness, and Adoption of the Family Check-Up in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting in Northeast Tennessee: An Interprofessional Collaboration. Poster session presented at the 17th Annual Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Conference, Portland, OR.*
Baker, K., Proctor-Williams, K., Blackwelder, R., Cross, B., Tillman, K. (2014, October 1-3). Interprofessional Education and Faculty Attitudes. Poster session presented at the Fall 2014 Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Institute, Herndon, VA.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Palchick, N., Florence, L.C., & Housenick, M. (2014, April 24). A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mother-Daughter Intervention to Reduce Teen Skin Cancer Risk. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.*
Musick, J., Forrester, A., Green, L., Jones, R., Proctor-Williams, K., & Baker, K. (2013, November 14). Faculty Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Interprofessional Education. Poster session presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.*
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Smith, C., Lawson, C., & Stapleton, J. (2013, March 20-23). The Effect of Initial Indoor Tanning with Family on Tanning Dependence. Poster session presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Scaglione, N., & Lawson, C. (2012, August 22). Intergenerational Tanning: Maternal Influences on Teens’ Tanning Intentions and Behavior. Oral session presented at the 2012 CDC National Conference, Washington, D.C.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Buller, D., Robinson, J. K., & Pagoto, S. (2012, April 11-14). Maternal Influences on Teen Tanning: Findings from a Nationally Representative Study. Poster session presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Pagoto, S., & Turrisi, R. (2011, April 28). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Evaluate Sunless Tanning. Poster session presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Pagoto, S., Turrisi, R., & Skelton, K. (2010, March 18-19). Modeling Indoor & Sunless Tanning Behavior with the Theory of Planned Behavior. Poster session presented at the 20th Annual Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference, Hilton Head, SC.
Taylor Dula, Denise Chavez-Reyes, Dr. Katie Baker, Dr. Debbi Slawson, Lee Cutshaw, Dr. Claudia Kozinetz, Dr. Mildred Maisonet. (2019, September). Assessment of Stakeholder Engagement for Conducting COPD Research in Appalachian Tennessee. Poster presented at the 76th Annual Tennessee Public Health Association educational conference in Franklin, TN.
Hawkins, S., Baker, K., & Peluso, A. (2018, September 12-13). Sexual Health Knowledge and Attitudes Among College Students at a Mid-Sized Regional University in Tennessee. Poster session presented at the Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Conference, Franklin, TN.*
Ariyo, T., Baker, K., & Yadav, R. (2016, September 14-16). Correlates of HPV Vaccine Acceptance among College Women in East Tennessee. Poster session presented at the Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Conference, Nashville TN.*
Yadav, R., Wang, L., Warren, K.J., Zheng, S., Baker K., & Maisonet, M. (2016, September 14-16). Formal Sex Education and Age at First Intercourse, National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) 2006-2010. Poster session presented at the Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Conference, Nashville TN.*
Dean, R., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., & Varvil-Weld, L. (2014, September 10-12). The Relationship Between Maternal Permissiveness and Indoor Tanning Communication with Teenage Daughters. Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Public Health Association, Franklin, TN.*
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Shields, A., Stapleton, J., Jain, S., & Longacre, I. (2011, June 16). Skin Cancer Prevention in Young Women: Evaluating a Measure of Pathological Tanning. Poster session presented at the Summit on Cancer in Tennessee, Franklin, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., & King, L. (2010, September 15-17). The Impact of Maternal Monitoring and Permissiveness on Indoor Tanning in High School Females. Poster session presented at the Tennessee Public Health Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
Peluso, A., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J. (2018, April 4). Dual Method Use in a Sample of College-Aged Women. Oral session presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Baker, K., & Quinn, M. (2017, October 20). Exploring Adverse Childhood Experiences among Mothers and Daughters in South Central Appalachia. Paper session presented at the 2017 Southeastern ACEs Summit, Asheville, NC.
Peluso, A., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J. & Pagoto, S. (2017, April 12). Social Media Use and Indoor Tanning Behavior among College Students: Innovative Spaces to Integrate Public Health Messages. Poster session presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Ariyo, O.,Baker, K., Peluso, A., & Florence, L.C. (2016, April 7). Supporting the Case for a Maternal Social Media Campaign to Reduce Indoor Tanning among Teenage Girls. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Peluso, A., Baker, K., Peterson, A., & Pagoto, S. (2016, April 7). Social Media Use among Public High Schools in Tennessee: Potential Platforms for Parent-Based Health Campaigns. Poster session presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Masters, J., Baker, K., Housenick, M., Florence, C., & Hillhouse, J. J. (2015, April 9). Indoor Tanning and Substance Use in a Sample of College-Aged Males. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Freeland C., Baker K., Dean R., Masters J., Patel H., Polaha J., & Bishop T. (2015, April 9). Perceptions of interprofessional education through the eyes of students: a thematic analysis. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Dean R., Baker, K., Smith, C., Petgrave, D., Rowe, C., Schetzina, K., & Polaha, J. (2015, April 9). Implementation of the Family Check-Up: Reach and Adoption in Primary Care. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.*
Brooks, B., Dean, R., Petgrave, D., Rowe, C., Smith, C., Polaha, J., Schetzina, K., & Baker, K. (2015). Implementation and adoption of the family check-up in a pediatric setting. Poster presentation at the 10th annual Primary Care and Prevention Research Day, Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee.*
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Scaglione, N., Florence, C., & Housenick, M. (2013, April 4). A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mother-Daughter Intervention to Reduce Teen Skin Cancer Risk. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Florence, C., Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Stapleton, J., & Housenick, M. (2013, April 4). The Association Between Perceived Stress and Tanning Dependency in Young Women. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Housenick, M., Baker, K., & Hillhouse, J.J. (2013, April 4). Descriptive Statistics of Male Tanning in a Local Sample. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Musick, J., Forrester, A., Green, L., Jones, R., Proctor-Williams, K., & Baker, K. (2013, April 4). Interprofessional Education and Faculty Attitudes. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Scaglione, N., & Lawson, C. (2012, April 5). Like Mother, Like Daughter: Maternal Influences on Teen Tanning. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Scott, C., Quinn, M., Alamian, A., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., & Baker, K. (2012, April 5). Prevalence and Sociodemograpic Correlates of Indoor Tanning Among Female Teens in the United States. Poster session presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Lawson, C., Baker, K., & Hillhouse, J. (2012, April 5). Maternal Tanning Influences Daughters’ Perceived Attractiveness and Intentions to Tan. Poster session presented at Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Odame, E., Baker, K., & Hillhouse, J. (2012, April 5). Peer Influences on Teen Tanning. Poster session presented at the Appalachian Students Research Forum, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Shields, A., Jain, S., & Longacre, I. (2011, March 24). A Dual Process Model of Pathological Tanning Behavior. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Pagoto, S., & Turrisi, R. (2010, April 8). Understanding Access and Descriptive Norms to Improve Skin Cancer Interventions. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
*student authorship/contribution
Title: Contraceptive Use and Pregnancy: A Longitudinal Study of the SCI (Women’s Longitudinal Study)
Date: March 2017 – February 2023
Principal Investigators: Amal Khoury and Nathan Hale
Role: Project Lead
Objectives: To perform a comprehensive evaluation of the South Carolina Choose Well Initiative – a statewide, multi-component, multi-level intervention, seeking to address the multiple barriers to effective contraception, with the goal of increasing the uptake of effective contraception among South Carolinian women, leading to reductions in unintended pregnancy, births and abortions, and corresponding savings in health care costs.
Title: Likes Pins and Views: Engaging Moms on Teen Indoor Tanning Thru Social Media
Date: June 2015 – May 2020
Awarding Number and Funding: National Cancer Institute, R01-CA192652-01A1; $3,301,527
Principal Investigators: David Buller, PhD & Sherry Pagoto, PhD
Role: Co-Investigator
Objectives: To develop and implement a social media campaign for mothers that includes theory-based messages advocating that adolescent girls avoid indoor tanning; and to evaluate the effectiveness of the social media campaign at impacting mothers’ and daughters’ orientations toward indoor tanning as well as increasing the number of mothers who support complete bans on indoor tanning by minors.
Title: Exploring Reproductive Health Attitudes, Beliefs, and Experiences among Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Northeast Tennessee
Date: July 2018-June 2019
Funder: ETSU RDC
Role: Principal Investigator
Objectives: To explore attitudes, beliefs, and experiences around reproductive health and health care among lesbian and bisexual (LB) women using semi-structured interviews; and to utilize a pilot survey instrument to establish baseline data on LB women’s reproductive health attitudes, beliefs, and experiences in a regional sample.
Title: Exploring Spheres of Silence Surrounding Cervical Cancer Communication in Appalachian Tennessee
Date: November 2016 - June 2017
Funder: ETSU RDC
Role: Principal Investigator
Objectives: To identify new approaches to reduce the cervical cancer disparities experienced by Appalachian women, the following aim by exploring women’s willingness to share their cervical cancer stories using focus groups.
Title: Maternal & Child Health: Biology, Behaviors and Environment – Resilience to Poor Health Outcomes Symposium
Date: July 2016 – June 2017
Awarding Institution and Funding: East Tennessee State University Research Develop Committee (RDC) Interdisciplinary Grant Program; $26,646
Principal Investigator: Claudia Kozinetz, PhD, MPH
Role: Co-Investigator
Objectives: To highlight and present research methods and results on maternal and child health, encourage multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary scientific discussions among symposia participants, facilitate the development of robust and productive research collaboration and learning across disciplines, sectors, initiatives and communities, and initiate the development of a sustainable maternal and child research agenda.
Title: Exploring Adverse Childhood Experiences among Mothers and Daughters in South Central Appalachia
Date: February 2016 – June 2016
Awarding Institution and Funding: East Tennessee State University Research Develop Committee (RDC) Small Grant Program; $1,500
Role: Principal Investigator
Co-Investigator: Megan Quinn, DrPH
Objectives: To employ descriptive epidemiology techniques to establish baseline distribution of ACEs and assess correlations between mother's and daughter's ACE scores and reports, albeit in a pilot sample and to utilize qualitative data collection methodologies in an effort to understand the impact of ACEs on mother-daughter communication.
Title: The Family Check-Up: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach Improving Public Health through Pediatric Primary Care
Date: July 2014 – June 2015
Awarding Institution and Funding: East Tennessee State University Research Development Committee (RDC) Interdisciplinary Grant Program; $49,443
Principal Investigator: Jodi Polaha, PhD
Role: Co-Investigator
Objectives: To demonstrate the utility of the Family Check-Up in a pediatric primary care setting using a well-known Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) framework known as RE-AIM. Outcomes to be measured include the pilot program’s reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance.
Title: Supplement to promote diversity in health-related research
Date: August 2011 – May 2013
Award Number and Funding: National Cancer Institute, R01-CA134891-02S1; $127,341
Principal Investigator: Joel J. Hillhouse, PhD
Roles: Project Manager; Research Trainee (75% effort)
- To examine the feasibility, fidelity and dosage of a parent-based skin cancer prevention intervention directed at female teenagers and their mothers by conducting a small pilot study (n = 50 dyads) that evaluates recruitment and retention strategies, and whether the mothers read and understand the intervention materials and present the material to their teenage daughters; and
- To modify and further develop the parent-based intervention using quantitative and qualitative feedback collected using multiple methodologies (i.e., surveys, focus groups, etc.) with the mothers and teens.
Title: An appearance-based intervention to reduce teen skin cancer risk
Date: July 2010 – June 2014
Award Number and Funding: National Cancer Institute, R01-CA134891-02; $2,720,000
Principal Investigator: Joel J. Hillhouse, PhD
Roles: July 2010 – May 2013 – Project Manager; Research Assistant (25% effort)
July 2013 – June 2014 – Co-Investigator (10% effort)
- To investigate the short-term and long-term efficacy of a web-based, appearance-focused intervention directed at a nationally representative sample of high school women with a goal of reducing indoor tanning intentions, frequency, and the overall percentage of users while increasing sun protective behavior;
- To identify subgroups for whom the intervention is more effective versus less effective; and
- To examine mediation processes by which the intervention influences skin cancer risk constructs and subsequent behavior.
Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Contribution: DrPH Curriculum Revision
Committee 2019
East Tennessee State University, College of Public Health
Presidential Grant-In-Aid 2019
East Tennessee State University Office of the Provost
Inaugural Faculty in Interprofessional Education 2019
East Tennessee State University Interprofessional Education and Research
Public Official of the Year Award 2017
National Association of Social Workers, Tennessee Chapter, Northeast Branch
Notable Women of ETSU Award Recipient 2016
East Tennessee State University Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Johnson City,
40 Under Forty Award Recipient 2015
The Business Journal of the Tri-Cities TN/VA, Johnson City, TN
CORE Champion Outstanding Young Alumni Award 2015
Greeneville City Schools Education Foundation, Greeneville, TN
Outstanding DrPH Student 2013
East Tennessee State University, College of Public Health, Department of Community
& Behavioral Health
First Place Award, Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN 2013
Poster Presentation: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mother-Daughter Intervention
to Reduce Teen Skin Cancer Risk
T.J. Wu Memorial Student Research Scholarship 2012
East Tennessee State University, College of Public Health
First Place Award, Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN 2012
Oral Presentation: Like Mother, Like Daughter: Maternal Influences on Teen Tanning
First Place Award, Summit on Cancer in Tennessee, Franklin, TN 2011
Poster Presentation: Skin Cancer Prevention in Young Women: Evaluating a Measure of
Pathological Tanning
ASPIRE Appalachia Scholarship Award 2011
East Tennessee State University, College of Public Health
First Place Award, Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN 2011
Poster Presentation: A Dual Process Model of Pathological Tanning Behavior
Outstanding DrPH Student 2010
East Tennessee State University, College of Public Health, Department of Community
& Behavioral Health
James H. Quillen Graduate Scholarship Award 2010-2011
East Tennessee State University, School of Graduate Studies
Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) Travel Award 2010
East Tennessee State University, School of Graduate Studies
20th Annual Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference Intern 2010
"What Works Good, Better, Best in Health Promotion," Hilton Head, SC
Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society Inductee, Upsilon Chapter 2009
APHA Maternal & Child Health Student Fellowship 2008-2010
Sonny Callahan Scholarship Recipient 2008
University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Public Health
UAB Maternal & Child Health Training Grant Recipient 2007-2009
First Annual MCH Leadership Retreat: Leadership, Legacy and Community, Chicago, IL
President's Award Recipient 2007
Furman University, Greenville, SC
Furman University Advantage Internship Scholarship 2006
Director, Camp Discovery, Greenville Family Partnership, Greenville, SC
Furman Founders Scholarship Recipient 2003-2007
Furman University, Greenville, SC
Niswonger Foundation Scholarship Recipient 2003-2009
Niswonger Foundation, Greeneville, TN
Member of the College of Public Health DrPH Curriculum Revision Committee (2017-present)
President, Delta Omega Public Health Honors Society, ETSU Alpha Pi Chapter (2016-present)
Member of the Department of Community & Behavioral Health MPH Admissions Committee (2013-present)
Member of the Prescription Drug Abuse Working Group (2013-2016)
Chair of the College of Public Health Faculty Council (2013-2016)
Member of the 50/60/50 Celebration Planning Committee (Fall 2015)
Member of the College of Public Health Student Council (2010); Student Council President (2011)
Co-Creator and facilitator of the DrPH Workshop Series (2009 – 2011)
Co-Creator and facilitator of bi-annual DrPH Feedback Sessions (2009 – 2011)
Faculty/Group Moderator, IPE Distance Experience (2019 – 2020)
Moderator, CVD Appalachia Conference, Johnson City, TN (August 30, 2018)
Member of the East Tennessee State University Campus Institutional Review Board Standing Committee (2014-present)
Member of the Interprofessional Education Committee (IPEC), East Tennessee State University Academic Health Sciences Center (2012-present)
Faculty Judge, Appalachian Student Research Forum, East Tennessee State University (2014-present)
Chair of Behringer Interprofessional Education Scholarship Fund review committee (Fall 2014)
Chair of the Interprofessional Education and Research Committee (IPERC), East Tennessee State University Academic Health Sciences Center (July 2014 – Dec 2015)
East Tennessee State University Faculty Senator (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014)
Member of the Academic Health Sciences Task Force, “ETSU 125” Visioning Process (Fall 2012)
Academic Health Sciences Center Inter-Professional Education Conference Attendee (January 2011)
Remote Area Medical (RAM) Clinic Volunteer (November 2019)
Vice President, Board of Directors, A Step Ahead Foundation – Tri Cities (Fall 2018-present)
Greeneville City Schools Education Foundation CORE Champions Award Banquet Keynote Speaker (April 2016)
Johnson City/Washington County (TN) Family Justice Center Partner (2015-2017)
Washington County Health Council Member (Washington County, TN; 2015-2017)
Grant development consultant, Red Legacy Recovery & Boys & Girls Club of Elizabethton/Carter County (Fall 2015)
tnAchieves Mentor (Washington County, TN; 2014 – 2015)
Niswonger Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee Member (November 2010; 2017)
County Commissioner, Washington County, TN (2014-2017)
Co-Founder, What’s HERstory?, Shakti in the Mountains Resource Center, Johnson City, TN (Spring 2014)
Board Member of Evidence Based Addiction Medicine High Point Clinic, Johnson City, TN (2014-2015)
Tennessee Cancer Coalition, “Lifestyle and the Environment” Resource Committee Chair (2012-2013), Northeast Region Melanoma/Skin Cancer Sub-Committee Chair (2011-2013)
Co-Founder and Co-Facilitator, Women’s Energy Workshop Series, a partnership between The Amazing Woman Foundation and Shakti in the Mountains Women’s Resource Center, Johnson City, TN (May 2012)
American Public Health Association, Maternal & Child Health Section, Communications Chair, Section Councilor (2010-2016)
External grant reviewer, PSI Foundation (Fall 2013)
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Adolescent Health
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and Research
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Health Education & Behavior
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Health Communications
Ad-hoc Reviewer, JAMA Dermatology
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Body Image
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Ad-hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Health Behavior
Ad-hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Annals of Behavioral Medicine
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal
Ad-hoc Reviewer, Biomed Research International
Founding Member of the Board of Associate Editors, Ad-hoc Reviewer, Health Behavior and Policy Review
Hiking and camping, community/public service, gardening, yoga, women's empowerment