MINUTES: Graduate Council ‑ June 19, 2000 ‑ 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room
ATTENDEES: Antkiewicz, Brown, Caton, Champney, Ellis, Green, Herrin, Honaker, Lindahl, Pike, Pfeiffer, Scheuerman, Smith, Taylor
ABSENT: Alavi, Hoover, Kasmai, Osborn, Norris, Vaughn, Woodruff
GUESTS: Anderson, Scherer, Marks
I. MINUTES of May 8, 2000 Council Meeting
Action Taken by Council: Approved
A. College of Nursing.
1. Family/Community Nursing ‑ two new dual‑listed courses:
FCNU 4807/5807 ‑ Global Health Issues
FCNU 4907/5907 ‑ International Primary Health Care Practicum
Action Taken by Council: Approved and forwarded to the
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for approval of under-
graduate classes.
2. Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing ‑ one new graduate course
PMNU 5303 ‑ Psychopharmacology
Action Taken by Council: Approved
B. College of Education - Special Education ‑ Graduate Curriculum Proposal. Proposal combines two concentrations into one and makes changes in course work to better fit the new concentration.
1. Format C ‑ Establishment of a Concentration within an Existing Major (1)
Masters of Education ‑ Special Education
2. Format E ‑ Inactivation of a Concentration (2)
Special Education, Modified Concentration
Special Education, Comprehensive Concentration
3. Eleven (11) New courses (4 dual‑listed and 7 graduate)
SPED 4477/5477 ‑ Special Education Assessment
SPED 4487/5487 ‑ Collaboration with Families, Agencies and Schools
SPED 4497/5497 ‑ Curriculum in Special Education
SPED 4757/5757 ‑ Curriculum‑Based Assessment
SPED 5365 ‑ Integrating Functional Skills into the Curriculum
SPED 5410 ‑ Preclinical Experience: Behavior Management
SPED 5445 ‑ Incorporating Assistive Technology into the Curriculum
SPED 5700 ‑ Instructional Techniques for the Inclusive Classroom
SPED 5725 ‑ Management Strategies for Severe Behaviors
SPED 5750 ‑ Transition to Adult Life and the World of Work for Individuals with
SPED 5825 ‑ Preclinical Experience in Curriculum
4. Twelve (12) Deleted courses (6 dual‑listed and 5 graduate)
SPED 4317/5317 ‑ Physical and Multiple Disabilities
SPED 4457/5457 ‑ Assessment in Special Education II: Laboratory and Field Experience
SPED 5230 ‑ Integration of the Special Child in the Regular Classroom
SPED 4327/5327 ‑ Functional Skill Instruction for the Developmentally Disabled
SPED 4337/5337 ‑ Management of Severe Behavioral Disabilities
SPED 4347/5347 ‑ Vocational Preparation for Individuals with Disabilities
SPED 4437/5437 ‑ Medical Aspects of Developmental Disabilities
SPED 5002 ‑ Development of Instructional and Behavioral Interventions
SPED 5003 ‑ Development of SPED Delivery Systems
SPED 5240 ‑ Curriculum for Students with Mild Disabilities
SPED 5245 ‑ Consultation, Collaboration, and Teaming
SPED 5523 ‑ Curriculum‑Based Assessment
Action Taken by Council: Approved with submission of the Library
Adequacy Report, grading scale to include plus, minus grades in SPED 4487/5487, and a complete catalog description to be included in the final version of the ACatalog Copy @ section of each new course proposal. Dual listed courses with have 4xxx7 proposals for new courses forwarded to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for approval.
C. College of Public and Allied Health - Communicative Disorders
1. Format F ‑ Modification of Graduation Policy (non‑thesis option)
2. Six (6) Graduate course changes (all electives)
CDIS 5260 ‑ Intervention Issues (increase credit, 2 to 3)
CDIS 5270 ‑ Augmentative Communication (increase credit, 2 to 3)
CDIS 5320 ‑ Auditory Processing Disorders (increase credit, 2 to 3)
CDIS 5330 ‑ Speech Perception (increase credit, 2 to 3)
CDIS 5340 ‑ Audiology Clinical Practice Management (increase credit, 2 to 3)
3. Three (3) Graduate course deletions (all electives)
CDIS 5250 ‑ CDIS in Infant/Toddler Populations
CDIS 5280 ‑ Professional Issues in Speech‑Language Path
CDIS 5350 ‑ Professional Issues: Audiology
4. Minor curriculum modification – allow students to enroll for 3-6 credits of thesis rather than the current 3 credits.
Action Taken by Council: Approved with a change in wording to accept the national board exam (ASHA) as the comprehensive exam and retain case
presentation requirement, allow 3-6 credits of Thesis, and include a proposed catalog description in the final version of the course proposal.
A. Applicants for New Appointment:
1. Castle, Jackie, PhD, Assistant Professor in Adult Nursing, recommended for
2. Chase, Patricia, PhD, Associate Professor in Communicative Disorders,
recommended for Full.
3. Humpf, Dorothy Anne, PhD, Assistant Professor in Sociology/Anthropology,
recommended for Associate.
4. May, Barbara, PhD, Assistant Professor in Roles/Mental Health Nursing,
recommended for Associate.
5. Thomas, Neil, PhD, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, recommended for
B. Applicants for Reappointment:
1. Chua, Balvin H. L., PhD, Professor in Geriatrics, Associate expired 001,
recommended for Full.
2. MacKay, Louise, PhD, Associate Professor in Educational Leadership and
Policy Analysis, Associate expired 001, recommended Full.
3. Macnee, Carol, PhD, Associate Professor in Family/Community Nursing,
Associate expired 001, recommended for Full.
4. McConnell, Peggy, MN, Assistant Professor in Adult Nursing, Interim expires
002, recommended for Interim (lack of terminal degree).
5. Moon, Melissa, PhD, Assistant Professor in Criminal Justice, Associate
expires 003, recommended for Full.
6. Pike, Lee, PhD, Professor in Biological Sciences, Full expired 993,
recommended for Full.
1. ETD Submission - Dr. Brown informed council members that at the recommendation of the library the ETD project has recommended a date for making electronic submission of theses and dissertations mandatory for fall 2000. The new policy would be effective January 1, 2001. Dr. Champney made the following motion for approval of the council:
Effective January 1, 2001, all theses and dissertations will be
required to be submitted electronically to the School of Graduate
Action Taken by Council: Approved
2. Editorial Course Description Changes for 2001-2002 Catalogs - Steve Honaker distributed approved editorial changes from the last meeting for council information.
3. The next meeting of the council will be September 25, 2000.
Scott Champney, Chair