MINUTES: Graduate Council – May 21, 2001,  1:15 p.m., Meeting Room 6 – DP Culp

ATTENDEES:  Brown, Champney, Ellis, Honaker, Hoover, Kasmai, Lindahl, Pike, Scheuerman, Smith, and Taylor


ABSENT: Alavi, Antkiewicz, Green, Herrin, Thompson, Pfeiffer, Gooley, Woodruff

GUEST:    Lowrey, Sluss, Tedesco

GRADUATE COUNCIL AGENDA - Monday, 5/21/01, 1:15 p.m. - MR 6, DP CULP -


I.  Minutes 4/16/01


                        Action taken by Council:  Approved


II.  Curriculum Sub-Committee - Wes Brown, spokesperson


A.        College of Education/Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis.

1.        Delete ELPA 6170 – School Principalship

2.        Delete ELPA 6740 – Current Educational Controversies

3.        Delete ELPA 6840 – Current Trends in School Finance and Law

Action taken by Council:  Approved


4.        New Course ELPA 6453 – Ethics for School Leaders – 3 credits - Recommended revised course description This seminar develops an in-depth understanding of ethical theories and ideas through study of the historical development of ethical thought, consideration of current ethical decision-making, and analysis of ethical dilemmas faced by educational leaders.  It requires self-examination of personal views, beliefs, values, and reflection on the impact of those thoughts on personal leadership development.


Action taken by Council:  Approved with revised course description.


B.        College of Arts and Sciences/Department of Communication.


1.  New Course in Theater- THEA 4867/5867 - Summer Theater     Performance. 3 Credits. Recommended with the following contingencies: Needs transcript title of proper length; Catalog description uses undergraduate number; Evaluation

requirements for graduate students need to be listed separately and use the additional requirements already listed (as # 11) in the syllabi for graduate students.


2.     New Course in Theater- THEA 4647/5647 –

Theater Architecture and Design. 3 Credits. Recommended with the following contingencies: Section II of the ETSU form needs part D completed and a corrected complete catalog description; the syllabus needs complete information of the assignments for the course, particularly the required projects; please include publishing information on the required text on the syllabus; revise the graduate grade scale to account for grades from 60 to 73.4.


Action taken by Council:  Deferred


C.        College of Arts and Sciences/Department of Music.


1.  New Course - MUSC 4617/5617 Teaching Beginning Piano 3 Credits.

2.  New Course - MUSC 4627/5627 Teaching Intermediate Piano 3 Credits.

3.  New Course - MUSC 4637/5637 Piano Pedagogy Practicum 1



Action taken by Council:  Graduate courses approved.  Forwarded to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for action on undergraduate courses.


D.        College of Education/ Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

1.  New Course - READ 5200 - Contemporary Issues in



            Action taken by Council:  Approved


E.  College of Nursing/Department of Professional Roles and Mental Health Nursing


1.  New Course - PMNU 5110/6110 - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Bioethical Issues. 3 Credits. Recommended with the Bioethics Assignments sheet provided separately to be

included in the syllabus.


Action taken by Council:  Approved with suggested addition of Bioethics assignment sheet included in the syllabus.     


E.        College of Education/Department of Human Development and Learning (Early Childhood)


1.  New Course - ECED 4357/5357 - Technology and Media in Inclusive Early Childhood Ed. 3 Credits. Recommended with the following contingencies: Need revised transcript title;

Need response to part I. of Section II of the ETSU form.


Action taken by Council:  Approved with suggested changes.  Forwarded to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for action on the undergraduate course.


2.        Format C - Substantive curriculum modification M. Ed. Early Childhood General Concentration.



Action taken by Council:  Approved with minor revisions in curriculum and minor corrections.


3.        Format C - Substantive curriculum modification M.A. Early Childhood Education.


Action taken by Council:  Approved with minor revisions in curriculum and minor corrections.


F) School of Continuing Studies/Division of Cross-Disciplinary Studies


1.        New Course - AVST 5310 - Archival History and Issues 3 Credits

2.        New Course - AVST 5311 - Archives Theory and Practice 3 Credits

3.        New Course - AVST 5312 - Conservation 3 Credits

4.        New Course - AVST 5570 - Archival Practicum 1-3 Credits


Action taken by Council:  Approved with amended course descriptions and syllabus revision for AVST 5570.


5.        Format C - Establish concentration in Archival Studies in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies.


Action taken by Council:  Approved with suggested changes to include clarification to curriculum; approval forms; and library statement.


6.  Format B - Establish certificate in Archival Studies.


            Action taken by Council:  Approved


III.  Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee – Pat Smith, spokesperson


For reappointment:


1.  Blaustein, Richard, PhD, Professor in Sociology/Anthropology, full

expired 011, recommended for Full.


2.  Braswell, Michael C., PhD, Professor in Criminal Justice, Full

expires 013, deferred.  Committee needs section VI.I and VIII. of

application for re-appointment (involvement in graduate program, and

scholarly research)


3.  Broeder, Craig, PhD, Associate Professor in PEXS, Full expired 011,

recommended for Full.


4.  Burdick, Kent M., MA, Instructor in Geography, interim expires 013,

recommended for Interim.  Lack of terminal degree.


5.  Burkette, Gary D., PhD, Associate Professor in Accountancy, Associate

expired 011, recommended for Full.


6.  Cantrell, Peggy, PhD., Professor in Psychology, Full expires 013,

recommended for Full.


7.  Cudebec, Kim, MA, Adjunct in HDAL, interim expires 013, recommended

for Interim.  Lack of Terminal Degree.


8.  Funk, Bobby, MFA, Associate Professor in Communication/Theatre,

Associate expires 013, recommended for Full.


9.  Gotterbarn, Donald W., PhD, Professor in Computer and Information

Sciences, Full expired 011, recommended for Full.


10. Gunter, Charles R., MA, Associate Professor in Geography, Interim

expires 013, recommended for Interim.  Lack of Terminal Degree.


11. Harris, Styron, PhD, Professor in English, Full expired 011,

recommended for Full.


12. Hillhouse, Joel, PhD., Associate Professor in Psychology, Full

expired 011, recommended for Full.


13. Isbell, Rebecca G., EdD, Professor in Early Childhood, Full expired

011, recommended for Full.


14. Kady, Ismail O., PhD, Associate Professor in Chemistry, Associate

expired 011, recommended for Full.


15. Kerley, Lyndell M., PhD, Professor in Math, Full expired 011,

recommended for Associate.


16. Kinser, Amber, PhD, Assistant Professor in Communication, Associate

expired 011, recommended for Associate.


17. Marrs, Bonnie S., PhD, Assistant Professor in Public Health, Full

expired 011, recommended for Associate.


18. Mays, Russell O., EdD, Assistant Professor in ELPA, Associate expired

011, recommended for Full.


19. McDowell, Timothy D., PhD, Associate Professor in Biological

Sciences, Associate expired 011, recommended for Associate.


20. Miller, Larry S., PhD, Professor in CJCR, Full expires 013,

recommended for Full.


21. Noe, Colleen., PhD, Adjunct in Communicative Disorders, Associate

expired 011, recommended for Associate.


22. Peplies, Robert W., PhD, Professor in Geography, Full expired 011,

recommended for Full.


23. Pleasant, James C., PhD, Professor Emeritus in Computer and

Information Sciences, Full expires 012, recommended for Full.


24. Price, Robert M., PhD, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Associate

expired 011, recommended for Associate.


25. Reed, Delanna, MA, Instructor in CUAI, Interim expires 013,

recommended for Interim.  Lack of terminal degree.


26. Robertson, Joe Leonard, PhD, Professor in Biological Sciences, Full

expires 012, recommended for Associate.


27. Sikora, Vincent A., JD/LLM, Associate Professor in Environmental

Health, Associate expires 013, recommended for Full


28. Slatton, Ralph, MFA, Associate Professor in Art, Full expires 012,

recommended for Full


29. Stanton, Paul E., MD, Professor in ELPA, Full expires 011,

recommended for Full.


30. Williams, A. Lynn, PhD, Associate Professor in Communicative

Disorders, Full expires 013, recommended for Full


31. Wilson, Richard H., PhD, Professor of Surgery, Full expires 021,

recommended for Associate.


32. Zahorik, Pamela, PhD, Associate Professor in Family Medicine,

Associate expires 013, recommended for Associate.


Action taken by Council:  Approved 31 graduate faculty reappointments; deferred one (1) for additional information.



33. Stewart, James R., PhD, Adjunct in Biological Sciences, deferred to

Dean Brown for clarification.


Dr. Brown informed Council members that Dr. Stewart was a retired faculty member who works voluntarily in the Department of Biological Sciences.  He teaches and serves on graduate committees.  After discussion from the Council, it was recommended that Dr. Stewart be reappointed to full graduate faculty status in the Department of Biological Sciences because of his active research, publications, and involvement with graduate teaching and graduate student supervision.


                        Action taken by Council:  Approved



IV.  New Business  - None


V.   Old Business -  Steve Honaker distributed copies of the new                                                           2001/2002 Graduate Catalog.


VI.  Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.




Scott Champney, Chair