MINUTES: Graduate Council – June 17, 2002, 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room – DP Culp

ATTENDEES:  Bitter, Brown, Champney, Herrin, Lindahl, Osborn, Pike, Lane, Scheuerman, Smith, Taylor


ABSENT: Antkiewicz, Caton, Green, Ellis, Greer, Hoover, Kasmai, Norris-Thompson, Pfeiffer, Woodruff


I.  Approval of Minutes – April 29, 2002


                        Action taken by Council:  Approved.


II. Graduate Curriculum Sub-Committee – Lee Pike, Chair


A.     College of Public & Allied Health – Communicative Disorders

1.          Modifications in admission and graduation requirements for the M.S. in Communicative Disorders (minor changes, Format F) to include requiring the GRE and eliminating PRAXIS. 


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


B.     Curriculum changes for the M.S. in Communicative Disorders – Add four new Courses:

1.          CDIS 5010 Neuro Bases of Communicative Disorders, 3


2.  CDIS 5275 Dysphagia Lab, 1 credit

3.          CDIS 5285 Voice Lab, 1 credit

4.          CDIS 5295 Counseling in Communicative Disorders, 3 credits


Action taken by Council:  Approved.



C.     Communicative Disorders - One Course Modification:

1.          CDIS 5030 Fluency Disorders, 1 credit


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


D.     College of Education – Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis – One new course:

1.          ELPA 6874 Distance Education, 3 credits


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


E.      College of Education – Human Development and Learning

1.          Additional of a new concentration (Higher Education) to the M.A. in Counseling


Action taken by Council:  Withdrawn at department’s request.


F.      College of Education – Human Development and Learning – Two new Courses:

1.          HDAL 5721 Trends and Issues in Higher Education, 3 credits

2.          HDAL 5722 Student Development and the College Environment, 3 credits


Action taken by Council:      Approved.


G.     College of Education – Changes in the School Counseling Concentration of the M.A. Counseling:

1.          HDAL 5400 will be removed from the core curriculum.

2.          HDAL 5561 will be added to the core curriculum.


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


H.     College of Education- HDAL – One Modified Course:

1.          HDAL 5010 Principles & Administration of School Counseling and Consultation Services, 3 credits


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


III.  Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee – Ron Lindahl, Chair


A.  New Appointments:


1.          Sally Blowers, Adult Nursing, recommended for Associate.

2.          Cheryl Cornett, Technology, recommended for Associate.

3.          Pamela Evanshen, Human Development & Learning, recommended for Associate.

4.          Lawrence Shotland, Communicative Disorders, recommended for Associate.


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


B. Reappointments:


1.          David Chi, Internal Medicine, Full expired 023, recommend Full membership.

2.          Jim Florence, Public Health, Associate expired 013,recommend Full membership.

3.          Michael Foley, Physical Therapy, Associate expired 021, recommend Associate membership.

4.          Dennis Hamm, Criminal Justice, Interim expires 023, recommend Interim membership.

5.          Thomas Holmes, English, Associate expired 021, recommend Associate membership.

6.          Vida Hull, Art and Design, Full expires 023, recommend Associate.

7.          Guha Krishnaswamy, Internal Medicine, Associate expired 013, recommend Associate membership.

8.          Thomas Kwasigroch, Anatomy & Cell Biology, Associate expired 011, recommend Associate membership.

9.          Theresa Lloyd, English, Associate expired 021, recommend Associate membership.

10.      Peggy McConnell, Adult Nursing, Interim expires 022, recommend Interim membership.

11.      Peter Panus, Physical Therapy, Associate expires 023, recommend Full membership.

12.      Michael Sinensky, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Full expired 021, recommend Full membership.

13.      Michael Smith, Art and Design, Full expires 023, recommend Full membership.

14.      Kay Stewart, Nursing, Interim expired 021, recommend Interim membership.

15.      Jennie Walls, Family/Community Nursing, Interim expired 021, recommend Interim membership.

16.      Carla Warner, Cross Disciplinary Studies, Associate expires 023, recommend Associate membership.

17.      Katherine Willock, Family/Community Nursing, Associate expired 013, recommend Associate membership.


Action taken by Council:          Approved.

C. Dr. Brown expressed thanks to Drs. Lindahl and Green for

         their service to Graduate Council and two subcommittees and

         wished them well in their new positions.


IV.              Old Business


A. Graduate Faculty Policy and Form Modification – Ron Lindahl,spokesperson


            The revised Guidelines for Graduate Faculty Appointments and related form were proposed for approval.


Dr. Herrin will add language to the policy under temporary appointment section to accommodate the creation of the new temporary graduate faculty appointment/reappointment form.


            Dr. Lindhal suggested that the form be distributed to Chairs and Coordinators.


            Action taken by Council:      Approved and forwarded to

                                    Academic Council.



V.                 New Business


The next meeting of the Graduate Council will be September 30, 2002.




Signed Minutes on File in Graduate School


Scott Champney, Chair