Graduate Council – Minutes
East Tennessee State University
March 31, 2008 1:15pm
President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall
Attendees: Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Stacy Brown, Dr. Scott W. Champney, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon,
Dr. Mark E. Ellis, Dr. Helene K. Halverson, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh,
Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Robert E. Sawyer, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul Trogen
Absent: Dr. Judith Anderson, Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Wayne Gillespie,
Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Ms. Jenny Reed,
Dr. Jasmine Renner, Dr. Phillip R. Scheuerman, Ms. Chantelle Vernon, Dr. Michael Woodruff
The Curriculum Sub-Committee did not have any action items for the month of March.
The graduate faculty subcommittee met on March 10, 2008 and recommends approval of the following new applications for graduate faculty status:
Applicant Department Recommendation
1. Campbell, Sharon E. Internal medicine associate
2. Gloeckler, Lissy HDAL associate
3. Hayes, Tammy Communications interim
4. Silver, Ken ENVH full
5. Stewart-Glenn, Jennifer FCNU interim
6. Vanhook, Patricia PMNU associate
7. Zhu, Meng-Yang Pharm. Full
Action taken by council: Approved
The graduate faculty subcommittee met on March 10, 2008 and recommends approval of the following re-applications for graduate faculty status:
Applicant Department Present Status Recommend
1. Alsop, Fred BIOL full full
2. Halvorson, Helene SOWK associate associate
3. Hamdy, Ronald Internal medicine full full
4. Henson, Gary Physics, Astr.&Geol associate associate
5. Hipple, Steb Econ. & Finance associate associate
6. Ho, Chu-Ngi CHEM associate associate
7. Hurwitz, Rhona CUAI associate associate
8. Kelly, Edward ELPA associate returned for clarification 9. Langenbrunner, Mary HDAL associate associate
10. Melendez, Eliz, Jane CUAI associate associate
11. Miller, Hugh, III BIOL associate associate
12. Mozen, Diane KLSS associate associate
13. Shafer, Melissa Com/Theater associate associate
14. Sobel, Joseph CUAI associate full
15. Roh, Chul-Young PUBH associate full
16. Shemwell, Don MGMT & MRKT full full
17. Swinehart, Kerry Dean MGMT & MRKT associate associate
18. Tarnoff, Karen MGMT & MRKT associate associate
19. Ume-Nwagbo, Pearl FCNU interim interim
20. Whitson, Marian CJCR associate associate
Please note one application (Edward Kelly) was returned to the department for further clarification.
Action taken by council: Approved
Dr. Gillespie was able to attend; therefore, Dr. Cecilia McIntosh gave a brief update. All the award committees are meeting and the final results should be completed by April 1 and information distributed to council members by April 7, 2008. The council members will be notified by email of the award recipients.
Dr. McIntosh reported that all of the award committees are meeting and the final results should be completed by April 1. The council members will be notified by email of the award recipients.
The awards ceremony will be April 25 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Millennium Center and will be an afternoon tea setting. The Millennium Center was chosen due to the fact there are more students being awarded in the category of Graduate Student Teaching, Quillen Scholarships, Research Grants, and Outstanding Dissertation, Thesis, and Capstone Projects this year. There are over thirty Quillen Scholarship awardees and sixteen Research Grants recipients. The award winners will be notified along with their nominator or committee chair and the award winners will be invited to bring a one guest. Also, the President Stanton and the Graduate Council members are invited. Dr. McIntosh has notified Mr. Jim Sledge, ETSU photographer, of the event so that photographs will be taken. Dr. Dixon suggested placing the awards event on the ETSU calendar and contacting the University Relations department. Dr. McIntosh will work with Dr. Gillespie and University Relations to contact local newspapers. Dr. Gillespie will be asked to emcee and a small one page program will be printed to be handed out.