Upper East Tennessee Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Upper East Tennessee Council of Teachers of Mathematics is an organization for anyone involved in mathematics education from preschool through college in the greater Tri-Cities region. We meet several afternoons a year in various locations across the region.
Meetings for 2024-25
Meetings begin with refreshments and informal networking at 4:00, followed by announcements and a brief business meeting, then sessions for all levels concluding at 6:00.
Tuesday, August 27, John Sevier Middle School, 1200 Wateree St., Kingsport
Saturday, October 5, 8:30-11:30 AM, Workshop with Jon SanGiovanni, Kingsport City Schools Administrative Support Center, 400 Clinchfield St. $30 for members, $50 for non-members. Flyer and registration form
Tuesday, January 28 (virtual hosted by Tusculum University) -- details will be announced in a newsletter
Tuesday, March 11, Daniel Boone High School, 1440 Suncrest Dr., Gray
You can now access this page by going to www.uetctm.org.
Join us!
Membership application for 2024-25
Current school year newsletters will appear here.
Newsletters from previous years (2003-2024) have been moved to this archive site.The site should open up in a new window.
Officers for 2024-25:
President: Peggy Rochelle, Tusculum University, prochelle@tusculum.edu
Past President: Rob Cantor, Washington County Schools, Cantorr@wcde.org
President-Elect: Scott LaVoie, Washington County Schools, lavois@wcde.org
Secretary: Sunshine Light, Kingsport City Schools, slight@k12k.com
Treasurer: Julie Tester, Kingsport City Schools, jtester@k12k.com
Webmaster: Daryl Stephens, East Tennessee State University, stephen@etsu.edu
List of UETCTM Presidents from 1985 to present
UETCTM Constitution (PDF)
Organizations we are affiliated with:
Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association (TMTA)
TMTA hosts an annual conference on a Friday and Saturday in early fall each year. The 2024 conference was on September 27 and 28 at the University of Tennessee, Martin. The 2025 conference will be at Pellissippi State Community College's Hardin Valley Campus in Knoxville, September 26-27. Link to conference information pageTentative future locations are Austin Peay State University in 2026, University of Memphis in 2027, and ETSU in 2028.
UETCTM hosted the 2011 TMTA conference on September 23-24 at ETSU, and was a co-host for the 2018 conference at the Walters State Community College Sevierville Campus.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
NCTM is the parent organization of TMTA and UETCTM. NCTM holds several in-person and virtual conferences a year. The next conference will be February 5-7, 2025, in Kansas City, MO.
NCTM conference information is found here.
Nearby Regional NCTM Affiliates:
Southwest Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics. They hold a Saturday morning conference in late September or early October in places such as Abingdon, Bristol, or Wise.
Smoky Mountain Mathematics Education Association -- based out of the Knoxville area, this group is in the process of reconstituting itself.
Last update January 29, 2025