Contemporary-Pop A Cappella, Arranger/Conductor, Vocal Percussionist, Thomas Richardson is a native of Tennessee and received both his BM in vocal music education and Master of Arts in Teaching at East Tennessee State University. During his time at ETSU, Thomas participated in the ETSU Chorale, Bucsworth, Chamber Ensemble, and founded Ascension. Under his leadership, the group placed multiple times in ICCA competition and Thomas was awarded both an outstanding arrangement award and an outstanding vocal percussionist award. Ascension has completed 2 tours, 3 studio recorded EP’s, collaborative concerts with both Harmonic Notion (Vanderbilt) and the G-Men(Michigan).
Thomas Has been featured in Acamania’s competition highlight podcast with a particular focus upon the foundations of arranging with intent, encompassing how vocal percussion, choreography, and correct use of your specific singers range can create success when thought of in conjunction to the arrangement process. He has also collaborated with professional group Right On Key, based out of the Orlando area.
Thomas is actively pursuing a teaching career as well as continuing to arrange and performing a cappella music in various competitions.”