Additional Contact Information: Phone:
Office & Lab: 423-439-4767
Fax: 423-439-2017 Location:
Office: B135 Stanton-Gerber Hall
Lab: B205 Stanton-Gerber Hall |
B.S. in Bioengineering - University of Illinois-UrbanaPh.D. in Biochemistry - The Ohio State University
- Mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and neurodegenerative diseases
- RNAi screening using C. elegans nematodes to identify genes mediating aging-induced mitochondrial dysfunction
- Metabolic therapies with select amino acids, ketone bodies, and citric acid cycle intermediates for the treatment of aging-associated disorders
Pubmed Link to PublicationsSELECTED PUBLICATIONS
Delic, V., Brownlow, M., Joly-Amado, A., Zivkovic, S., Noble, K., Phan, T., Ta, Y.,
Zhang, Y., Bell, S.D., Kurien, C., Reynes, C., Morgan, D., and Bradshaw, P.C. (2015)
Calorie restriction does not restore brain mitochondrial function in P301L tau mice,
but it does decrease mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
ONeal-Moffitt, G., Delic, V., Bradshaw, P.C., and Olcese J. (2015) The role of membrane
receptors in mediating the neuroprotective effects of melatonin in an APPswe/PS1 mouse
model of Alzheimers disease Molecular Neurodegeneration 10:27.
Edwards, C., Copes, N., and Bradshaw, P.C. (2015) D--hydroxybutyrate: an anti-aging
ketone body Oncotarget 6(6):3477-3478.
Edwards, C., Canfield, J., Copes, N., Rehan, M., Lipps, D., Brunquell, J., Westerheide,
S.D., and Bradshaw, P.C. (2015) Mechanisms of amino acid-mediated lifespan extension
in Caenorhabditis elegans. BMC Genetics 16:8.
Edwards, C., Canfield, J., Copes, N., Rehan, M., Lipps, D., and Bradshaw, P.C. D-beta-hydroxybutyrate
extends lifespan in C. elegans. (2014) Aging (Albany, NY) 6(8) 621-44.
Edwards, C., Copes, N., Canfield, J., Brito, A., and Bradshaw, P.C.(2013)Malate and
fumarate extend lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS One 8(3):e58345.
Dragicevic, N., Delic, V., Cao, C., Copes, N., Lin, X., Mamcarz, M., Wang, L., Arendash,
G.W., and Bradshaw, P.C.(2012)Caffeine increases mitochondrial function and blocks
melatonin signaling to mitochondria in Alzheimers mice and cells. Neuropharmacol.
63(8) 1368-79.
Dragicevic, N., Smith, A., Lin, X., Yuan, F., Copes, N., Delic, V., Tan, J., Cao,
C., Shytle, R.D., and Bradshaw, P.C. (2011)Green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)
and other flavonoids reduce Alzheimers amyloid-induced mitochondrial dysfunction.
J. Alzheimers Dis. 26(3):507-21.
Dragicevic, N., Copes, N., ONeal-Moffitt, G, Jin, J., Buzzeo, R., Mamcarz, M., Tan,
J., Cao, C., Olcese, J.M. Arendash, G.W. and Bradshaw, P.C. (2011) Melatonin treatment
restores mitochondrial function in Alzheimers mice: A mitochondrial protective role
of melatonin membrane receptor signaling. J. Pineal. Res. 51:75-86.
DragicevicN., Mamcarz, M., Zhu, Y., Buzzeo, R., Tan, J., Arendash, G. A., and Bradshaw,
P.C.(2010) Mitochondrial amyloid- levels are associated with the extent of mitochondrial
dysfunction in different brain regions and the degree of cognitive impairment in Alzheimers
transgenic mice. J. Alzheimers Dis. 20 Suppl 2, S535-50.