Gift Options
Gifts to the ETSU James H. Quillen College of Medicine are made through the ETSU Foundation, which is the gift-receiving arm of the university. Gifts can be made in several ways. Listed below is an overview for your consideration.
For more information on making a gift to the College of Medicine, please contact:
Carol Sloan
Director of Development at Quillen College of Medicine Office of Institutional Advancement
(423) 439-6142
SHARES OF STOCK in publicly traded companies, can be given, and may have a real tax advantage to you by avoiding capital gains taxes for stock which has appreciated in value and has been owned by you for more than one year. Stock in closely held private companies may also be donated in some circumstances. The dollar amount of the gift of stock is the average of the high and low market value on the date of transfer to the ETSU Foundation. Generally, the tax deduction is for the current market value of the donated securities.
PLANNED GIFTS include bequests from a last will and testament, charitable remainder and lead trusts, charitable gift annuities, and other arrangements that may offer significant tax and estate planning advantages to you. (See "ETSU Foundation Establishes Gift Annuity Plus Program.")
LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES can offer a simple and cost-effective way to benefit the Quillen College of Medicine by naming the ETSU Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Your payments of the policy's premiums may also result in a tax-deductible gift to the foundation.
RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS can also name the ETSU Foundation as the beneficiary, and may serve to assist you with your tax and estate planning.
GIFTS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY such as books, jewelry, art, professional equipment, and other items may be given.
GIFTS OF REAL PROPERTY may be given to the ETSU Foundation, or utilized in a planned gift to the College of Medicine.