Student Council
The Student Council supports the mission of the College of Public Health in education,
research, and service through representing the needs and interests of the students
for those issues that transcend discipline-specific concerns; provides the avenue
for formal communication among the students of the College; may submit recommendations
to the Dean for action; and may call meetings of the students. The Student Council
will identify and develop its own operating procedures, protocols and related items.
Membership Structure
The Student Council shall represent the broad cross-section of students in the College, reflecting, where possible, both the diversity of academic disciplines and the levels of instruction in the College.
Terms of Membership
Students will serve for one year, with an option to be reappointed.
Specific Guidelines
Meetings, which may at the discretion of the Council include the Dean and/or the College Leadership Council, shall be held at least once a semester. The council may, by simple majority, choose to meet more or less frequently as needed. Minutes of all meetings will be kept and made available as requested. The President of the Student Council, or the Vice-President in the absence of the President, shall be invited to participate as a non-voting member of the college-wide meetings that are held for faculty and staff upon call of the Dean.)
Vice President
Head of Curriculum Committee
Public Relations