Olivia Luzzi

Olivia Luzzi
2017 Master of Public Health in Health Services Administration
Accreditation Specialist at The Council on Education for Public Health
"I believe that ETSU’s focus on practice, not only classroom instruction, really enabled me to hone in on soft skills that employers are looking for."
Question: Tell us about your current position.
As an Accreditation Specialist, I will manage the accreditation review process for different institutions of public health across the country, serve as on-site coordinator for accreditation site visits at universities across the US, edit and prepare sections of site visit team reports, assist with developing training materials and conducting training sessions, and many other office duties that assist the Executive and Deputy Directors.
Question: How did your education prepare you for the real world?
I believe that ETSU’s focus on practice, not only classroom instruction, really enabled me to hone in on soft skills that employers are looking for. The background knowledge that the classroom instruction was able to provide is a great stepping stone for the on-the-job training that I will receive once I begin my job with CEPH.
Along with the formal instruction, perhaps the most beneficial education that I received was with my work in the HSMP Department as a Graduate Assistant. My work with Dr. Beatty gave me opportunities that set me apart from other applicants, and ultimately aided in securing the position with CEPH. The work that I did for other professors also helped sculpt my skills through research, editing, qualitative data cleaning and analysis, and note-taking.
Question: What is something you wish you had known when you were a student?
As a Graduate Assistant in the College, I received incredibly helpful knowledge from, and a closeness with the faculty that unfortunately many other students do not have. I think that a mentorship program would be helpful to students who perhaps secure GA positions elsewhere in the University. I also think that even basic data analysis education would be exceedingly helpful for any position that any graduate accepts.
Any other thoughts?
The education, experience, and support that I received from ETSU went above and beyond anything I had imagined when I set out to complete a graduate degree. I cannot thank the faculty and staff enough for the tools they have given me to go out in the real world and inevitably make a difference in the public health arena. Leaving my Public Health Family here will be very difficult, but I have confidence that the relationships that I have made here will persevere.