Christian Williams

Christian Williams
2014 Doctor of Public Health in Community Health
2009 Master of Public Health in Public Health Administration
2007 Bachelor of Public Health in Community Health
Assistant Professor and Director of Public Health Program
College of Health Sciences & Nursing
Belmont University
"I cannot overstate the importance of networking and practice based experiences."
Question: How did your education prepare you for the real world?
The College of Public Health provided me with the theoretical foundation and practice based experience needed to be successful in the field. I knew that I wanted to go directly into practice and opportunities like the Academic Health Department allowed me to get the experience I needed.
Question: What is something you wish you had known when you were a student?
Utilize your professors and ask questions. They are experts in their respective areas and can offer valuable insight.
Any other thoughts?
I cannot overstate the importance of networking and practice based experiences. I would encourage all students to take advantage of every conference, meeting, and event that will allow them to meet and hear from experts in the field. Equally important is taking advantage of practice based experiences. This does not have to be limited to your field experience or classroom activities.