Robert P. Pack, PhD, MPH
Executive Vice Provost, ETSU
Director, ETSU/NORC Rural Health Equity Research Center
Director, ETSU Addiction Science Center
Co-Director, Opioids Research Consortium of Central Appalachia (ORCCA)
Professor of Community and Behavioral Health, ETSU College of Public Health
206 Dossett Hall
Fellowship: Emory University Rollins School of Public Health & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1997-1999.
Ph.D. Health Education and Health Promotion, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. 1998.
M.P.H. Health Behavior, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. 1994.
B.S. Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. 1991.
COBH 6250: Evidence Based Public Health
COBH 6210: Health Assessment and Surveillance Research
Substance use disorder prevention and treatment, rural health, Central Appalachian health, dissemination and implementation science.
Warfield, S, Pack, R, Degenhardt, L, Larney, S, Bharat, C, Ashrafioun, L, Bossarte, R (under review) The Next Wave? Mental Health Comorbidities and Patients with Substance Use Disorders in Under-Resourced and Rural Areas. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Melton, T, Brooks, B, Tudiver, F, Alamian, A, Foster, K, Arnold, J, Pack, R, Hagemeier, N, (under review) Primary Care Physicians' Opioid-Related Prevention Behaviors and Intentions: A Descriptive Analysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Salwan, A, Hagemeier, NE, Tudiver, F, Dowling-McClay, K, Foster, K, Arnold, J, Alamian, A, Pack, R (2020) Community Pharmacist Engagement in Opioid Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment Behaviors: A Descriptive Analysis. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. July 20. DOI:
Pack, R, Healton, C, Galea, S (2020) Maximizing public benefit from opioid settlement resources. Feb 8. Milbank Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12450
Mathis, SM, Hagemeier, N, Foster, KN, Baker, K & Pack, RP (2020) "It's took over this region": Patient perspectives of prescription drug abuse in Appalachia. Substance Use & Misuse. 55(1):37-47. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1654514.
Ventricelli DJ*, Mathis SM, Foster KN, Pack RP, Tudiver F, Hagemeier NE. (2020) Communication Experiences of DATA-Waivered Physicians
with Community Pharmacists: A Qualitative Study. Substance Use & Misuse. 55(3):349-357.
Mathis, S. M., Hagaman, A.*, Hagemeier, N., Baker, K. & Pack, R. P. (2020) Provider-patient communication about prescription drug abuse: A qualitative analysis of the perspective of prescribers. Substance Abuse. 41(1) 121-131. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2019.1635956.
Healton, C, Pack, RP, Galea, S (2019) The Opioid Crisis: Corporate Responsibility and Lessons Learned from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. JAMA. 2019 No 01. PMID: 31675054
Mamudu H, Namusisi K, Bazeyo W, Pack, RP Change in Knowledge of Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Health Workers in Uganda. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16(1).
Horn, KA, Pack, RP, Trestman, R, Lawson, G (2018). Almost everything we need to better serve children of the opioid crisis we learned in the 80s and 90s. Frontiers in Public Health, 6:289. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00289
Mathis, SM, Hagemeier, NE, Hagaman, A, Dreyzehner, J, Pack, RP (2018). A Dissemination and Implementation Science Approach to the Epidemic of Opioid Use Disorder in the United States. Current HIV/AIDS Reports. 15(5) 359-370. doi:10.1007/s11904-018-0409-9
Wykoff, RW, Pack, RP, Egen O*. (2018) The 12 P’s of the Opioid Epidemic. AJPH. 108, no. 9 (September 1, 2018): pp. 1124-1125. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304629
Moorman, JP, Krolikowski, MR, Mathis, SM, Pack, RP (2018) HIV/HCV Co-infection: Burden of disease and care strategies in Appalachia, Current HIV/AIDS Reports. doi: 10.1007/s11904-018-0404-1
Hagemeier NE, Tudiver F, Brewster S, Hagy EJ, Ratliff B, Hagaman A, Pack RP. (2017) Interprofessional Prescription Opioid Abuse Communication among Prescribers and Pharmacists: A Qualitative Analysis. Substance Abuse. Aug 11:1-6. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2017.1365803.
Brooks, B, Pack, RP, McBee, M, Alamian, A. (2017) The effects of rurality on substance use disorder diagnosis:
A multiple-groups latent class analysis. Addictive Behaviors. 68, 24-29.
doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.01.019
Pack, RP. Hagaman, A, Warfield*, S, Gray, JA, Tudiver, F, Alamian, A, Hagemeier, N (2016) Interprofessional Research, Training and Outreach: The ETSU Prescription Drug Abuse/Misuse Working Group. International Journal of Health Sciences Education 3(2); PMID: 28280749 Available at:
Hagemeier NE, Alamian A, Murawski MM, Pack RP, Flippin* H, Hagy* EJ. (2016) Correlates of Prescription Opioid Legitimacy Estimations among Community Pharmacists in Tennessee. Substance Use and Misuse. 2016; 51(6):692-9. doi: 10.3109/10826084.2015.1135952
Hagemeier NE, Tudiver, F, Brewster, S, Hagy, EJ, Hagaman, AM, Pack RP (2015) Prescription Drug Abuse Communication: A Qualitative Analysis of Prescriber and Pharmacist Perceptions and Behaviors. Research in Social &Administrative Pharmacy. Dec 29. pii: S1551-7411(15)00282-X.DOI:10.1016/j.sapharm.2015.12.008.
Hagemeier, N, Alamian, A, Murawski, M, Pack, RP (2015) Predictors of Addiction Treatment Information Provision by Community Pharmacists. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment; May;52:67- 72. DOI:10.1016/j.jsat.2014.11.006. Epub 2014 Nov 21
Southerland, J,*, Slawson, D, Pack, R, Sorensen, S, Lyness, JM, Hirsch, J (2015). Trait Hope and Preparation for Future Care Needs among Older Adult Primary Care Patients. Clinical Gerontologist. Mar 1;39(2):117-126. DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2015.1120254.
Wykoff, RF, Khoury, A, Stoots, JM, Pack, RP (2015). Undergraduate Training in Public Health Should Prepare Graduates for the Workforce. Frontiers in Public Health. 2:285. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2014.00285
Stoots, JM, Wykoff, RF, Khoury, A, Pack, RP (2015). An Undergraduate Curriculum In Public Health Benchmarked to the Needs of the Workforce. Frontiers in Public Health; 3:12. doi:10.3389.fpubh.2015.00012.
Hagemeier, N, Alamian, A, Murawski, M, Pack, RP (2014) Factors Associated with Addiction Treatment Information Provision by Community Pharmacists. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Nov 21. pii: S0740-5472(14)00231-1. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2014.11.006
Hagemeier, N, Murawski, M, Lopez*, NC, Alamian, A & Pack, RP (2014). Theoretical exploration of community pharmacists' perceptions regarding opioid pain reliever abuse communication Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 10(3) 562-575.
Brooks, B, Blackley, D, Masters, P, May, S, Mayes, S, Williams, C, Pack, RP, (2014) Developing an Academic Health Department in Northeast Tennessee: A Sustainable Approach Through Student Leadership. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. May/June; 20(3): 315-323.
Southerland, J, Wang, L, Richards, K, Pack, RP, Slawson, DL (2013). Misperceptions of overweight: Associations of weight misperception with health- related quality of life among normal weight adults attending a central Appalachian university. Public Health Reports Nov-Dec; 128(6):562-8.
Hagemeier, N, Murawski, M, Alamian, A & Pack, RP (2013). Community Pharmacists' Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Opioid Pain Reliever Abuse. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy Aug 24. pii: S1551-7411.
Hagemeier, NE, Gray, JA & Pack, RP (2013). Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescriber and Pharmacist Perspectives. Substance Use and Misuse 48(9), 761-768.
Pack, RP, Li, X, Stanton, B, Cottrel, L, (2011) Psychosocial Correlates of Dual Contraceptive Use in Urban Adolescents. ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 2011 Article ID: 469610, 7 pages.
White, R, Zullig, KJ, Lander, L, Shockley, C, Pack, RP, Sullivan, CR (2011). Preliminary results of the West Virginia Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline. Health Promotion Practice. Sept 13 2011 epub ahead of print.
Arvelo, W, Blum, LS, Nahar, N, von Seidlein, L, Nahar, L, Pack, RP, Brooks, AW, Pach, A, Breiman, RF, Luby, SP, Ram, PK (2011). Community Perceptions of Bloody Diarrhoea in the Urban Slum of Kamalapur, Bangladesh: Implications for Introduction of a Shigella Vaccine. Epidemiol. Infect. 139, 599–605.
Zullig, KJ, Lander, L, White, RJ, Sullivan, CR, Shockley, C, Dong, L, Pack, RP, Surber Fedis, T (2010) Preliminary Evaluation of the WV Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline. West Virginia Medical Journal 106, 4, 38-46.
Martin, BC, Stoots, JM, Pack, RP, Wykoff, RF, Dreyzehner, JJ (2010) Potential approaches to address the undergraduate public health training needs for working professionals: A case study of one rural area. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 16(2), 128-133.
Lanier, MM, Pack, RP & Akers, TA (2010) Epidemiologic Criminology: Drug use among gang members. Journal of Correctional Health Care. 16:6-16
Pendleton S, Stanton, B, Cottrell, L, Marshall, S, Harris, C, Pack, R, Burns, J, Gibson, C, Wu, L, Li, X (2007) Teens in the twenty-first century still prefer people over machines. Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention for Children and Youth. 8(2): 95-115.
Chen, X, Stanton, B, von Seidlein, L, Nyamette, N, Pach, A, Kaljee, L, Pack, RP, Clemens, J, Youlang, D, Mao, R (2006). Differences in Perception of Dysentery and Enteric Fever and Willingness to Receive Vaccines Among Rural Residents in China Vaccine 24(5):561-71
Pack, RP, Wang, Y, Singh, A, von Seidlein, L, Pach, A, Kaljee, L, Butraporn, P, Youlong, G, Blum, L, Bhutta, Z, Santoso, T, Nyamete, A, Clemens, J, Stanton, B (2006). Willingness to be vaccinated against shigella and other forms of dysentery: a multisite comparison of three regions in Asia. Vaccine 24(4):485-94.
Stanton, B, Harris, C, Cottrell, L, Li, X, Gibson, C, Guo, J, Pack, RP, Galbraith, J, Pendleton, S, Wu, Y, Marshall, S (2006) Trial of an urban adolescent risk reduction program for rural youth: An imperfect fit. Journal of Adolescent Health. 38(1):55
Stanton, B, Guo, J, Cottrell, L, Galbraith, J, Li, X, Gibson, C, Pack, R, Cole, M, Marshall, Harris, C (2005) The complex business of adapting effective interventions to new populations: an urban to rural transfer Journal of Adolescent Health 37(163):17-26.
Pack, RP, Krishnamurthy, G, Cottrell L, Stanton BF, D'Alessandri, D, Burns, J (2005) Caregiver predictors of adolescent inhalant abuse in rural Appalachia. American Journal of Health Behavior; 29(4):331-341.
Robertson, A, Baird-Thomas, C, St. Lawrence, JS & Pack, RP (2005) Predictors of Infection with Chlamydia or Gonorrhea in Incarcerated Adolescents.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Feb;32(2):115-22
ASPPH Task Force on Public Health Initiatives to Address the Opioid Crisis. Bringing Science to Bear on Opioids. Published November 2019.
Florence, J, Pack, RP, Southerland, J, Wykoff, RF. (2012) The depth of rural health disparities in America: the ABCDE's. In Wendel and Crosby, (eds.) Handbook of Rural Health.
Pack, RP & Bernier, R. (2017). Exclusive interview on the opioid crisis: An interview with Robert Pack. The Epidemiology Monitor. November 2017. (
Pack, RP (2010). Alarmingly High: Prescription Drug Abuse in Appalachia. Now & Then: the Appalachian Magazine. July 2010.SELECTED PRESENTATIONS, POSTERS AND PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS
Pack, RP, Hagaman, A, McCaffrey, A (2018). A university-community response to the opioid epidemic. Roanoke Anti-Drug Coalition. August 28 2018.
Pack, RP, Hagaman, A, McCaffrey, A (2018). A university-community response to the opioid epidemic. American Association of Medical Colleges. Address to the USPHS Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) at the national award ceremony. June 22 2018.
Pack, RP, Kiviniemi, M & Mackenzie, S (2018). Keynote address: Liberal Education and Professional Education Approaches to Undergraduate Training in Public Health. ASPPH National Meeting. March 7 2018.
Pack, RP (2018). Intersections: Finding answers in collaboration with communities. Eastern Virginia Medical School. February 5 2018.
Foster KN, Hagemeier NE, Alamian A, Pack, RP, Sevak RJ. "Don't be afraid...we're researchers!": The impact of informal contact language on response rates and patterns of response. American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Annual Conference. Austin, Texas; May 13, 2016.
Brewster S, Tudiver F, Hagy E, Hagaman A, Pack RP, Hagemeier NE (2016). Prescriber and Pharmacist Prescription Drug Abuse Communication Perceptions and Communicative Behaviors: A Qualitative Analysis. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC; March 4-7, 2016.
Sevak RJ, Foster KN, Alamian AA, Pack RP, Hagemeier NE (2015). An Assessment of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants Among Tennessee Community College Students Using The Theory of Planned Behavior. Presented at American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, LA; December 7, 2015.
Hagemeier NE, Tudiver FT, Brewster S, Hagy EJ, Hagaman A, Pack RP. (2015) Prescriber and Dispenser Prescription Drug Abuse Communication and Prescribing/Dispensing
Behaviors: A Qualitative Analysis. Presented at North American Primary Care Research
Group Annual Meeting, Cancun, MX; October
27, 2015.
Sevak RJ, Brooks B, Gray JA, Alamian A, Hagemeier NE, Pack RP (2015). Yearly trends in controlled substances obtained via permanent drug donation boxes in Northeast Tennessee. Presented at College on Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL; April 2015.
Hagemeier NE, Alamian A, Murawski MM, Pack RP, Flippin, H, Hagy, EJ (2015). Correlates of Prescription Opioid Legitimacy Estimations among Community Pharmacists in Tennessee. Presented at College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ; June 16, 2015.
Apatu E.,J., Gregg E., C., Hillhouse, J. Wang, L., Pack, RP, (2014). Employment Status and Social Stakeholders Perceptions during the 2009 Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami. Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu Hawaii, May 28-31, 2014.
Southerland J, Slawson D, Hirsch J, Pack RP, Lyness J, Sörensen S. (2013). The Will and the way: The role of goal-directed behavior in future care planning among older adults. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Charlotte, NC.
Bossarte, RM, Pack, RP, He, H, Kaukeinen, K (2011) Pathways to Prescription Drug Misuse Among Adolescents. APHA 2011, Washington DC.
Zullig, KJ, Pack, RP, Sullivan, CR, Lander, L, Shockley, C, White, R, Laton, A, & Hobbs, G (2010). Preliminary results of the West Virginia Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline. 2010 AAPHERD National Conference and Exposition; March 16-20 2010, Indianapolis.
Pack, RP. Criminology and Public Health: Toward Common Ground. Invited talk for EPI 1892XX: Epidemiologic Criminiology. APHA 2008; San Diego 2008.
Pack, RP & Cooper, EA. Mechanisms for prescription drug abuse in Appalachia: Preliminary data from inpatient prescription drug abusers. APHA 2008; San Diego 2008.
Pack, RP (2007) Sampling, Estimation and Research Methods. WVU Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry Annual Scholarship Retreat, Snowshoe Resort, WV. August 24-26 2007
Pack, RP (2007) Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention in Rural Appalachia. National Association of Welfare Research and Statistics. Charleston WV. August 19-22 2007.
Pack, R.P., Roberts, E.G., Cooper, E.P., Manzo, K.S. Mechanisms of prescription drug abuse in Appalachia: Preliminary data from 30 inpatient prescription drug abusers "Piecing the Appalachian Experience: Celebrating a Region". Maryville College, Maryville, TN. March 23-25, 2007.
Pack, RP (2017). Keynote address: Intersections: Finding answers in collaboration with communities. Virginia Rural Health Association. October 25, 2017. South Boston VA.
Pack, RP (2017). Panelist. Empowering Appalachia: Preventing HIV through Harm Reduction. Panel organized by the ETSU Alternative Breaks organization. October 26, 2017.
Pack, RP (2017). Panelist. Opioid Use Disorder. Panel organized by the ETSU Quillen School of Medicine, American Medical Student Association. October 17 2017.
Pack, RP, Kiviniemi, M & Mackenzie, S (2017). Liberal Education and Professional Education Approaches to Undergraduate Training in Public Health. ASPPH Webinar. August 22 2017.
Pack, RP (2017). System-level approaches to the opioid use disorder epidemic. Briefing for the US Congress as a part of a panel of Appalachian experts on substance abuse. June 19 2017. Washington DC.
Pack, RP (2017). Lessons learned a decade into the opioid epidemic. Synthetic Narcotic and Opioid Abuse Prevention Seminar. May 23, 2017. Wise VA
Pack, RP (2017). Panelist. Ethical Considerations Concerning Methadone and Suboxone Treatments. ETSU Social Work Professional Development Conference. April 14, 2017.
Pack, RP, Hagaman, A, Hagemeier, N (2017). Forum hosts: Tennessee State Task Force on Opioids. Hosted nine Tennessee State legislators at this event. March 20, 2017.
Pack, RP (2016) Opioid Use in Tennessee: Lessons Learned. Presented at the Southern Opioid Epidemic: Crafting an Effective Public Health Response Symposium, Emory University, December 19-20.
Pack, RP (2016). Prescription Drug Abuse a Decade into the Epidemic: Lessons learned in Tennessee. Virginia Rural Health Association, October 15 2016.
Pack, RP & Mathis, SA (2016). Substance use disorder in central Appalachia: Challenges for cultural competency. Culture and Health: Professional Competence in the 21st Century, Sept 15 2016. Johnson City, TN.
Pack, RP (2016). Prescription Drug Abuse a Decade into the Epidemic: Lessons learned in Tennessee. Association of State & Territorial Health Officers Integration Forum Workforce Committee, August 18 2016. Webinar.
Pack, RP (2016). Prescription Drug Abuse a Decade into the Epidemic: Lessons learned in Tennessee. West Virginia University School of Medicine, July 12 2016.
Pack, RP & Loyd, S (2014) Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemiology and Prevention Efforts at ETSU. Presentation to the Tennessee Senate Health and Welfare Committee, February.
Stoots, JM & Pack, RP (2013) Undergraduate Education at ETSU: the anti-MOOC. ASPPH Associate Deans Summer Meeting, June 20, Clearwater FL & ASPPH Undergraduate Summit, Nov 4, Boston MA & .
Pack, RP & Hagemeier, N (2013) Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Efforts at ETSU; Appalachian US Attorney's Summit on Prescription Drug Abuse, Sept.25. Johnson City, TN.
Pack, RP & Masters, P (2013). Workforce Development in Tennessee: Lessons Learned. ETSU College of Public Health Grand Rounds.
Pack, RP (2010-2014) Prescription Drug Abuse in Appalachia. Dozens of community audiences, such as:
- Northeast Tennessee Counselors Association (2010)
- Tennessee Public Health Association (2011)
- Kiwanis, Elizabethton TN (2011)
- Kiwanis, Bristol TN (2012)
- Alliance for Continued Learning (2012)
- AppNET Physicians (2013, 2014)
- Rotary, Greeneville TN (2013)
- Rotary, Johnson City TN (2014)
- Quillen Rural Track Kickoff (2014)
Pack, RP (2011). Workforce Development in Tennessee: Lessons Learned. WVU School of Public Health
Pack, RP (2009-14) Prescription Drug Abuse.
- ETSU Gatton College of Pharmacy; Non-medicinal drug use.
- ETSU Quillen College of Medicine; Grand Rounds for Internal Medicine.
- ETSU Center for Appalachian Studies; classes in Appalachian Studies.
- ETSU College of Public Heath Grand Rounds.
Ongoing Research Support:
Health Resources and Services Administration, Federal Office of Rural Health Programs,
Rural Health Research Centers Program.
Project title: Center for Substance Misuse in Rural America.
Role: PI/Program Director. 25% annual effort allocation.
1R24DA051973-01 07/15/20-06/01/25
National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Project Title: Studies to Advance Recovery Supports (STARS) in Central Appalachia.
Role: MPI with Kimberly Horn (Virginia Tech/Carilion). 20% annual effort allocation.
PCORI 12663-VPISU 04/01/19-10/31/20
Eugene Washington Community Engagement Award
Project Title: Opioids Research Consortium of Central Appalachia (the ORCCA).
Role: Co-PI with Kimberly Horn (Virginia Tech/Carilion). 10% annual effort allocation.
Completed Research and Other Support
Principal U.S. Partner (Elizeus Rutebemberwa PI; Makerere University) Uganda
Project 5- 450: mHealth for TB-Tobacco: An approach to reduce tobacco use among TB
patients. National Academy of Sciences/US Agency for International Development. Partnerships
for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER Program).
Robert Pack (PI) 2013-2018
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
The ETSU Diversity-promoting Institutions Drug Abuse Research Program (DIDARP): Inter-professional
Communication for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention in Appalachia.
It is a grant for a 5-year research infrastructure development program while performing
the three research projects listed below. Grant Number 1R24DA036409-01.
- Project 1: Health Care Provider Communication and Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse. Co-Investigator (Dr. Nick Hagemeier, PI). Project period: June 15 2013 - March 31 2018.
- Project 2: Patient-provider Communication to Prevention Prescription Drug Abuse. Principal Investigator. Project period: June 15 2013 - March 31 2018.
- Project 3: Analysis of Controlled Substance Donations via DEA-sanctioned Drug Take Back Events and Drug Donation Boxed in Central Appalachia. (Dr. Jeff Gray, PI). Project period: June 15 2013 - March 31 2015.
Robert Pack (PI) 2010-2015
Health Research Services Administration (HRSA)
Public Health Training Center.
This is a five-year award for a statewide Public Health Training Center aimed at workforce
development in the State of Tennessee.
Grant Number: UB6HP20186. Project period: Sept 2010-August 2014. $3,249,999 -
direct costs. Co-Investigator (3%; R. Sevak, PI)
Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among Tennessee community college students:
An evaluation using the theory of planned behavior
This project is funded to evaluate the theory of planned behavior as a tool for understanding
prescription stimulant misuse among community college students. Tennessee Board of
Regents. Direct Costs: $39,999 (no IDC). Submitted January 2015, funding announcement
April 2015. Grant period is July 2015-June 2016.
Robert Pack (PI) 2012-2013
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Tennessee Public Health Traineeships. This is a one-year Public Health Traineeship
aimed at environmental health and epidemiology workforce development in the State
of Tennessee. Project period: Sept 2012-August 2013. $6,000.
Robert Pack (PI & Co-I) 10/2008-06/2010
State of Tennessee
Coordinated School Health Evaluation
This was a six year (2004-2010) evaluation of a state-wide Coordinated School Health
effort (adopted role of PI upon a faculty departure; assigned PI to faculty after
one year). $2,031,304 - direct costs. Specific roles: PI July 2008-July 2009; Co-I
July 2009-June 2010.
Robert Pack (PI) 10/2007-2/2008
State of West Virginia
Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline
This was a three year project to develop implement and evaluate a prescription drug
abuse hotline in the Central Appalachian region. $1,000,000 - direct and indirect
costs (relinquished role as PI upon move to Tennessee).
Robert Pack (PI) 2/2006-10/2007
West Virginia Attorney General's Office
Community and Family-Based Initiative to Combat Prescription Drug Abuse and Intervention
This study investigates the prevalence of prescription drug abuse in selected West
Virginia counties and explores the mechanisms through which these drugs get into the
community. $200,000 - direct and indirect costs.
Spending time with my family, playing soccer, backcountry adventure motorcycle touring, and exploring the arts, culture and recreational resources of the Central Appalachian highlands region.