Deborah L. Quesenberry, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.N. (formerly Slawson)
DrPH Program Coordinator
Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Lamb Hall 458
The University of Memphis, Ph.D.
Major Area: Educational Research, Methodology, & Evaluation
Memphis State University, M.S.
Major Areas: Dietetics and Research
Memphis State University, B.S.
Undergraduate Major: Dietetics
11/90-Present Registered Dietitian, American Dietetic Association
Registry number 718024
6/92-Present Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist, State of Tennessee
License number 591
7/18-Present Professor
Chair, Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Coordinator, Doctor of Public Health Program
Senior Member, Graduate Faculty
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
9/12-7/18 Associate Professor
Chair, Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Coordinator, Doctor of Public Health Program
Senior Member, Graduate Faculty
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
1/12-8/12 Assistant Professor
Interim Chair, Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Coordinator, Doctor of Public Health Program
Associate Member, Graduate Faculty
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
7/09-12/11 Assistant Professor
Coordinator, Doctor of Public Health Program
Associate Member, Graduate Faculty
Department of Community and Behavioral Health
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
8/10-12/11 Assistant Professor
Associate Member, Graduate Faculty
Department of Community and Behavioral Health
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
8/07-7/10 Assistant Professor
Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics
Associate Member, Graduate Faculty
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
East Tennessee State University
3/08-5/11 Consultant, Office of Research and Evaluation
Memphis City School District, Tennessee
3/07-7/08 Consultant, Q-Source Healthcare Quality Improvement Organization
Memphis, Tennessee
1/07-7/07 Coordinator, Office of Coordinated School Health
Memphis City School District, Tennessee
6/06 – 1/07 Research Associate Professor
Center for Research in Educational Policy
The University of Memphis
9/94-5/07 Affiliate Faculty, Department of Health and Sport Sciences,
Clinical Nutrition Internship Program, The University of Memphis
12/99-5/07 Consultant, Center for Community Health
The University of Memphis
2/97-7/07 Consultant, Catholic Diocese Schools
Memphis, Tennessee
10/03–7/07 Consultant, Children's Foundation Research Center
The University of Tennessee, Memphis
12/99-5/06 Evaluator, Office of Research and Evaluation
Memphis City School District
12/93-12/99 Nutrition Coordinator, Prevention Center
The University of Memphis
12/91-12/93 Nutrition Interventionist, The Prevention Center
The University of Tennessee, Memphis
6/90-12/91 Clinical Dietitian, Methodist Hospital Central
Memphis, Tennessee
Department of Community and Behavioral Health: East Tennessee State University College of Public Health
PUBH/COBH 1010: Lifetime Behaviors for Healthy Living
PUBH/COBH 3500: Consumer Health Education
PUBH/COBH 4377/5377: Health Communication
PUBH/COBH 4607/5607: Gerontology and Health
PUBH/COBH 5200: Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health
PUBH/COBH 6110: Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health and Disease
PUBH/COBH 6150: Evaluation Research in Public Health
PUBH/COBH 6210: Health Assessment and Surveillance Research
Family and Consumer Sciences Department: East Tennessee State University College of Business and Technology
FACS 2420: Principles of Nutrition
FACS 3430: Community Nutrition
FACS 4427/5427: Diet in Disease I
FACS 4437/5437: Diet in Disease II
Consumer Science and Education Department: The University of Memphis College of Education
CSED 2202: Nutrition
CSED 4802: Experimental Foods Laboratory
Educational Psychology and Research: The University of Memphis College of Education
EDPR 4541: Fundamentals of Applied Statistical Methods
EDPR 7523: Applied Educational Research
School-based health promotionEnergy balance and obesity in adolescence
- American Public Health Association
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- American School Health Association
- National Rural Health Association
- Rural Health Association of Tennessee
- Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Tri-Cities District Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Dean's Special Recognition Award for service on the College of Public Health DrPH Curricular Revision Committee, 2019.
- Dean's Special Recognition Award for service on the College of Public Health Culture of Change Work Group, 2017.
- Excellence in Teaching Award from the East Tennessee State University College of Public Health, 2014-2015
- Invited Reviewer, Tennessee Board of Regents Diversity Research Grant Program, 2010-2011
- Member, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
- Nominee for the Excellence in Teaching Award from the East Tennessee State University College of Business and Technology, 2008-2009
- Recipient of the ADA Foundation's Mary Swartz Rose Graduate Fellowship for 1998-1999
- Emerging Dietetic Leader Award, Tennessee Dietetic Association, Memphis District Dietetic Association, 1996-1997
- Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, Memphis District Dietetic Association, 1992-1993
1) Source: National Heart. Lung, and Blood InstituteP.I.: Robert C. Klesges, Ph.D.
Title: Biobehavioral Determinants of Obesity in White and Black Women
Role on project: Project Coordinator
Dates and costs of entire project: 10/01/95-06/30/00; $3,134,688
Specific aims of project: To evaluate the major components of the energy balance equation (viz., changes in dietary intake, physical activity, and resting energy expenditure), prospectively in a biracial cohort of adult women.
2) Source: National Heart. Lung, and Blood Institute
P.I.: Linda H. Clemens, Ed.D., R.D.
Title: The Accuracy of Self-Reported Dietary Intake in Women
Role on project: Project Coordinator
Dates and costs of entire project: 07/30/97-06/30/01; $998,848.
Specific aims of project: 1) To compare the effect of two levels of diet record training on the accuracy of self-reported total energy intake by comparing energy expenditure (measured by doubly-labeled water) and self-reports of intake; and 2) to compare the effect of two levels of diet record training on the accuracy of self-reported macronutrient intake by comparing direct observation and self-reports of intake; and 3) to assess the interactive effects of body mass, race, and dietary restraint status on the accuracy of self-reports of dietary intake.
3) Source: National Heart. Lung, and Blood Institute
P.I.: Robert C. Klesges, Ph.D.
Title: Decreasing Weight Gain in African-American Preadolescent Girls
Role on project: Co-investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 08/01/99-06/01/02; $1,838,707.
Specific aims of project: To plan and evaluate a lifestyle intervention program for African-American girls that addresses potentially modifiable social and behavioral determinants of weight change, while being specific to contextual variables (e.g. cultural, familial and developmental factors) in order to promote healthy weight gain in this population.
4) Source: State of Tennessee Department of Education
Director: Betty B. Hurt
Title: Extended Contract Program for Providing Extended Learning Time
Role on project: Evaluator
Dates and cost of entire project: 09/01/02-06/30/03; $3,309,892
Specific aims of project: To provide academic intervention and enrichment opportunities during extended day programs for students identified as being academically at-risk.
5) Source: National Heart. Lung, and Blood Institute
P.I.: Robert C. Klesges, Ph.D.
Title: Decreasing Weight Gain in African-American Preadolescent Girls Phase 2
Role on project: Co-investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 12/01/02-11/30/06; $4,469,460.
Specific aims of project: To conduct a full-scale, two-year, randomized controlled clinical trial for weight gain prevention among high-risk, African -American girls and evaluate its efficacy on the endpoints of body mass index, dietary intake, physical activity, and psychosocial variables.
6) Source: State of Tennessee Department of Education
P.I.: Deborah L. Slawson, Ph.D., R.D.
Title: Tennessee Coordinated School Health Evaluation
Role on project: Principal Investigator
Dates and cost of entire project: 07/01/05-06/30/10; $2,081,304
Specific aims of project: To evaluate the fidelity of implementation and the effectiveness of the Tennessee Coordinated School Health Initiative in all participating school districts in the state.
7) Source: Tennessee Center for Diabetes Prevention and Health Improvement
P.I.: Karen E. Schetzina, M.D., M.P.H.
Title: Combating Child Obesity and Diabetes in Northeast Tennessee: Winning
with Wellness
Role on project: Co-investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 8/1/07-7/31/08; $143,839.
Specific aims of project: To develop regional partnerships between health care professionals, educators, and community organizations and leaders to develop, implement, and evaluate educational modules and environmental/policy change toolkits for diabetes risk reduction in elementary and middle schools.
8) Source: East Tennessee State University Research Development Committee
P.I.: Deborah L. Slawson, Ph.D., R.D.
Title: Role of foods fortified with iron, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber in improving
elementary school-aged children's behavioral outcomes
Role on project: Principal Investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 7/1/08-6/30/09; $7,404.
Specific aims of project: To identify a relationship between dietary intakes of foods fortified with omega-3 fatty acids and iron and behavioral indices of disruptive behavior and ADHD among elementary-aged children; assess palatability and acceptance of food products fortified with enriched cereal products and flax seed flour among elementary school children; determine whether teachers' perceptions of the severity and/or frequency of student behavioral concerns moderate following a pattern of students' consistent consumption of the new menu items; evaluate whether the inclusion of modified foods leads to changes in students' meal participation rates at breakfast and/or at lunch, with a focus on the financial impact on school cafeterias following the incorporation of fortified foods into the meal plans offered.
9) Source: Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of
P.I.: Deborah L. Slawson, Ph.D., R.D.
Title: College Students as Facilitators to Reduce Adolescent Obesity Disparity
Role on project: Principal Investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 4/8/11-11/30/14; $972,890.
Specific aims of project: To develop a peer-based health education program focusing on establishing positive peer norms and supportive peer relationships toward healthy eating and physical activity among high school students; to test the efficacy of the program and ; to explore the mechanisms underlying the program.
10) Source: Tennessee Board of Regents
P.I.: Deborah L. Slawson, Ph.D., R.D.
Title: Boundaries and Bridges to Adolescent Obesity Prevention: Identifying Parental
Engagement Strategies in High Schools in Southern Appalachia
Role on project: Principal Investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 6/1/2013-5/31/2014; $59,071.
Specific aims of project: Using a community-based participatory research approach, focus groups were conducted with parents/guardians of adolescents in area high schools and with school personnel (school administrators, teachers, staff, and Coordinated School Health Coordinators) to assess the following: (1) mechanisms to engage parents/guardians more effectively on adolescent health issues; and (2) perspectives on the role, function, and responsibilities of both the parent/guardian and the school as it relates to adolescent obesity prevention.
11) Source: University of Georgia Research Foundation: United States Department of
Agriculture Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
Graduate Student Grant
P.I.: Rachel Ward, M.P.H., Dr.P.H.(c)
Title: Examining the impact of Farmers' Market Perceptions of their Roles on Local
Farm Economics and Food Access
Role on project: Major Professor
Dates and costs of entire project: 9/1/2013-8/31/2014; $6,479.
Specific aims of project: The purpose of this project was to evaluate how farmers' market managers' (managers) perceptions of their roles influence 1) business opportunities for small- and moderate-size farms and 2) access to healthful food for low-income households. The specific aims of this study follow: Aim 1: Examine associations between managers' perceptions of being facilitators of business opportunities for small- and moderate-size farms and farmers' market vendor recruitment, sales, and customer counts. Aim 2: Examine associations between managers' perceptions of being promoters of healthful foods and farmers' market Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Electronic Benefit Transfer (SNAP/EBD) availability and participation.
12) Source: Tennessee Department of Health
P.I.: Paula Masters, MPH
Title: Statewide Healthcare Provider Assessment of Diabetes Practices
Role on project: Co-investigator
Dates and cost of entire project: 7/1/15-6/30/16; $60,000
Specific aims of project: Conduct an assessment of current provider practices for the prevention, treatment, and maintenance of diabetes in Tennessee. Based on results, develop provider training ; 1)To improve healthcare provider knowledge of prediabetes, diabetes and hypertension disease management and promote referrals to DPP LCPs, Diabetes Self-Management Programs blood pressure control and 2) decrease morbidity and mortality due to prediabetes, diabetes and hypertension by controlling blood glucose and blood pressure.
13) Source: Appalachia Funders Network
P.I.: Kate Beatty, PhD, MPH
Title: Reducing Childhood Obesity and Chronic Disease in Central Appalachia – Data
Analysis and Planning to Support Promising Practices and Strategies
Role: Co-Investigator
Dates and cost of entire project: 4/1/15-10/31/15; $105,000
Specific aims of project: Mixed methods approach to identify promising practices and
strategies that are having a positive impact on the reduction of childhood obesity.
Specifically, utilizing secondary data, create a picture of the current health condition
of central Appalachia, inventory efforts to combat childhood obesity including challenges,
gaps, and strategies through surveys and focus groups, and review the literature to
identify promising policies and practices that reduce the incidence of obesity and
chronic disease, with a focus on policies and practices implemented in rural and Appalachian
14) Source: Tennessee Department of Health
P.I.: Paula Masters, MPH
Title: Statewide Healthcare Provider Assessment of Diabetes Practices: Year 2
Role on project: Co-investigator
Dates and cost of entire project: 7/1/16-6/30/17; $60,000
Specific aims of project: Conduct an assessment of current provider practices for the prevention, treatment, and maintenance of diabetes in Tennessee. Based on results, develop provider training ; 1)To improve healthcare provider knowledge of prediabetes, diabetes and hypertension disease management and promote referrals to DPP LCPs, Diabetes Self-Management Programs blood pressure control and 2) decrease morbidity and mortality due to prediabetes, diabetes and hypertension by controlling blood glucose and blood pressure.
15) Source: Anonymous Donor
P.I.: Amal Khoury, DrPH, MPH
Title: South Carolina Initiative to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy
Role: Co-Investigator
Dates and cost of entire project: 2/1/17-6/31/25; Confidential amount
Specific aims of project: Process, outcome and impact evaluation of the South Carolina Initiative, a statewide program to address provider training, attitudes and practices related to provision of contraceptives, statewide provision of contraceptives, client acceptability and perceptions, and long-range impact of the initiative on pregnancy rates.
16) Source: United States Department of Agriculture Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive
P.I.: Emily Bidgood, Executive Director of Appalachian RC&D Council
Title: A fruit and vegetable prescription pilot program in northeast TN and southwest
Role on project: External evaluator
Dates and costs of entire project: 6/1/17-5/31/18; $80,594.01.
Specific aims of project: Process, outcome and impact evaluation of the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Pilot Program (FVRx), the goals of which are to addresses the need to increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables among SNAP recipients through a 20 week long program that will provide vouchers redeemable at local farmers markets to low-income patients recruited at a senior center and a community health center..
17) Source: East Tennessee State University Research Development Committee
P.I.: Deborah L. Slawson, Ph.D., R.D.
Title: Piloting the Diabetes Prevention Program at ETSU: Facilitators to Recruitment
Role on project: Principal Investigator
Dates and costs of entire project: 7/1/17-6/30/18; $9,972.
Specific aims of project: Working in partnership with the Greater Kingsport Family YMCA in Tennessee and its Diabetes Prevention Program worksite program, we will address questions of recruitment effectiveness and program impact by centering on these Specific Aims: 1) Pilot test qualitative investigative elements to identify barriers and facilitators to recruitment and ongoing participation in a university-based worksite DPP; 2) Evaluate the process of implementation of the DPP in a university setting; and 3) Evaluate DPP program impact on participants' metabolic profiles and on their lifestyle behaviors.
18) Source: Tennessee Department of Health Healthy Built Environment Program
P.I.: Valerie Walters, Greene County School Health Coordinator
Title: Creating a built environment for physical and mental success between Chuckey
Doak Middle School and Chuckey Doak High School
Role on project: External evaluator
Dates and costs of entire project: 6/1/21-5/31/22; $85,000.
Specific aims of project: Impact evaluation of the utility of the trail and greenspace schools on student participation in physical activity, inclusion in curricular elements within the middle and high schools, perceptions of impact on student activity levels and mental outlook. Additionally, utility of the trail for usability by community members will be evaluated.
19) Source: Tennessee Department of Health Project Diabetes
P.I.: Rhonda Chafin, Executive Director of Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast
Title: Project Diabetes Program
Role on project: External evaluator
Dates and costs of entire project: 7/1/22-6/30/25; $30,000.
Specific aims of project: Process and impact evaluation of the program to provide increased access to healthy food and beverage options for individuals receiving food assistance through the Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee. Reach and impact of education provision around food literacy will also be assessed.
Al Ksir, K., Stanifer, S., Mamudu, H.M., Quinn, M., & Slawson, D. (submitted for review). Policy Analysis and Advocacy: Regulation of Radon Exposure in Tennessee. Environmental Science and Policy.
Al Ksir, K., Stanifer, S., Quinn, M., Mamudu, H.M., & Slawson, D. (submitted for review). Measuring Radon Environmental Health Literacy among Health Council Participants in Northeast Tennessee. Public Health.
O'Connell, B., Olomofe, C., Quinn, M., Slawson, D., Ntakirutimana, T., & Scheuerman, P. (2023). Seven-year performance of biosand filters in rural Rwanda. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 13(5), 333-338.
Beatty, K., Smith, M. G., Khoury, A. J., Ventura, L. M., Ariyo, O., de Jong, J., Surles, K. & Slawson, D. (2023). Contraceptive care service provision via telehealth early in the COVID‐19 pandemic at rural and urban federally qualified health centers in 2 southeastern states. The Journal of Rural Health, 39(1), 160-171.
Shah, P., Southerland, J., & Slawson, D. (2019). Social Support for Physical Activity for High Schoolers in Rural Southern Appalachia. Southern Medical Journal, 112(12), 626-633.
Southerland, J. L., Dula, T. M., & Slawson, D. L. (2019). Barriers to Healthy Eating Among High School Youth in Rural Southern Appalachia. Journal of Appalachian Health, 1(2), 31.
Collins, A.C., Ward, K.D., McClanahan, B.S., Slawson, D.L., Vukadinovich, C., Mays, K.E., Wilson, N., & Relyea, G. (2019). Bone Accrual in Children and Adolescent Nonelite Swimmers: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 29: 43-48.
Alhassan, B.A., Liu, Y., Slawson, D., Peterson, J.M., Marrs, J, Clark, W.A. and Alamian, A. (2018). The influence of maternal body mass index and physical activity on select cardiovascular risk factors of preadolescent Hispanic children. PeerJ 6:e6100
O'Connell, B., Slawson, D., Quinn, M., Scheuerman, P., Ogunleye, O. (2018). Biosand water filter evaluation: Pilot study if field use indicators in Cyegera, Rwanda. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA 67.6: 607-614.
Southerland J.L., Dula T.M., Dalton W.T. III, Schetzina K., & Slawson D.L. (2018) The National School Lunch Program in Rural Appalachian Tennessee – or Why Implementation of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 was met with challenges: A Brief Report. J Health Sci Educ 2(2): 131.
Decosimo, C.A., Hanson, J.E., Boland, C.R., Slawson, D.L., Littleton, M.A., & Quinn, M. (2017). Process Evaluation: "Playing to Live," a Community Psychosocial Arts Program During Ebola. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences 1(1): 176-199.
O'Connell, B.J., Slawson, D.L., Quinn, M., Scheuerman, P., and Ogunleye, O.O. (2017). Review of biosand water filters. Waterlines 36(3): 233-242.
Southerland, J.L., Wang, L., & Slawson, D.L. (2017). Weight Misperception and Health-Related Quality of Life in Appalachian Adolescents in the United States. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(1), 168-176.
Southerland, J.L., Slawson, D.L., Pack, R., Sörensen, S., Lyness, J.M., & Hirsch, J.K. (2016). Trait Hope and Preparation for Future Care Needs among Older Adult Primary Care Patients. Clinical Gerontologist, 39(2), 117–126.
Zheng, S., Holt, N., Southerland, J.L., Cao, Y., Taylor, T., Slawson, D.L., & Bloodworth, M. (2016). Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Adolescent Obesity in Tennessee Using the 2010 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data: An Analysis Using Weighted Hierarchical Logistic Regression. Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 4(6), 00111.
Southerland, J., Zheng, S., & Slawson, D. (2016). Relationship between physical activity and suicidal behaviors among 65,182 middle school students. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 13(8): 809-15.
Quinn, M., Southerland, J., Richards, K., Slawson, D., Behringer, B. Johns-Wommack, R. Smith, S. (2016). Quantifying Collaboration using Himmelman's Strategies for Working Together. Health Education, 116(1): 34-49.
Slawson, D.L., Dalton, W.T., Wang, L., Southerland, J., Schetzina, K., Littleton, M.A., Stoots, J.M., Mozen, D., Lowe, E.F., Relyea, G., McKeehan, T., & Wu, T. (2015). College Students as Facilitators in Reducing Adolescent Obesity Disparity in Southern Appalachia: Team Up for Healthy Living. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 43, 39-52.
Dalton, A.G., Smith, C., Dalton, W.T., & Slawson, D.L. (2015). Examining General versus Condition-Specific Health Related Quality of Life across Weight Categories in an Adolescent Sample. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29, 453-462.
McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M. B., Klesges, R.C., Slawson, D.L., Lanctot, J. Q., Klesges, L., & Relyea, G. (2015). Psychosocial correlates of physical activity in African American girls. Health Behavior and Policy Review. 2(2):100-109.
Southerland, J. L., Williams, C. L., Dula, T. M., & Slawson, D. L. (2015). School-based adolescent obesity prevention programming: perceptions of school personnel in southern Appalachia. Southern Medical Journal, 108(2), 125-129.
Wang, L., Slawson, D. L., Relyea, G., Southerland, J. L., & Wang, Y. (2014). Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Adolescent Obesity in Southern Appalachia, 2012. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11.
Crenshaw, C., Dalton, W.T., Mozen, D., & Slawson, D. (2014). Reflections from an Undergraduate Student Peer Facilitator in the Team Up for Healthy Living School-Based Obesity Prevention Project." International Journal of Health Sciences Education 2(2), 1-10.
Dalton, W. T., Wang, L., Southerland, J. L., Schetzina, K. E., & Slawson, D. L. (2014). Self-reported versus actual weight and height data contribute to different weight misperception classifications. Southern Medical Journal, 107(6), 348-355.
Martin, B. C., Dalton, W. T., Williams, S. L., Slawson, D. L., Dunn, M. S., & Johns‐Wommack, R. (2014). Weight Status Misperception as Related to Selected Health Risk Behaviors Among Middle School Students. Journal of School Health, 84(2), 116-123.
Mozen, D., Dalton, W.T., McKeehan, T., & Slawson, D. (2014). Report of a Curriculum Used in a Peer-Delivered Intervention to Reduce Obesity of Adolescents in Southern Appalachia and its Relationship to the National Health Education Standards. International Journal of Health Sciences Education 2(1), available at: http//
Apatu, E.J.I., Slawson, D.L., & Gonzalez, M.A. (2013). Combating childhood obesity through a young adult-led S.O.C.C.E.R. program in Northeast Tennessee. Children, Youth, and Environments 23(3), Collected Papers, 184-193.
Southerland, J., Wang, L., Richards, K., Pack, R., & Slawson, D. L. (2013). Misperceptions of overweight: associations of weight misperception with health-related quality of life among normal-weight college students. Public Health Reports (Washington, DC: 1974), 128(6), 562-568.
Slawson, D. L., Fitzgerald, N., & Morgan, K. T. (2013). Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: The Role of Nutrition in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(7), 972-979.
Fitzgerald, N., Morgan, K. T., & Slawson, D. L. (2013). Practice Paper of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Abstract: The Role of Nutrition in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(7), 983.
Southerland, J., Behringer, B., & Slawson, D. (2103). Using the Give-Get Grid to understand potential expectations of engagement in a community-academic partnership. Health Promotion & Practice 14(6), 909-917.
Slawson, D. L., Southerland, J., Lowe, E. F., Dalton, W. T., Pfortmiller, D. T., & Schetzina, K. (2013). Go Slow Whoa Meal Patterns: Cafeteria Staff and Teacher Perceptions of Effectiveness in Winning With Wellness Schools. Journal of School Health, 83(7), 485-492.
Collins, A. C., Ward, K. D., Mirza, B., Slawson, D. L., McClanahan, B. S., & Vukadinovich, C. (2012). Comparison of nutritional intake in US adolescent swimmers and non-athletes. Health, 4(10), 873-880.
Dalton, W. T., Schetzina, K., E., Pfortmiller, D. T., Slawson, D. L., & Frye, W. S. (2010). Health behaviors and health-related quality of life among middle school children in Southern Appalachia: Data from the Winning with Wellness project. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 36(6):677-686.
Dalton, W. T., III, Schetzina, K., E., Pfortmiller, D. T., Slawson, D. L., & Frye, W. S. (2010). Health behaviors and health-related quality of life among middle school children in Southern Appalachia: Data from the Winning with Wellness project. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Klesges, R. C., Obarzaneck, E., Kumanyika, S., Murray, D.M., Klesges, L. M., Relyea, G. E., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Beech, B.M., McClanahan, B. S., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Slawson, D. L. (2010). The Memphis Girls health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS): An evaluation of the efficacy of a two-year obesity prevention intervention in African-American girls. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 164 (1):1007-1014.
McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea G., Klesges, R. C., Slawson, D. L., Schilling, L. P. (2009). Measurement of body composition in 8-10-year-old African-American girls: A comparison of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and foot-to-foot bioimpedance methods. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity Feb 26:1-8.
Slawson, D.L. (2009). Live the Diet: Incorporating empathy and counseling effectiveness in dietetics education. Article published in the Dep-Line: Newsletter for the Dietetic Educators of Practitioners Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association.
Slawson, D.L., Pack, R., Elolia, R., Austin, S. & Fair, J. (2009). Tennessee Coordinated School Health Report 2007: Executive Summary. Report to the Tennessee Department of Education Office of Coordinated School Health.
Slawson, D.L., McClanahan, B.S., Clemens, L.H.E., Ward, K.D., Klesges, R.C., Vukadinovich, C.M., & Cantler, C.M. (2001). Food sources of calcium in a sample of African-American and Euro-American collegiate athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition 11:199-208.
Scarinci, I.C., Slawson, D.L., Watson, J.M., Klesges, R.C., & Murray, D.M. (2001). Socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and health care access among young and healthy women. Ethnicity and Disease 11:60-71.
Slawson, D.L., Clemens, L.H., & Bol, L. (2000). Research and the clinical dietitian: Perceptions of the research process, potential barriers to participation, and preferred routes to obtaining research skills. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 100:1144-1148.
Clemens, L.H.E., Slawson, D.L., & Klesges, R.C. (1999). The effect of "eating out" on quality of diet in premenopausal women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99:442-444.
Eck, L.H., Slawson, D.L., Williams, R., Smith, K.R., Harmon-Clayton, K., & Oliver, D. (1998). A model for making outcomes research standard practice in clinical dietetics. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 98:451-457.
Slawson, D.L., & Eck, L.H. (1997). Intense practice enhances accuracy of portion size estimation of amorphous foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 97:295-297.
Adebayo-Abikoye, E., Khoury, A., Smith, M., Slawson, D., (2024). The Association between Prenatal Care and Postpartum Depression in the United States. Presentation to the Appalachian Student Research Forum, East Tennessee State University.
Al Ksir, K., Stanifer, S., Quinn, M., Mamudu, H., Slawson, D. (2024). Measuring the level of knowledge and awareness about radon in Northeast Tennessee. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA.
Slawson, D., Walters, V., Osedeme, F., Tchoua, P., Sloop, A. (2023). Coordinated School Health and a holistic approach to fostering improved youth wellness through a built environment initiative. Presentation to the 2023 Food and Nutrition Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO.
Surles, K., Beatty, K., Smith, M., Slawson, D., Baker, K., de Jong, J., & Khoury, A. (2023).
Do adolescents receive youth-friendly, person-centered contraceptive care at safety-net
clinics in the US South?: An examination of youths’ perspectives. Presentation to
the Appalachian Student Research Forum, East Tennessee State University.
Dula, T., Chavez-Reyes, D, Baker, K., Slawson, D., Cutshaw, L., Kozinetz, C., Maisonet, M.. (2019, September). Assessment of Stakeholder
Engagement for Conducting COPD Research in Appalachian Tennessee. Poster presented
at the 76th Annual Tennessee Public Health Association educational conference in Franklin, TN.
Slawson, D., Mwirigi, K.,& Kamran, B. (2018). Increasing farmers market utilization by SNAP recipients through an innovative program at senior centers: Appalachian Farmacy. Oral session presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, CA.
Alhassan, B.A, Liu, Y., Slawson, D., Peterson, J., Marrs, Jo-Ann, Clark, A., Wang, L., Loudermilk, E., & Alamian, A. (2018). Maternal correlates of cardiometabolic risk in Hispanic Children. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, CA.
Alhassan, B.A, Liu, Y., Slawson, D., Peterson, J., Marrs, Jo-Ann, Clark, A., Wang, L., Ogbebor, E.O., & Alamian, A. (2018). Food group intake and cardiometabolic risk in Hispanic children. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, CA.
Slawson, D.L. (2018). Obesity: Practical Community-Focused Strategies. Presentation to the East Tennessee Regional Meeting of the Rural Health Association of Tennessee, Greeneville, TN.
Slawson, D., Relyea, G., Middlebrooks, J., Dula, T., Mozen, D., Littleton, M.A., Southerland, J., Wang, L., & Ratliff, M. (2017). Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA.
O’Connell, B., Quinn, M., Scheuerman, P., Slawson, D. (2017). Biosand Water Filter Evaluation: Pilot Study of Field Use Indicators. Oral session presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA.
Slawson, D. L. (2017). Nutrition Education for the Public. Presentation to Dietetic Interns in the East Tennessee State University Clinical Nutrition Dietetic Internship, Johnson City, TN.
McClanahan, B.S., Vukadinovich, C., Stockton, M., Ward, K., & Slawson, D. (2017). Relationship between Training Volume and Dietary Status in Triathletes: A Preliminary Study. Poster presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Slawson, D. L. & Baker, K. (2016) Grand Rounds: Tools for Health Literacy and their Application in Skin Cancer Prevention. Oral session presented at the Bristol Regional Hospital, Bristol, TN, and Holston Valley Medical Center, Kingsport, TN.
McClanahan, B.S., Vukadinovich, C.M., Slawson, D. L., Ward, K.D., & Stockton, M.B. (2016). Dietary Status of Male and Female Triathletes during a Competitive Season. American College of Sports Medicine 63rd Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 48:5 Suppl 1: 341. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000486036.99804.17.
Meit, M., Heffernan, M., Beatty, K.E., Masters, P., Slawson, D.L., Kidwell, G., Fey, J., and Lovelace, A. (2016). Documenting and Mapping Health Disparities in Central Appalachia: Obesity and Chronic Disease Mortality. Poster presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA.
Beatty, K.E., Meit, M., Masters, P, Slawson, D.L., Heffernan, M., Kidwell, G., Fey, J., and Lovelace, A. (2016). Combating Obesity-Related Disease through Community-Supported Interventions in Central Appalachia. Poster presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA.
Slawson, D.L., Walters, V., Phillips, E., Dula , T., and Mozen, D. (2015). Lessons learned from school-academic partnerships: Team Up for Healthy Living Obesity Prevention. Presentation made at the American School Health Association School Health Conference, Orlando, FL.
Southerland, J.L., Dula, T.M., Dalton, W.T. III, Schetzina, K.E., Slawson, D.L. (2015) Boundaries and Bridges to Adolescent Obesity Prevention: Identifying Parent, School Personnel and Student Engagement Strategies in High Schools in Southern Appalachia. Poster presented at the 2015 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Slawson, D.L., Relyea, G., Dula, T.M., Littleton, M.A., Pitts, M., Southerland, J.L., Wang, L., Mozen, D., Dalton, W.T. III, Schetzina, K., Lowe, E.F., & Wu, T.J. (Deceased). (2015). Team Up for Healthy Living: Cross-Peer Obesity Prevention Intervention Has Positive Impact for High School Students in Rural Appalachia. Poster presented at the 2015 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Nashville, TN.
Southerland, J.L, Dula, T.M., Slawson, D.L. (2015). Promoting healthy eating among high school youth in rural southern Appalachia: Barriers, facilitators, and the role of parents and schools. Poster presented at the 2015 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Nashville, TN.
Stafford, D.A., Dula, T.M., Relyea, G., & Slawson, D. L. (2015). Association of perceived weight status and dessert intake among rural Appalachian adolescents. Poster presented at the East Tennessee State University Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Osazee O. J., Southerland, J.L., Zheng, S., Quinn, M., Cao, Y., Slawson, D.L., & Paisley, L. (2015). Early age of onset of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana use among middle school youth in Tennessee: Does Place Matter? Oral session presented at the East Tennessee State University Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Miller, E., Southerland, J.L., Zheng, S., Cao, Y., Slawson, D. L., & Paisley, L. (2015). A Cross-sectional study of suicidal behaviors and physical activity among 65,182 middle school students in Tennessee, USA. Poster presented at the East Tennessee State University Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Holt, N, Zheng, S., Southerland, J.L., Cao, Y., Slawson, D. L., & Paisley, L. (2015). Prevalence of and risk factors for childhood obesity in Tennessee using the 2010 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data: a multilevel analysis. Poster presented at the East Tennessee State University Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Wang, L., Slawson, D.L., Relyea, G., Southerland, J.L., & Wang, Y. (2014). Prevalence and risk factors of obesity among Appalachian adolescents in the United States, Poster presented at 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society, Boston, MA.
Foster C, Southerland J, Dalton III W, Schetzina K, Walker N, Slawson D. (2014). Parents’ perceptions of barriers to physical activity – Findings from the Boundaries and Bridges to Adolescent Obesity Prevention project. Poster session presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Foster C, Southerland J, Dalton III W, Schetzina K, Walker N, Slawson D. (2014). Parents’ perceptions of barriers to physical activity – Findings from the Boundaries and Bridges to Adolescent Obesity Prevention project. Oral session presented at the Boland Undergraduates Research Symposium. Johnson City, TN.
Slawson, D.L. (2013). Case Study: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Quality Improvement Program Evaluation. Invited presentation to the Tennessee Department of Health Evaluation Training for Program Directors.
Slawson, D.L., Relyea, G., McKeehan, T.L., Holt, T, & Lowe, E. (2013). Dietary intake among rural Appalachian adolescents: Baseline results from the Team Up for Healthy Living Project. Poster presented at 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society, Atlanta, GA.
McKeehan, T., Relyea, G., Slawson, D. (2013). Eating out is related to increased sugar intake among rural Appalachian adolescents: Results of the Team Up for Healthy Living Project. Poster presented at The Obesity Society’s 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Wang, L., Southerland, J., Slawson, D., Mozen, D. (2013). The Role of Peer Eating and Physical Activity in the Prevalence of Obesity Among Appalachia Children. Poster presented at The Obesity Society’s 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Maphis, L., Herring, M., Dalton, W., Wang, L., Schetzina, K., Southerland, J., Slawson, D. (2013). Defining weight misperception: Does use of different methodology result in different classification?. Poster presented at Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Nashville, TN.
Southerland, J., McKeehan, T., Slawson, D. (2013). Using the Give-Get Grid to Understand Partners’ Perspectives in a Community-Academic Partnership. Presented at American School Health Association Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
McKeehan, T., Relyea, G., Slawson, D. (2013). Rural Appalachia Adolescents Association of Eating Away from Home and Dietary Quality. Poster presented at TPHA East Grand Division Conference, Sevierville, TN.
McKeehan, T., Southerland, J., Slawson, D. (2013). Best Practices in Community-Academic Partnerships: The Team Up for Healthy Living Project Experience. Poster presented at TPHA East Grand Division Conference, Sevierville, TN.
Sullivan, A.G., Dalton, W. T., III, Boghozian, R., Slawson, D., & Wachs, J. (2013). Examining general versus condition-specific health related quality of life across weight categories in an adolescent sample. Paper presented at Sigma Theta Tau International Epsilon Sigma Chapter Research Day, Johnson City, TN.
Littleton, M. A., Dalton, W. T., III, McKeehan, T., Mozen, D., Relyea, G., Schetzina, K. E., & Slawson, D. L. (2013) Team Up for Healthy Living: Interprofessional team best-practice in our region. Guest Lecturer for Interprofessional Community-Based Rural Health undergraduate nursing and graduate medical and public health student course. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.
Southerland, J., Slawson, D.L., Hirsch, J., Pack, R., Lyness, J., Sörensen, S. (2013). The Will and the way: The role of goal-directed behavior in future care planning among older adults. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Charlotte, NC.
Dalton, W. T., III, Maphis, L. E., Slawson, D. L., Littleton, M. A., Lowe, E., Mozen, D. M., Schetzina, K. E., Stoots, J. M., McKeehan, T. L., & Ward, R. K. (2012). Development of a Peer Delivered Intervention to Reduce Adolescent Obesity: Team Up for Healthy Living in Southern Appalachia. Poster presented at: 46th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD.
Herring, M. L., Maphis, L. E., Dalton, W. T., III, Schetzina, K. E., Wang, L., & Slawson, D. L. (2012). Defining weight misperception: Does use of different methodology result in different classification? Poster presented at: Tennessee Psychological Association 58th Annual Convention: 2012, Nashville, TN.
Southerland, J., Wang, L., Richards, K., Pack, R., Slawson, D. (2012). Associations of weight misperception with health-related quality of life among adults attending a central Appalachian University. Poster presented at: Tennessee Public Health Association. Nashville, TN.
Slawson, DL, Dalton, WT III, Wang, L, Littleton, MA, Lowe, E, Mozen, DM, Schetzina, KE, Stoots, JM, Williams, CL, Southerland, J, McKeehan, TL, Wu, T. (2012). Design and Methods for an Intervention Utilizing Peer Facilitators to reduce Adolescent Obesity: Team Up for Healthy Living. Poster presented at: The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Dalton, WT III, Slawson, DL, Littleton, MA, Lowe, E, Mozen, DM, Schetzina, KE, Stoots, JM, McKeehan, TL, Ward, R, Maphis, L (2012). Development of a Peer Delivered Intervention to Reduce Adolescent Obesity: Team Up for Healthy Living in Southern Appalachia. Poster presented at the Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD.
Mozen, D., Dalton, W.T. III, Slawson, D., Schetzina, K., Richards, K., McKeehan, T., Littleton, M.A., Williams, C., Wu, T. (2012). Development of Physical Activity Components for a Peer Delivered Intervention to Reduce Obesity in Rural Adolescents. Poster presented at the International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Sydney, Australia.
Southerland, J., Behringer, B., Slawson, D. (2012). Seeking Collaboration as a Bedrock for Success: Investigating Perceptions of University-Community Partnerships Using the Give-Get Grid. Oral presentation presented at the Southern Obesity Summit, Charlotte, NC.
Slawson, D.L., & Richards, K. (2011). School-based efforts at health promotion and obesity prevention. Presentation at the 2011 China-Tennessee Health Education Training Institute, Johnson City, TN.
Slawson, D. L. (2011). Coordinated School Health in Tennessee: Key Action Steps for the Future. Presentation to the REACH! Regional Education and Action Coalition for Health, Gray, TN.
Slawson, D.L. (2011). Kids Eat Right: the American Dietetic Association’s Public Education Campaign. Presentation at the Cure4Kids Global Summit, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.
Slawson, D.L. (2011). The How and Why of fitting nutrition into an already full school day. Presentation at the Cure4Kids Global Summit, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.
Slawson, D.L. (2011). Obesity: the weight of the matter in Tennessee. Presentation to the Medical Alliance, Johnson City, TN.
Collins, A.C., Ward, K.D., McClanahan, B.S., Slawson, D.L., & Vukadinovich, C. (2011). Is swimming a risk factor for osteoporosis? Poster presented at the 2011 Annual Educational Conference of the Tennessee Public Health Association, Franklin, TN.
Slawson, D.L. (2010). Coordinated School Health in Tennessee: the role of School Nutrition. Presentation at the Spring Conference of the East Tennessee Field Service Center for School Nutrition Programs, Pigeon Forge, TN.
Behringer, B. & Slawson, D. (2010). Tennessee Coordinated School Health. Presentation to the Southwest Virginia Health Authority, Lebanon, VA.
- Reviewer, Journal of the Appalachian Health, 2023-present.
- Reviewer, Journal of the Appalachian Health, 2023-present.
- Reviewer, Prevention Science, 2016-present.
- Reviewer, British Medical Journal, 2017-present.
- Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2002-present.
- Reviewer, Preventive Medicine, 2005-present.
- Reviewer, American Journal of Health Behavior, 2006-present.
- Reviewer, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 2010-present.
- Reviewer, Childhood Obesity, 2011-present.
- Reviewer, Journal of School Health, 2011-present.
- Reviewer, Journal of Health Psychology, 2013-present.
- Reviewer, Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2014-present.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 2014-present.
Harless, Jordan Chase, Doctorate of Public Health, graduation May 2023, (Chair) Doctoral Committee
Surles, Kristen, Doctorate of Public Health, graduation May 2023, (Member) Doctoral Committee
Tchoua, Phoebe, Doctorate of Public Health, graduation May 2023, (Chair) Doctoral Committee
Adebayo-Abikoye, Esther, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2024, (Member) Doctoral Committee
Al Ksir, Kawther, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2024, (Chair) Doctoral Committee
Brannock, Mary, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2024, (Member) Doctoral Committee
Morman, Vanessa, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2024, (Member) Doctoral Committee
Kluk, Marissa, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2025, (Member) Doctoral Committee
McCartt, Paezha, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2025, (Member) Doctoral Committee
Pearson, Sonja, Doctorate of Public Health, anticipated graduation May 2025, (Member) Doctoral Committee
Invited member, ETSU Quality and Effectiveness Subcouncil (QESC) , 2023-present.
Invited member, ETSU Strategic Resource Alignment Committee, 2023-present.
ETSU Executive Council of Chairs, Co-chair, 2021-2024.
Reading and pottery.