The Clery Act
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)), is a federal law named in honor of Jeanne Clery, who was murdered in her dorm room by a fellow Lehigh University student in 1986. Under the Clery Act, all universities participating in federal financial aid programs are required to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. Compliance with the Clery Act is regulated by the Department of Education, and strict fines and penalties are enforced for institutions that fail to comply.
The purpose of the Clery Act is to provide timely information to the community about crime occurring in the area so they may make informed decisions regarding their safety and the safety of others.
Watch the Campus Security Authority (CSA) Cleary Training to learn more.
Pursuant to the Clery Act, ETSU is require to:
- Publish an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report containing campus security policy disclosures and crime and fire statistics for the previous three years
- Maintain a Daily Crime Log and Fire Log cataloging all crimes and fires reported to ETSU Police Department
Issue Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications- Identify and train Campus Security Authorities
Alcohol & Drug Policy
East Tennessee State University desires to maintain a campus environment for all employees and students which is safe and free of illegal drugs. Therefore, pursuant to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, ETSU's Policy Statement on Drug-Free Campus prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol and illicit drugs on the ETSU campus, in the workplace (on- or off-campus), on property owned or controlled by ETSU, or as part of any activity of ETSU. Under the Institutional Student Disciplinary Rules, the unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of any drug or controlled substance is prohibited. The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages on university-owned or university-controlled property is also prohibited by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) policy.
Educational Programs and Services
The university and local community provide a variety of educational programs and services to respond to the problems associated with alcohol and drug abuse.
- The Substance Abuse Educational Program provides information related to alcohol awareness and chemical dependency
- The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs offers a variety of educational programs/workshops which seek to involve university student organizations
Tennessee Impaired Physicians Association conducts a substance abuse session during orientation for medical school students
The University Counseling Center is also available to all students requiring counseling and referral services- Eligible employees may participate in the statewide Employee Assistance Program or the ETSU Employee Assistance Program to receive consultation and referral for alcoholism or substance abuse
- The Office of Human Resources maintains a list of campus and community agencies which provide referral information and/or counseling to students and employees
Campus and Residence Hall Access
Campus Access
The campus and facilities of East Tennessee State University are governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents TBR) and are restricted to students, faculty, staff, guests and invitees of the university, except when part or all of the campus, its buildings or facilities are open to the general public for a designated time and purpose.
All persons on campus are subject to all rules and regulations of the university and the TBR which are applicable to the conduct of students on campus and to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In addition, all persons who operate motor vehicles on campus agree by such operation to be subject to university and TBR rules, regulations, policies and procedures on traffic and parking.
All persons on campus must provide adequate identification upon request to appropriate officials and security personnel of the university. Personnel and students of the university who refuse to provide such identification may be subject to disciplinary action; other persons who refuse to provide such identification will be requested to leave the campus, and if they refuse, may be subject to lawful removal and prosecution.
Residence Hall Access
Students residing in the East Tennessee State University residence halls are required to follow the Student Housing Rules, Residence Hall Conduct, and Disciplinary Sanctions (Residence Hall Student Handbook). Residents should enter and exit at designated doors.
All exterior doors are normally locked 24 hours per day (exceptions during move-in, move-out, etc.). Residence may use their University I.D. Card to gain access to their assigned halls.
The main entrance door to each residence hall has a card reader and telephone located near the door. Students, guests and parents may contact a resident by calling the resident's room. The resident is responsible for escorting his/her guest at all times within the hall.
Main lobby visitation is from 9 a.m.-midnight Sunday through Thursday and 9 a.m.-2 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Each residence hall will have designated room visitation hours.
The ETSU Police Department operates a Night Patrol from approximately 11 p.m.-5 a.m. each night in the vicinity of the residence halls and residence hall parking lots. These individuals are not police officers but are equipped with two-way radios and wear uniforms. Duties include checking for propped doors, checking locked doors, watching for any unusual event, and checking parking lots around the residence halls. There is a full-time police officer during nights dedicated to Buc Ridge, this officer is on an alternating schedule.
Firearms Policy
This section is intended to provide information and resources regarding the ETSU's
Firearms policy, however, we understand that you may still have questions.
Please do not hesitate to contact the ETSU Police Department at (423) 439-4480 or Email: dispatch@etsu.eduwith your inquiries.
Notification Form of Employee's Intent to Carry a Concealed Handgun
Concealed Carry Locations
This map is not all inclusive. Rather it encourages one to be familiar with specific locations and location types where employees may not carry a handgun, such as:
- Stadiums, gymnasiums, or auditoriums where school sponsored events are in progress. (Examples include baseball, football, softball, soccer, and tennis facilities, Brooks Gymnasium, the Basler Center for Physical Activity, the Ballad Health Athletic Center (Mini Dome), and the Culp Center and Brown Hall Auditoriums.)
- In meetings regarding student or employee disciplinary matters.
- In meetings regarding tenure issues.
- A hospital, a student health or counseling center, or an office where medical or mental health services are the primary services provided. (Such as The Counseling Center in the Culp Center, Behavioral Health and Wellness Clinic in Lucille Clement Hall, the Community Counseling Clinic in Warf-Pickel Hall, Student/University Health Services in Nicks Hall, and the Audiology and Dental Hygiene Clinics in Lamb Hall)
- Any location where a provision of state or federal law, except the posting provisions of TCAA 39-17-1309, prohibits the carrying of a handgun on that property. (Examples include Little Bucs in Warf-Pickel Hall, the Child Study Center, University School/Alexander Hall, and all ETSU facilities on the Mountain Home Veterans Affairs Campus)
ETSU Main Campus Concealed Carry Map
Frequently Asked Questions
Who does the law apply to?
Full-time faculty and staff who have a handgun carry permit are eligible as long as they are not also enrolled as students at a public institution of higher education. Those wishing to carry a concealed handgun on campus are required to notify the ETSU Police Department. The notification form can be located on the left-hand side of this website. It must be turned in to the Police Department in person.
Are there limitations to where I can carry my gun?
Yes. There are both geographic and situational limitations. For example, handguns are prohibited at University School, the VA campus, the Basler Center for Physical Activity (CPA), all child care facilities, and all on-campus and off-campus health care facilities/clinics operated by ETSU. In addition, guns are prohibited at all disciplinary hearings, tenure hearings as well as at any school-sponsored event held in any stadium, gymnasium and auditorium. This includes athletic events, student organization activities and performances/public lectures. Map marked with limited carry areas.
What are ETSU sponsored activities?
School-sponsored events include athletic events, student organization activities and performances/public lectures held at a variety of locations including athletic facilities like Brooks Gym, the Mini-dome and Thomas Stadium, as well as auditoriums and meeting spaces including the Culp auditorium and the ETSU amphitheater.
Are there times when I can carry at stadiums, gymnasiums, and auditoriums?
Yes, only when school-sponsored events are not in progress. Please note, weapons are not allowed at any time in the CPA.
How do I notify ETSU of my intent to carry?
A notification form is included above. Written notification must be submitted to the ETSU Police Department in person prior to bringing the handgun to campus. For more information, contact the Police Department office at (423) 439-4480.
What constitutes "concealed"?
Concealed means not visible to ordinary observation. The handgun must remain on or about their person, which means the gun must be carried concealed on the person or it must be carried concealed in a handbag, briefcase or other carrying case that remains within an arm’s reach of the person at all times.
What are the liabilities/responsibilities associated with carrying a concealed handgun on campus?
The employee is not acting in the course or scope of their employment when carrying or using the handgun, is not entitled to worker compensation benefits for injuries arising from the carrying or use of a handgun, and is not immune from personal liability with respect to use or carrying of a handgun. Failure to comply with firearms policy could result in criminal sanctions as well as administrative disciplinary proceedings.
Should I still call the Police Department if I see someone with a weapon?
Yes, absolutely! This law allows concealed carry only. The Police Department will investigate and take appropriate action.
Do I have to notify each ETSU campus on which I plan to carry?
Yes. For more information on the notification process, contact the ETSU Police Department.
Can I carry in a state vehicle?
No. In addition to state-owned vehicles, carrying a concealed handgun is also prohibited in rental cars being used for ETSU business.
Who will know i am carrying a concealed handgun?
The ETSU Police Department and/or the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction will maintain the records as confidential and not open for public inspection. No one else at ETSU, including your supervisor, will have access to this information.
Can I have access to a list of those who have notified ETSU of plans to carry a concealed handgun?
No. The ETSU Police Department and/or the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction will maintain the records as confidential and not open for public inspection.
If I decide to no longer carry a concealed handgun on campus, do I need to notify the ETSU Police Department?
Once you have notified ETSU Police Department of your intentions to carry, it is up to you whether you decide to carry or not carry each day. However, if there is a change in your employment or handgun carry permit status that no longer makes you eligible to carry on campus, you must notify the ETSU Police Department.
Are guns allowed in residence halls?
Unless prohibited for situational reasons (disciplinary hearing, student organization activity, etc.), then those eligible employees permitted to carry a handgun on campus may do so in a residence hall.
Are students allowed to carry?
No. Even full-time faculty and staff who are also enrolled as students at a public institution of higher education are prohibited from carrying a concealed handgun on campus.
Can visitors and guests who have handgun permits carry concealed handguns on campus?
No. This law only applies to full-time faculty and staff.
What about University School?
The carrying of concealed handguns is strictly prohibited at University School. Guns are also prohibited in any classroom/space on the ETSU campus when being used by University School.
What about VA Campus?
The carrying of concealed handguns is strictly prohibited on all federal property, which includes the Mountain Home VA Medical Center campus.
What about the CPA?
In that the CPA is a gymnasium used almost exclusively for school-sponsored activities, as well as University School and a children’s daycare, the CPA is designated as a building where concealed carry is not allowed.
What if I have other questions?
Other questions should be directed to ETSU Police Department at (423) 439-4480 or Email:
Documents & Forms
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