May 3, 2023
This Saturday, we will celebrate the achievements of more than 2,000 new graduates. Obtaining a college diploma indicates that you have mastered a set of skills within a particular field of study. One skill I hope all ETSU graduates leave with is that of leadership. And it is a skill I hope you continue developing all your life.
As members of the ETSU community, each of us has been commissioned to pursue and fulfill a singular mission: to improve the quality of life for people in this region and beyond. Strong leadership is essential if we are to achieve that purpose.
The qualities of leadership, however, are the subject of much debate and are difficult to define. One common definition is having and utilizing the ability to move people with passion in pursuit of common objectives rather than individual goals. I think a mentor of mine, Dr. E. Grady Bogue, provided a more poignant description when he said the first responsibility of the leader is to define reality. The second is to say thank you.
Leadership looks different for everyone, and there are many types of leaders. But I believe most share some common characteristics:
Purpose: Leaders of vision understand the primeval human urge to find meaning in their lives and appreciate the power of dreams to create hope.
Wonder: The most innovative and impactful leaders sustain curiosity and the desire to learn, which some have argued is the hallmark of humanity.
Adventure: Leaders must recognize that there is no achievement without failure and no growth without discomfort. Leaders must embrace ideological and physical struggle as opportunities to learn and improve.
As T.E. Lawrence wrote in his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, “all [people] dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of day are dangerous…[for] they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible.”
Congratulations to all of our graduates, and I look forward to seeing the impact you will make on the world. May each of you live a life of purpose, wonder, and adventure.
Godspeed, and Go Bucs
Brian Noland