Trent White: Looking Toward a Life of Public Service

Recipient of a prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship, White will serve as the Student Trustee on the university’s Board of Trustees for 2024-25.


Trent White has been interested in public service since he was very young, attending meetings of the Unicoi County Commission and holding leadership roles in his high school years. He’s gained valuable experience in his first three years at ETSU. Now, White is set to serve as the Student Trustee on the university’s Board of Trustees for 2024-25.

White, a senior majoring in political science, is a member of ETSU’s premier Roan Scholars Leadership Program. He has held offices in the university’s award-winning Mock Trial Team and Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature delegation.

White served as Student Government Association President in 2023-24. He is proud of the SGA’s accomplishments over the past year, including enhancing dining options and working with Student Life and Enrollment to secure an opportunity for ETSU students, faculty, and staff to purchase discounted tickets to Dollywood.

Edited portrait of Trent White, the president of Student Government Association for the 2023-24 school year and recipient of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship.

“I’m most proud of the academic policy on which we worked really hard,” he said, “which is a student study day on Friday the week before finals, when no classes are held. Students can take that time originally used for classes to study and focus on exams. It’s something the students have wanted for a long time.”

White believes his SGA experience will prove invaluable as he represents the student body as a trustee in the coming year.

“You’re entrusted with carrying forth the mission of the university, and having already worked on the ground with policies, I’m excited to see what the other side looks like, when policies are brought to you and you can weigh in on a decision that impacts the university.

“My role as SGA President has taught me a lot about the inner workings of the university. That understanding gives me a good grounding to help the board navigate future decisions.”

See Trent White learn he’s earned the Truman Scholarship. 

In addition, White recently received a prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship. The Truman Foundation reviews more than 800 applications each year for this highly competitive honor, with roughly 55-65 scholarships awarded. 

In May, White participated in the Truman Scholars Leadership Week in Missouri, attending seminars on leadership and public service with scholars from across the nation and interacting with practicing public servants. After graduating from ETSU in May 2025, he will attend a summer institute for Truman Scholars in Washington, D.C., before entering law school.

“Once selected as a Truman Scholar, you’re part of a wide network that lasts long beyond your time in graduate school,” White said, “so I hope to stay involved and take advantage of all they offer, even mid-career.” 

By Jennifer Hill

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