From Enrolled to Employed

BlueSky Tennessee Institute graduates (and hires) first class

The first graduating class of the BlueSky Tennessee Institute smiles for a photo in their caps and gowns in front of the Commencement stage.

A bachelor's degree in computing in about two years at no cost with a guaranteed job offer may sound too good to be true, but it’s the reality 27 students in the inaugural class of the BlueSky Tennessee Institute (BlueSky) get to live out.

BlueSky, a-first-of-its-kind collaboration between ETSU and Chattanooga-based BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBSTN), was founded in 2021. The first class was admitted in fall of 2022 and graduated in December 2024. Graduates are welcome to seek employment elsewhere, but BCBSTN set a goal to hire 100% of students who complete the program. This was accomplished with the first cohort: all 27 eligible graduates received and accepted job offers with BlueCross.

“This partnership with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee exemplifies the innovative spirit of ETSU,” said Dr. Tony Pittarese, Dean of ETSU’s College of Business and Technology. “We are incredibly proud of these graduates for paving the way and demonstrating the tremendous opportunities this program creates for our students and region.”

While BlueSky is open to any interested student, it was established with a few specific groups in mind.

In Hamilton County, less than 40% of residents complete college, with rates even lower among low-income students. BlueSky intentionally targets those groups for recruitment, with a special focus on six high schools in the Chattanooga area with low rates of college persistence, in hopes of raising these numbers.

"It is a challenging program capable of producing life-changing results for the students who complete it."ETSU President Dr. Brian Noland

“We designed the BlueSky Tennessee Institute to address both our company’s desire for highly-skilled future leaders and the broader community’s need for more viable career paths for high-potential students,” JD Hickey, President and Chief Executive Officer of BCBSTN, reflected. “With the right exposure and support, we believe any student can succeed in these high-paying tech careers. BlueSky provides an accelerated, zero-tuition path to a guaranteed job in these lucrative fields.”

BlueSky and ETSU’s efforts to bridge gaps between graduating college and starting a career for students in the Chattanooga area are already gaining recognition at the national level. In April 2024, Carnegie Corporation of New York named BlueSky one of 10 local initiatives across the nation that educate young people and contribute meaningfully to the workforce. This award earned the program a $200,000 grant and the opportunity to record and share the story nationally.

“It is a challenging program capable of producing life-changing results for the students who complete it,” said ETSU President Dr. Brian Noland. “We are pleased to see the Carnegie Corporation's recognition of the value we believe it can — and will — deliver.”

By Sammy Asbury   |   Photo By Charlie Warden

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