Step 1 - As a student, log into Goldlink with your ETSU credentials.
Step 2 - On the Student Info Tab, click either the Confirm Registration button, or the Account Details by Term / Confirm Enrollment link in the "Student Account" section.
Step 3 - Select a current term.
Step 4 - Click the View Payments, Refunds and Direct Deposit Information link to redirect to the ETSU Goldlink Account Suite site.
Step 5 - Click the Authorized Users link under the My Profile Setup section.
Step 6 - Enter the E-mail address of the person that you want to authorize access to. Once you do this, they will receive an E-mail with a temporary password to log-in with.
Step 7 - Your Authorized User should use the Authorized Users section that asks for an E-mail and Password to log into the Goldlink Account Suite and make payments on your behalf. The login for Authorized Users is