Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
Our mission is to promote and advance the natural sciences, health sciences, social sciences, humanities and creative arts by engaging and supporting undergraduates in research.
What is Undergraduate Research?
"An inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original
intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline."
- Council on Undergraduate Research
Scholarship takes many forms. Research is often associated with the science and humanities, while creative activites are often associated with the arts. Scholarship, however, is a unifying standard underlying all forms of academic inquiry.
Undergraduate involvement in scholarly activities is "hands-on," often independent in nature, and gives you the chance to take your learning beyond the classroom. The experience from a research or creative project helps you develop transferable skills and prepares you for a fulfilling career and for graduate school.
Create a remarkable story...
Why do research as an undergraduate?
ETSU is expanding its research impact, with expenditures in research and innovation growing by 67 percent between 2020 and 2022. Doing research as an undergraduate prepares students for successful careers in graduate school and beyond.
View research projects
ETSU's Digital Commons contains the e-thesis projects of students in the Undergaduate Research Honors Program. It is not required to be in the URHP to conduct research as an undergraduate, but this repository highlights the variety and depth of research projects.
Find a Faculty Mentor
You can search the Reseach Mentor Gallary to read about faculty research interests and then contact potential faculty mentors. You can also research faculty members on departmental webpages, or reach out to our office to connect you.