COS Funding Database
Community of Science (COS) Funding Opportunities
ETSU subscribes to the Community of Science. COS offers the largest Internet repository of funding opportunities in all fields and provides access to more than 20,000 grant programs. Among the COS services is COS Funding Alert, a customized service that automatically e-mails individual researchers about funding opportunities that apply to their research. If you want to learn more about how to use COS, attend an Office of Research and Sponsored Programs workshop or download one of the COS power point tutorials and learn at your own pace: COS Overview, Using COS Funding Alerts, Using COS Funding Opportunities.
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This database compiles information about available opportunities for grants, fellowships, prizes and other types of funding. Each record includes an abstract and information on deadlines, amount of award, eligibility criteria, and contact information for the sponsoring organization. Opportunity sponsors include local, state and national governments, foundations and societies, and corporations. Subjects covered include:
- Agriculture and Food Sciences
- (Geographic) Area Studies
- Arts and Humanities
- Business, Management, and Commerce
- Education
- Energy Sciences
- Engineering
- Health and Medicine
- Law
- Mathematics
- Natural and Physical Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Technology
(Source: Provider Web Site)
Update Frequency: Daily
Producer: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)
Provider: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)