Building a National Trauma Prevention
Movement Workshop, by Becky Haas
The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) was created in December
2015 by 25 representatives from diverse sectors, including education, mental health,
justice, and government. This team shares a common commitment to inform and advocate
for public policies and programs at the federal, state, tribal, and local levels that
incorporate scientific findings regarding the relationship between trauma and related
social and health challenges across the lifespan. CTIPP focuses explicitly on the
common underpinnings of many of our most pressing social and health problems. Through
open engagement, we work to expand and continuously improve our collaborative work
across sectors and systems. We recognize that sustainable change in policies and programs
requires the participation and leadership not only of those responsible for implementation,
but also those for whom programs and policies are designed. We are committed to ensuring
voice and choice for everyone, especially those that have been marginalized, discriminated
against, and excluded from the opportunities that promote health and wellbeing.
During January-April of 2022, a series of workshops were hosted by the Campaign for
Trauma-informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP), the National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives (NPSC), & PACEs Connection. These workshops are intended to raise
awareness that every sector in every community has the power to implement trauma-informed,
resilience-focused, and healing-centered initiatives. This series of eight workshops
will provide strategies on how to make that happen in any community. Speakers from
diverse backgrounds will provide information on working in different sectors and at
various levels to make change happen. Join us every other Friday from 1-5 ET to discuss
these important issues. For more details, and to watch the previous webinars, visit
the NPSC website at