pharmacy tech class
JOHNSON CITY (August 17) — East Tennessee State University’s Office of Professional Development has scheduled a pharmacy technician course to begin Tuesday, Sept. 22, and end Tuesday, Dec. 1.
The class, limited to 40 students, will train participants to assist pharmacists in handling medications and serving patients. Those who pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board examination become nationally certified.
The course instructor is Helen Nemeth, an outpatient pharmacist with the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Nemeth, an ETSU alumna of the ETSU Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy, has over 10 years of experience in the pharmacy field.
Registration for the class is $400 until Sept. 15, when the fee rises to $500. There are 20 class meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-8 p.m. in ETSU’s Gilbreath Hall.
To enroll, call (800) 222-3878 or visit and click on “Health Care.”
For disability accommodations, call the ETSU Office of Disability Services at (423) 439-8346.