Kingsport Alliance for Continued Learning

KINGSPORT (Sept. 22) — Beginning Monday, Oct.12, and continuing until Nov. 19, the Kingsport Alliance for Continued Learning (KACL) will offer weekday classes on a variety of subjects presented by authorities in many fields.
KACL, in partnership with East Tennessee State University at Kingsport, will offer morning classes from 10 a.m.–noon, and afternoon classes are held from 1:30–3:30 p.m. Classes are held on the campus of ETSU at Kingsport, 1501 University Blvd., near Allandale Mansion. Registration is now open for the fall session.
For a fee of $45, enrollees can take advantage of any or all classes. Additional members of the immediate family can enroll for $22 each.
The classes feature audience discussions with presenters, and there are no tests or homework.
On Monday mornings, Oct. 12, 19 and 26, Dr. John Rankin of the ETSU Department of History will present a re-evaluation of three important individuals from English history: Cardinal Wolsey, Horatio Nelson and the Duke of Wellington.
Monday, Nov. 9, Dr. Jennifer Adler of the ETSU Department of Philosophy will examine “Nineteenth-Century American Protestants and the Holy Land.”
Tuesday mornings will be devoted to programs about other nations, including an examination of Ecuador, the petroglyphs of Mongolia and a safari experience in Kenya and Tanzania, all in October, with a series of three Tuesday morning lectures on Russia in November.
Wednesday mornings will offer a mix of topics, including “America in the 21st Century” from a historian’s perspective, “Global Health Security for the 21st Century” presented by the director of the Elizabeth R. Griffin Foundation, the culture of “The Mysterious Himalayas” explained by a faculty member in ETSU‘s Department of Sociology and Anthropology and “Crash Investigation: Past, Present and the Future” with Dale Farmer, a retired member of the Kingsport Police Department.
Wednesday afternoons will feature a series of four lectures on the effects of toxins on the brain by Dr. Vanessa Fitsanakis, chair of the Biology Department at King University, followed by a session with George Salaita of the ETSU Department of History, presenting “President Kennedy and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.”
On Thursday mornings, retired Sullivan County District Attorney Greeley Wells will speak about the Tennessee Criminal Justice System and then Melanie Storie of the ETSU History Department will present a series of four sessions on the War of 1812, the growth of American nationalism and a two-part examination of Andrew Jackson’s life.
A Thursday afternoon class on Oct. 15 will offer “A Comparison of Downtown Development in U.S. Cities and Asian Cities” by Dr. Chen Ke, an ETSU professor of Urban Studies. And a special field trip on Oct. 29 will combine a lecture by Scott Byerley, a member and judge of the East Tennessee Saddlebred Association, followed by a visit to his nearby stables as he shares his experience in raising, training and showing horses.
For additional information about KACL, to obtain a printed class schedule or for registration, contact Gwen Bays, ETSU at Kingsport, at 423-392-8000 or .