Jim Thigpen joined the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy in 2008 after working as a clinical pharmacist for nearly 15 years. He is originally from Charleston, SC and attended Clemson University before attending pharmacy school at the Medical University of South Carolina. He received his BS in Pharmacy at MUSC in 1990 and his PharmD in 1992. After completing a residency in pediatric pharmacy practice he moved to Johnson City in 1993. He coordinates Pharmacy Practice V and Pharmacotherapy III as well as an Advanced Pediatrics Elective course. His practice site is Niswonger Children's Hospital, where he precepts 18 students per year. He and his wife, Dawn, have two sons and one daughter.
Education, Degree, & Post Graduate Training
B.S. in Pharmacy, Medical University of South Carolina, 1990
Doctor of Pharmacy, Medical University of South Carolina, 1992
Residency in Pediatric Pharmacy Practice, Medical University of South Carolina, 1992-1993
Additional Certifications:
Career highlights:
Accepted the position of clinical pharmacist at Johnson City Medical Center in 1993.
Joined BGCOP in 2008.
Teaching specialty:
Pediatrics and Hospital Pharmacy
Classes taught:
Pharmacy Practice V, Pharmacotherapy III, Advanced Pediatrics Elective
Research Interests:
General Pediatrics, Neonatology, Teaching and Knowledge Research
Selected Publications:
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Thigpen J, Odle B. "Intravenous and Inhaled Antimicrobials at Home in Cystic Fibrosis Patients"
Home Health Care Manag Pract 2014;26(2):101-109
Thigpen J, Miller SE, Pond BB. "Behavioral Side Effects of Antiepileptic Medications", U.S. Pharmacist 2013; 38(11):HS 15-20
Morrison JT, Lugo RA, Thigpen JC, Brown SD. "Stability of Extemporaneously Prepared Lansoprazole Suspension at Two Temperatures" Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2013;18(2):122-127
Book Chapters
Siu A, Thigpen J. Principles of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics. In Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced
Practice: A Practical Approach. Peterson AM, Arcangelo VP (editors) Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012
Significant Regional, State, or National Service:
Faculty Senator for ETSU
Organizational Involvement/Membership:
Personal motto or favorite quote:
"God does not deduct from a man's allotted time those hours spent fishing" & "It is better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot"