Nick Hagemeier, PharmD, PhD
Vice Provost for Research and Chief Research Officer & Professor
- hagemeier@etsu.edu
- 423-439-6239
- Ross Hall, Room 432
Dr. Nicholas (Nick) E Hagemeier, PharmD, PhD, is Vice Provost for Research and Chief Research Officer at ETSU and Professor at the Gatton College of Pharmacy. He earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree and MS and PhD degrees in Pharmacy Practice from Purdue University. He is a licensed pharmacist with 9 years of experience in chain and independent community pharmacy settings. Dr. Hagemeier’s research has focused on the role of community pharmacists and primary care providers in preventing and treating opioid use disorder. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts, has authored 7 book chapters/sections, has given over 60 invited research presentations, and has authored 57 research posters/abstracts. He has successfully contributed to obtaining $3,427,046 in federal, state, and foundation funding at ETSU. Dr. Hagemeier has also served the profession at the national, state, regional, and local levels and has served ETSU on multiple university and college committees. Of note, he was appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the HHS Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force in 2018. In his VPR role, he continues to coordinate the Pharmacy Law and Ethics course at the Gatton College of Pharmacy. Dr. Hagemeier has been awarded both the Outstanding Teacher of the Year award and the research award for the College. He was also recognized by his alma mater with the Purdue University College of Pharmacy Early Career Award in 2022.
Education, Degree, & Post Graduate Training:
Doctor of Pharmacy, Purdue University, 2003
Masters of Science, Purdue University (Pharmacy Practice), 2005
Doctor of Philosophy, Purdue University (Social/Behavioral Pharmacy), 2011
Career Highlights:
Tennessee Pharmacists Association Generation Rx Champions Award 2016
East Tennessee State University Gatton College of Pharmacy 2012-13 Research Award 2012-13 and 2014-15
East Tennessee State University Gatton College of Pharmacy 2011-12 Teaching Excellence Award. Presented by the Class of 2014
Jenkins-Knevel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research 2010
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in the Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010-2011
Classes Taught:
PMPR 3140 – Contemporary Practice of Pharmacy I
PMPR 4182 – Communication Skills for Health Professionals
PMPR 4283 – Pharmacy Law and Ethics
PMPR 3240 – Contemporary Practice of Pharmacy II
PMPR 7117 – Personal Finance for the Future Pharmacist
PMPR 7130 – Pharmacy Leadership Forum
Pharmacy Practice Research/ Scholarship Elective Series
Research Interests:
Prescription drug abuse prevention and treatment, health communication, and community pharmacy practice-based research.
Select Publications:
Hagemeier NE, Tudiver F, Brewster S, Hagy EJ, Ratliff B, Hagaman A, Pack RP. Interprofessional Prescription Opioid Abuse Communication among Prescribers and Pharmacists: A Qualitative Analysis. Substance Abuse. 2017. In press.
Hagemeier NE, Ventricelli D, Sevak RJ. Situational communication self-confidence among community pharmacists: A descriptive analysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.12.003
Hagemeier NE, Tudiver F, Brewster S, Hagy E, Hagaman A, Pack RP. Prescription Drug Abuse Communication: A Qualitative Analysis of Prescriber and Pharmacist Perceptions and Behaviors. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy. Early online 12/29/2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2015.12.008.
Hagemeier NE, Alamian A, Murawski MM, Pack RP, Flippin H, Hagy EJ. Correlates of Prescription Opioid Legitimacy Estimations among Community Pharmacists in Tennessee. Substance Use and Misuse. 2016; 51(6):692-9.
Gray JA, Hagemeier NE, Brooks B, Alamian AA. Prescription waste and disposal practices: A two-year ecological study of drug drop box donations in Appalachia. American Journal of Public Health. e-View Ahead of Print. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302689
Hagemeier NE, Alamian AA, Murawski MM, Pack RP. Factors associated with provision of addiction treatment facility information by community pharmacists. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2015; 52: 67-72. Early online November 2014.
Hagemeier NE, Murawski MM, Lopez NC, Alamian A, Pack RP. Theoretical Exploration of Tennessee Community Pharmacists' Perceptions Regarding Opioid Pain Reliever Abuse Communication. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy. 2014; 10(3): 562-575.
Hagemeier NE, Murawski MM. An Instrument to Assess Subjective Task Value Beliefs Regarding the Decision to Pursue Postgraduate Training. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2014; 78(1): Article 11.
Hagemeier NE, Gray JA, Pack RP. Prescription Drug Abuse: A Comparison of Prescriber and Pharmacist Perspectives. Substance Use & Misuse. 2013; 248(9);761-768.
Gray JA, Hagemeier NE. Prescription Drug Abuse and DEA-Sanctioned Drug Take-Back Events: Characteristics and Outcomes in Rural Appalachia. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2012; 172(15):1186-1187.
Organizational Involvement/Membership: