Graduate Council – Minutes
September 26, 2011 1:15pm
President’s Conference Room – Burgin Dossett Hall 206
Present: Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Dr. Russell Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown,
Ms. Queen Brown, Ms. Alyssa Buckingham, Dr. Ranjan N. Chakraborty, Dr. Scott W. Champney,
Dr. Eric S. Glover, Dr. M. M. Grube, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Dr. Marie Jones, Dr. Jeff R. Knisley,
Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman,
Dr. Janna L. Scarborough, Dr. Marie Tedesco
Excused: Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Emmett M. Essin,
Ms. LaDonna Hutchins
Approval of August 2011 minutes: The August minutes were approved with no corrections.
Subcommittee report – Dr. Martha Pointer:
Establish Concentrations in the Master of Education in Educational Leadership
The proposal establishes three
concentrations in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership: Instructional
Leadership/Administration, Teacher Leadership, and Student Personnel. The current program has no concentrations but
focuses on administrative endorsement.
taken by council: Tabled for additional
documentation and editing
New Course Proposal – CUAI 5102/6102,
Teaching for Understanding
This proposal adds a course needed for
the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In
the Rationale for Proposal, remove the “ELPA” from the first line.
B. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
C In the Proposed Implementation Term,
change th date to Fall 2012.
D. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
E. In the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “The student will be able to…” and replace it with
a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
F. In the Major Assignments section, align
the titles of the items with the titles of the times in the Grade Assignment
G. In the Major Assignments section, change
the section that states “Students enrolled in 6102 will:” to “Students enrolled in 6102 must….”
H. In the Grading Scale section, include a
line for the grade of “F.”
I. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved (1 abstention) with recommended
New Course Proposal – CUAI 5103/6103,
Assessing for Understanding
This proposal adds a course needed for
the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
B. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to….”
D. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “The student will be able to…” and replace it with
a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
E. In the Major Assignments section, change
“f2” with “face-to-face.”
F. In the Major Assignments section,
describe each of the assignments.
G.. In the Major Assignments section, change
the section that states “Students enrolled in 6103 will:” to “Students enrolled in 6103 must….”
H. In the Grading Scale section, include a
line for the grade of “F.”
I. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved (1 abstention) with recommended
New Course Proposal – EDFN 5104/6104,
Philosophy and Psychological Theories of Learning: Past, Present, and Future
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In
Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In the Course Title, remove the last four
words from the title of the course
B. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
C. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
D In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to….”
E. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “Candidates are expected to…” and replace it with
a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
F. In the Grade Assignment section, make
sure the titles align with the Major Assignments titles.
G. In the Major Assignments section,
describe each of the assignments.
H. In the Major Assignments section, change
the section that states “Students enrolled in 6104 will:” to “Students enrolled in 6104 must….”
I. In the Grading Scale section, include
a line for the grade of “F.”
J. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – READ 5105/6105,
Leading Literacy in the 21st Century
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In
Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
B. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to….”
D. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “The student will be able to…” and replace it with
a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
E. In the Grade Assignment section, make
sure the titles align with the Major Assignments titles.
F. In the Major Assignments section,
change the section that states “Students enrolled in 6105 will:” to “Students enrolled in 6105 must….”
G. In the Grading Scale section, include a
line for the grade of “F.”
H. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – ELPA 5106/6106, Instructional
Leadership through Coaching and Mentoring
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In
Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
B. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “The course will prepare…” and replace it with a
section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
D. In the Grade Assignment section, make
sure the titles align with the Major Assignments titles.
E. In the Grade Assignment section, the
point total is 500, but the pints assigned in the Grading Scale section are
700. Please revise the Grading Scale.
F. In the Grading Scale section, include a
line for the grade of “F.”
G. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved (1 abstention) with recommended
New Course Proposal – ELPA 5107,
Leadership for Differentiating Classrooms
This proposal adds a course needed for
the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
Change the course number so that it
does not end in a “7.” (not a 4xx7/5xx7 course)
B. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
C. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to….”
D. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “Candidates are expected to…” and replace it with
a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
E. In the Grade Assignment section, make
sure the titles align with the Major Assignments titles.
F. In the Grading Scale section, include a
line for the grade of “F.”
G. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – EDFN 5204/6204,
Brain, Mind, Experience, and School
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In
Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In the Course Description, remove the
National Board information and change from the future tense.
B. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to….”
D. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “The student will be able to…” and replace it with
a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
E. In the Grade Assignment section, make
sure the titles align with the Major Assignments titles.
F. In the Major Assignments section,
change the section that states “Students enrolled in 6204 will:” to “Students
enrolled in 6204 must….”
G. In the Grading Scale section, include a
line for the grade of “F.”
H. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – ELPA 5820,
Introduction to Higher Education in America
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentrations in the M. Ed. In Educational
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
B. In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to assist the
C. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “Upon completion of the course…” and replace it
with a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
D. In the Major Assignments section,
explain and describe each of the items listed.
E. Grading Scale correct the chart so that
includes the entire range of points.
F. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – ELPA 5822, Legal
Issues in Student Personnel
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentration in Student Personnel in
the M. Ed. in Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In
the Rationale for Proposal, replace the information given with information
about the course proposal, stating that is part of the new concentration.
B. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C. In the Purpose and Goals section,
Begin the section with the phrase “The purpose of this course is to assist the
D. In
the Purpose and Goals section, add a second paragraph that begins “The goals of the course are:….”
E. In the Major Assignments section,
explain and describe each of the items listed.
F. Grading Scale correct the chart so that
includes the entire range of points.
G. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
H. Check for a newer edition of the
Required Reading(s).
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – ELPA 5823,
Program Planning and Budgeting in Higher Education
proposal adds a course needed for the new concentration in the M. Ed. In
Educational Leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In
the Rationale for Proposal, replace the information given with information
about the course proposal, stating that is part of the new concentration.
B. In
the Staffing section, list the names of the Graduate Faculty who may teach the
C. In
the Purpose and Goals section, remove
the section that begins with “Upon completion of the course…” and replace it
with a section that begins with “The goals of the course are:….”
D. In the Major Assignments section,
explain and describe each of the items listed.
E. In the Other Information section,
include some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
New Course Proposal – ELPA 6454,
Policy, Power, and Politics in Education
proposal adds a course that may be used as an elective in the ELPA graduate
programs in educational leadership.
The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following
A. In
the Course Description, reduce the description, if possible, to emphasize the
most important characteristics of the course.
B. In
the Proposed Implementation Term, change the year to 2012.
C. In
the Purpose and Goals section, begin with the phrase “The purpose of this
course is….”
D. In
the Purpose and Goals section, introduce the second paragraph with the works
“The goals of the course are…” and reword the bulleted items to remove the
future tense.
E. In the Major Assignments section,
explain what is meant by the “equivalent” in part 2, the third bullet.
F. In the Grade Assignment section, align
the items listed with the titles of the items listed in the Major Assignments.
G. In the Other Information section, include
some information about academic misconduct.
Action taken by council: approved with recommended changes
Establish a New Concentration in the
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies
proposal is to establish a new concentration in Regional and Community Studies
in the MALS program.
Action taken by council: Tabled for additional editing
Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr.
Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report
September 2011
New Applications
Applicant Department Recommendation
Applicant Department Present Status Recommendation
1. Brinson, Hiram ELPA Interim Affiliate
2. Countermine, Terry CSCI Associate Affiliate
3. Epps, Susan ALHS Associate Member
4. Fagelson, Mark Aud/SpchLangPath Full Senior
5. Herrmann, Andrew COMM Temp. Member
6. Nash, Stephen HIST Affiliate Member
7. Pitarese, Anthony CSCI Associate Member
8. Price, Kellie CSCI Interim Affiliate
9. Roach, Jeffrey CSCI Interim Affiliate
10. Tarnoff, David CSCI Interim Affiliate
11. Uwe-Nwagbo, Pearl NURS Interim Affiliate
12. Watson, Elwood HIST Associate Member
13. Wilson, Richard Aud/SpchLangPath Full Senior
14. Zucker, Ronald CSCI Associate Member
Action taken by council:
approved with no changes
Update on Credit Hour Definition committee: Dr. Grube summarized the policy and procedures for the credit hour definition proposal which was handed out to the council members. According to the proposal the definition is as follows: “A semester credit is a unit of educational accomplishment represented by learning outcomes.” Also, the proposal defines a credit(s) not credit hours and the credit definition for the courses are appropriate. Furthermore, the criteria for determining credit for courses include some or all of the following:
1. Discipline-specific best practices
2. Purpose and goals of the course
3. Intellectual/learning outcomes
4. Content and topics
5. Major assignments
6. Assessment methods
7. Class level: lower or upper division undergraduate, undergraduate/graduate
Combines, graduate (master and/or doctoral)
8. Course type: lecture, lab, clinical, studio, study abroad, internship, field placement, independent study, thesis, or dissertation;
9. Course delivery method: synchronous, asynchronous, or combined
10. Articulation and transferability of credit of other institutions; and
11. Other factors as appropriate
The proposal was accepted in principle after the council member’s discussion.
Update on Academic Honesty/Integrity task force: Dr. Hoover presented an overview of the task force committee on honesty/integrity policy and recommendations. Among the various recommendations are tutorial training for faculty and students, central reporting system for those students who cheat more than once, to place on the ETSU website to make all concerned informed of the consequence of cheating. There is another meeting scheduled for September in which a draft of the recommendations will be presented. The Council Request that Dr. McIntosh invite the committee chair, Jeff Howard, to give a presentation at the next council meeting.
Old Business: none
New Business: Dr. McIntosh presented a draft of the Thesis/Dissertation Scholarships proposal with an effective date of fall 2012. The concept is “to provide one semester to graduate students at the end stage of their program” as an incentive to complete the thesis or dissertation similar to boot camp. The approval was given in spring of 2011 to start this program in fall 2012. Dr. McIntosh is requesting the Council to formulate criterion for award of the scholarship and other details. The council members discussed and provided some initial suggestions. Dr. McIntosh will compose another draft proposal and present at the October meeting.
Other: none
Adjournment: There were no further business to discuss; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.