Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

March 31, 2014 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present:  Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Queen Brown, Dr. Emmett M. Essin, Dr. Marsh Grube, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Marie Jones, Dr. Karen D. King, Dr. Jeff R. Knisley, Dr. Lori Marks, Dr. Brian J. Maxson, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Phillip Musich, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Evelyn Roach, Dr. Mitch Robinson, Dr. Janna Scarborough, Dr. Marie Tedesco, r. Ester L. Verhovsek, Dr. Florence M. Weierbach


Absent:  Dr. Russell Brown, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Robert Pack, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Ms. Colleen Scott


Guests:  Dr. Amy Collins, Dr. Jeremiah Jaggers, Dr. Jane Broderick


Approval of February 2014 Minutes:


The motion made, seconded and approved to accept the February 24, 2014 minutes.


Curriculum Subcommittee report – Dr. Marie Jones:


Each of the proposals below was considered using the following characteristics as an element of the appropriateness of the proposal:

Appropriate credit hour assignment

Appropriate discipline-specific best practices

Appropriate purpose and goals of the proposal

Appropriate intellectual/learning outcomes

Appropriate content and topics

Appropriate major assignments

Appropriate class level

Appropriate course type

Appropriate course delivery method

Conflict with other courses or programs

Articulation and transferability of credit to other institutions


New Course: SOWK-4407/5407 Social Work in the Criminal Justice System


This course provides an overview of social work’s role within the criminal justice system.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

·          On the syllabus: undergraduate grading scale F, remove extra = and add space between Below and 240.

·         Under “other information” on the syllabus, please add academic misconduct policy, disability services statement, and a link to the syllabus attachment


Action taken by council:  approved with the recommendations


Site-Based and Electronic Delivery: Delivery Plan for PhD in Early Childhood Education at Sevierville


The proposal outlines the offering of the PhD in Early Childhood online and on campus.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


·         Add to your response to the first question some detail about the hybrid nature of the program, including monthly meetings at the site.

·         Replace “online advisor from the School of Graduate Studies” with “online liaison provided by the School of Graduate Studies”


Action taken by council:  approved with the recommendations


Substantial Course Modifications


This course provides an overview of the development of archives and the archival profession.


AVST 5310: Archives History and Issues. Change course title and catalog description


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

·          Change learning outcomes to reflect outcomes of assignments, not the assignments themselves, using verbs from appropriate levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. See, for example.

·         Describe major assignments with a bit more detail to show expectations are at a graduate level.

·         Grading scale: change to read “Below 72: F” and “Below 715”

·         Include syllabus attachment link in “other information”:

·         Correct library phone number in last line before Required Textbooks.

·         Typographical error in required readings Bingo, Stephen: Integrity.


Action taken by council:  approved with the recommendations


AVST 5311: Archives Theory and Practice. Change course title and catalog description


The course covers an overview of archives principles and practices.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

·         Proposed catalog description: remove last word. Add “(spring)”.

·         Remove numbers in list of major course topics.

·         Be sure that your learning outcomes reflect higher levels of learning as defined by  Bloom’s Taxonomy. See, for example.

·         Describe major assignments with a bit more detail to show expectations are at a graduate level, and add spaces after the numbers defining each assignment.

·         Grading scale: change to read F “Below 72” and “Below 715”

·         Under “other information” on the syllabus, please add academic misconduct policy, disability services statement, and a link to the syllabus attachment


Action taken by council:  approved with the recommendations



            Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Marks. 









1.      Greene, Amanda

Kinesiology, Sport & Recreation Management


2.      Wilson, Phillip


Senior Member





Action of council:  approved









Present Status


1.      Greer, Lindsay

Audiology & Speech Language Pathology



2.      Lampley, James




3.      Reed, Delanna

Communication/ Curriculum & Instruction




Action of council:  approved

Report from Academic Council – Dr. Marks:

The Academic council was canceled; therefore, no announcements.

Old Business:

Dr. Maxson distributed the current and proposed drafted fund-raising Add-On Fellowship letter to council members.  He stated an overview of ways to make the Add-On Fellowship more attractive to donors in order to increase the number of fellowship for students.  The council discussed the changes and stated the proposed letter was acceptable and had previous approval.  The letter will be mailed out next week.  Also, Dr. McIntosh stated there are two foundation accounts and the enclosed donor card should distinguish the Add-on Fellowship option. 

New Business:

Dr. McIntosh presented a Power Point composed by Ms. Emily Redd, Editorial Assistant, to the council summarizing the Thesis/Dissertation Boot Camp.  The boot camp is scheduled four times during the fiscal year and set 49 hours of dedicated time and space for students to focus on completing their thesis or dissertation.  Also, the student has access to library staff, participating graduate faculty, the dean of Graduate Studies, Ms. Redd and Dr. John Taylor, and Mr. Rob Russell, Writing/Communication center.  The boot camp advertises through email, flyers, and press releases.  The Office of Professional Development handles the registration of potential graduate students. Dr. McIntosh thanked the council and their individual departments for their support to make the boot camp a success.

Dr. Maxson stated a decision for the Outstanding Mentor award nominee should be made today.  Previously, an email was sent with the instructions and the five nominees.  The council member asked for additional time to review the nominees and it was agreed to email Dr. Maxson the top two choices by Friday, April 4th.  At that time, the nominee with the most votes will be selected. 

Dr. Bartoszuk summarized what was discussed by the selection committee regarding how to clarify information needed for student to apply for the Research Grant. One idea was to have a mini-workshop on topics that students are finding difficult such as how to report a timetable, a description of financial support, how grants work with thesis/dissertations, and whether the student has other financial support.  The research grant program has been in existence for nine years and was set up to enhance the student’s research capability with the minimum award of $500 and the maximum of $800.  Moreover, the requirements have been listed on the Graduate Studies website along with the names of previous recipients.


Dr. Bartoszuk discussed ideas for clarifying the instructions for the Teaching award application.  The council members made suggestions of how to improve the selection process.  Among the items mentioned are providing a workshop, encouraging a wider variety of disciplines from departments/colleges, and possibly setting up applying digitally.  The requirements have been listed on the Graduate Studies website along with the names of previous recipients.




Finally, Dr. McIntosh announced the Annual Graduate Studies’ Award ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at the D. P. Culp Center auditorium.



There was no further business to discuss; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 2:24 pm.