Charge of the University Council
The Council will approve and make recommendations to the President on proposals brought before the body.
The Council is charged to:
- Review, recommend and/or approve university-wide policy, proposals to pursue new strategic
agendas that include creating new entities, pursuing new initiatives, approving new
commitments to programs that require significant investments of university funds.
- Ensure that consideration of major new goals is accompanied by purposeful critique,
through assessment and consideration of impact, coordination with the budget process,
and an implementation plan that provides for appropriate monitoring and reasonable
evaluation of ongoing success.
- Communicate information to and from constituency groups regarding matters that appear
before the Council such as new/ongoing university projects, changes to university
policies, etc.
- Review the university’s vision, mission, values, and strategic goals annually, overseeing
development of tracking and report accountability protocols for key performance indicators
and other strategic planning outcomes.
- Submit to the President any recommended revisions to the strategic plan and assure
consideration of the university’s mission in all planning activities on campus.
- Review and make recommendations regarding the annual evaluation and assessment of
the university’s institutional effectiveness, planning, and budgeting processes.
- Monitor the university’s compliance with SACSCOC requirements and the implementation
as assessment of the Quality Enhancement Plan.
- Scan the environment for social, economic, educational, and political developments with implications for the university, explore appropriate responses to these developments, assure that institutional processes take into appropriate account environmental factors, and report on these matters at least annually to the president.