Chair's Duties
Selecting of a Chair: Each organization within the governance structure will stipulate the means by which its leadership is determined.
Each Committee Chair will:
- Obtain records from the previous chair*, become familiar with the responsibilities of the governance organization, and apprise other governance organization members of these responsibilities.
- Arrange for meeting times and places, prepare agenda, and call meetings of the governance organization.
- Obtain information and expertise for the governance organization so the duties of the governance organization can be efficiently carried out and recommendations of import and substance can be generated.
- Forward all governance organization recommendations to the administrative official(s) or organization reported to by the governance organization.
- Prepare or supervise the preparation of an annual report of the activities and recommendations of the governance organization and forward one copy to the UC Sub-council on Goverance.
- Maintain a file that includes:
- standard operating procedures
- the minutes of each committee meeting
- the annual reports of the committee
- documents, correspondence, and other information that might be of continuing value to the committee
- Report vacancies in committee membership according to the process of filling vacancies
out-of-cycle and/or during the term to UC Sub-council on Governance within two weeks
of the occurrence of the vacancy. If circumstances prevent the chair from reporting
a vacancy, other committee members are charged with designating one committee member
to report the vancay.
- Secure and submit to the Office of Human Resources, Box 70564, a completed and signed volunteer form for each governace orgnization member who is not an ETSU employee (i.e., students, alumni, retireees, community representatives). Volunteer forms must be submitted to Human Resources by September 1 or prior to the first meting of the committee. Volunteers may complete one volunteer form for the full term of service.
*when there is a change in chairs, the outgoing chair forwards the committee records to the incoming chair.