Full-Time Personnel by
EEOC Classifications
Fall Semester - 1998
    (ETSU, College of Medicine & Family Medicine)

Executive, Admin., & Managerial

      ETSU                       59
      COM/FM                         7
             Total                        66


      ETSU                      513
      COM/FM                      148
             Total                      661

Professional Non-Faculty

      ETSU                      245
      COM/FM                       101
             Total                      346

Clerical and Secretarial

       ETSU                      282
       COM/FM                      129
              Total                      411

Technical and Paraprofessional

      ETSU                        43
      COM/FM                        18
              Total                         71 

Skilled Crafts

      ETSU                        62
      COM/FM                          1
             Total                        63


      ETSU                     176 
      COM/FM                         9
             Total                     185
UNIVERSITY TOTAL                  1,803
Source:  Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning