Constitution & by Laws
- Article I Name of Organization
- Article II Mission Statement
- Article III The Purpose
- Article IV The Organization
- Article V Membership
- Article VI Officers
- Article VII Election of Officers
- Article VIII Duties and Powers of the Officers
- Article IX Committees
- Article X Functions and Responsibilities of Standing Committees
- Article XI Meetings
- Article XII Governing Rules
- Article XIII Amending the Constitution
Article I Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) of East Tennessee State University (ETSU).
It shall be the mission of the BFSA to provide an atmosphere of cultural and social networking among members. It shall be the mission of the organization to aid in the recruitment and welcoming of marginalized communities, to be a supportive network for new and continuing community members, and to improve the retention and quality of life of marginalized communities and others at ETSU through the development of a multicultural perspective.
The purpose of this organization shall be to encourage member participation in activities which:
- Promote harmony and social change among diverse cultural and ethnic groups on campus and the surrounding communities.
- Support equity and inclusion in the hiring, promotion, and tenure of members of marginalized communities.
- Support efforts to increase the diversity of students matriculating and graduating from ETSU.
- Support access and success of people of color, including acting as an advocacy group on their behalf.
- Promote activities that foster a multicultural view of the universe.
Section A. The BFSA shall be a nonprofit organization.
Section B. As an officially recognized organization of the University, the association shall not be in conflict with the policies, rules, and regulations of ETSU, and where such conflict may exist University policies shall supersede those of the organization..
Section C. Membership in BFSA shall be open to all faculty, staff, graduate, and professional students desirous of contributing to the cultural diversity and equitable development of the University.
Section D. Each member shall pay annual dues as established by the Executive Committee and the vote of the membership. Members who have paid their current dues will be considered financial members.
Section E. Dues paid will contribute to the support of BFSA programming.
Section F. Dues for graduate and professional students will not exceed 75% of the amount of dues paid by Faculty and Staff
There shall be three classes of membership in the organization: financial, general, and student.
Section A. Financial members are ETSU faculty, staff, and graduate and professional students who have paid the required membership dues for that fiscal year. The fiscal year shall be as defined by the University, presently July 1 – June 30.
Section B. General members shall be any and all Black faculty and staff employed during a fiscal year at ETSU.
Section C. Students membership is open to any currently enrolled graduate and professional students who wish to contribute to the activities and mission of the BFSA
Article VI Officers and Leadership
Section A. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by this Constitution and By-Laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the body and/or Roberts Rules of Order.
Section B. The above officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the BFSA. With the exception of the Parliamentarian who shall be appointed by the President, the election of these officers shall follow the procedures and regulations designated by this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section C. All officers shall be financial members of the association at the time of their election.
Section D. Election of officers shall be by majority vote (50% + 1) of the financial members voting during that election.
- Subsection 1. All financial members have voting privileges on all matters of the association with the exception of those designated in this Constitution.
- Subsection 2. A consensus shall be attempted before going to a majority vote (50% + 1) of the financial members present is necessary for final action on all decisions conducted at regular meetings.
Section E. The Executive Committee, comprised of officers and other persons as defined in the Constitution, shall provide leadership for the Association. The Executive Committees shall serve as a steering committee for the Association with the authority to review major issues, make preliminary decisions for discussion and voting at the next full Association meeting, develop operating policies and procedures, and direct the president to act on behalf of the Association as may be required.
Article VII Election of Officers
Section A. Officers of the BFSA designated in Article VI, Section A of the Constitution, with the exception of the Parliamentarian, shall be elected by secret ballot during a meeting of the General Body. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian and current Executive Committee will conduct a secret ballot through an online system.
Section B. Officers of BFSA shall be elected in the Spring Semester of each year. The election shall be in accordance with that prescribed in the current Constitution and By-Laws. The term of office shall begin with the start of the new fiscal year following the election.
Section C. The term of office for elected officers shall be two years. Officers shall serve no more than two successive terms but shall be eligible to serve in that position again provided there is a been a break of at least one term. The Parliamentarian shall serve a term of two years and is eligible for re-appointment by the President, without consideration of terms served.
Section D. If an elected officer vacates their position, the Executive Committee shall appoint an active member to fulfill the remainder of the term of the position Appointment to a vacated position does not prevent the individual from succeeding themselves one term.
Section E. Election of officers shall be staggered. Election of the President, and Secretary shall be in even years. Election of the Vice-President and Treasurer shall be in odd years. This procedure shall begin one year after the adoption of this Constitution. Any individual re-elected for an office in which they are currently serving shall be considered to have already served one, two-year term. Such individuals, although eligible for that election, shall not be eligible to succeed themselves for an additional term.
Section F. Nominations for elected offices shall be formulated by a Nominating Committee convened for the purpose of establishing a slate of recommended officers for that election. In addition, nominations will be solicited and received from financial members.
Article VIII Duties and Powers of the Officers
Section A. The President. The President shall:
- Preside over all regular and called meetings of the Association and executive committee meetings.
- Serve as the official spokesperson and representative of the Association unless another member is designated by the president.
- Appoint all committees, with the exception of the executive committee.
- Vote on motions only in instances of a tie vote. The vote of the President shall be the deciding vote when such a vote is required to break a tie.
- Serve as an ex-officio member without voting privileges of all committees.
- Miss no more than 3 general body or executive board meetings without an excuse per fiscal year.
Section B. The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall:
- Preside over regular and executive meetings of the Association in the absence of the President and shall conduct all business of the Association in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President.
- Carry all motions and break ties regarding special reports presented by the President for approval by the body.
- Responsible for organizing BFSA meetings at least once a month
- Serve as a member of the executive committee.
- Miss no more than 3 general body or executive board meetings without an excuse per fiscal year
Section C. The Secretary. The Secretary shall:
- Record and maintain a complete record of all meetings of the Association and meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Notify the University of all changes in the organization's officers and to annually furnish the same with a financial membership roster.
- Maintain a record of all committee reports.
- Officially notify each member regarding dates and times of meetings.
- Distribute to all financial members in a timely manner the necessary notices regarding elections and voting of any proposed constitutional changes.
- Deposit all monies collected by the treasurer.
- Maintain the official copy of the Association's University account and distribute a copy of the same to the Treasurer.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee
- Miss no more than 3 general body or executive board meetings without an excuse per fiscal year.
Section D. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:
- Collect all monies due to the Association and issue receipts for the same.
- Maintain an acceptable accounting method of the Association's income and expenditures.
- Submit a monthly update and quarterly financial report to the Executive Committee.
- Submit to the Secretary for deposit monies collected on behalf of the Association.
- Pay bills and obligations of the Association as directed by the President.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Miss no more than 3 general body or executive board meetings without an excuse per fiscal year.
Section E. The Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall:
- Maintain order during all meetings conducted by the Association.
- Assure that all meetings and activities of the Association are not in violation of the organization's Constitution and By-Laws or the rules and regulations of the University.
- Serve as Chair of an Ad-Hoc Constitution and By-Laws Committee in instances of proposed constitutional changes and during years when a constitution review is required.
- Be an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee.
- Preside over an Ad-Hoc Nominating Committee during elections.
- Miss no more than 3 general body or executive board meetings without an excuse per fiscal year.
Section A. There shall be four standing committees of BFSA: Fundraising, Outreach, Programming, and Mentoring.
Section B. The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint all members and Chairs of these committees.
Section C. Standing committees shall have the authority to develop its own methods for achieving its charges and are required to maintain a record of all meetings and actions.
Section C. The President shall establish Ad-Hoc committees, and appoint members and chairs of the same, as may be necessary to carry out carry out the business of the Association.
Article X Functions and Responsibilities of Standing Committees
Section A. Fundraising Committee: The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for raising funds necessary to implement programs and activities of the Association. The committee shall be expected to develop fundraising strategies that are consistent with ethical practices and that are expected to meet the required annual budget.
Section B. Outreach Committee. The Outreach Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing activities in order to facilitate the Association’s engagement within the University, as well as the larger community. The Outreach Committee shall also work with other committees to maintain external communications, including the BFSA website.
Section C. Programming Committee. The Programming Committee shall be responsible for conducting regular programming for the organization consistent with the organization’s mission and purpose, including a Welcome Program.
Section D. Mentoring Committee. The Mentoring Committee shall be responsible for implementing activities and providing support that fosters a sense of belonging for faculty, staff, and students from marginalized groups, and to provide mentoring services that facilitate their professional development and success
Article XI General Body Meetings
Section A. Regular meetings shall be held once a month during the fall and spring semesters. Additional meetings will be called at the request of the President and/or the Executive Committee, or upon the written request of five financial members. Unless otherwise stipulated in this Constitution and By-Laws, a consensus will be attempted before a quorum of financial members shall vote. A majority vote shall be required to pass all motions, amendments, bills, resolutions, actions, etc.
Section B. A quorum must be present to conduct the official business of the organization. One-fourth (25%) of the membership shall be deemed a quorum.
Roberts Rules of Order shall be the governing authority for this Association in instances not covered by this Constitution and By-Laws or the rules and regulations of East Tennessee State University.
Article XIII Amending the Constitution
This Constitution may be amended in the following manner:
- Submission of recommended changes in writing by any member of the Association to a member of the executive committee.
- Proposed amendments shall be read and discussed at a regular meeting for which notice has been given to all members at least seven (7) days prior to the date of that meeting.
- Voting for recommended amendments and changes shall be by secret ballot of all financial members and shall occur at a time and by means as determined by the Executive Committee. Written notice regarding the date for voting on all recommended amendments and changes shall be given to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of voting.
- Adoption of this constitution will require a two-thirds majority vote by BFSA members. Each individual receives one (1) vote.
- The constitution will be reviewed at least every three (3) years and amended as needed.
Revised 4/2021