Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Students from two classes at Indiana University of Pennsylvania collaborated with the Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission (AICDAC) to study attitudes towards the use of Narcan in the opioid epidemic by interviewing first responders (i.e., law enforcement, fire fighters, EMTs), in-patient and out-patient treatment staff, medical providers, and policy makers in their community. This project used a multi-method approach that engaged both qualitative and quantitative data to better understand the landscape, scope, and responses to the opioid epidemic in Indiana County. Students utilized ethnographic interviews and participant observation, as well as economic research and analysis, to understand the nature of the opioid epidemic in their county and the perceptions and practices around the use of Narcan. The project was designed to create broader linkages between the university community and Indiana County efforts to address the opioid epidemic; to establish data-informed, concrete recommendations around Narcan use in rural Appalachian communities; and to provide additional resources to help the community partner respond to the opioid epidemic in the community.
Contact Information :
Abigail Adams, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Telephone: (724) 357-3935
Brandon Vick, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Economics
Telephone: (724) 357-4827
Previous Conference Participation:
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2010 2009