Documenting Community Traditions: Marketing the Craftspeople and
Artists of Northeast Tennessee
The central focus of this ongoing project is to document the work of the artists and
craftspeople of seven counties in Northeast Tennessee and to use that documentation
in developing marketing strategies for the arts. The community partners are those
artisans, along with local arts organizations and development initiatives including
the East Tennessee Artisans Marketing Summit, the Tanasi Steering Committee, and the
Johnson City Area Arts Council. Project goals are to promote the arts, enhance marketing
opportunities for regional artisans, and use the arts to foster sustainable development.
Students worked with a local community and learned how to use a cultural survey as
a tool in community development.
Student Participants: Jill Bumpuss, Chelsie Lawson, Josh Monroe, Stephanie Wilson
Faculty: Tess Lloyd
Guest: Gordon Anderson
Contact Information:
Tess Lloyd, Ph.D.
East Tennessee State University
Department of English
PO Box 70683
Johnson City, TN 37614
Telephone: 423-439-6677