Our graduate faculty identify with dominant areas of study in the discipline (American,
European, World, and Public). Yet, their research and graduate seminars expand these
fields into creative, relevant topics that vary by era and geography. Each one is
willing to work with MA students on a variety of topics (see the Theses Chronicle).
If you are interested in studying a topic but are not sure that a professor's
expertise is compatible, search the descriptions below and contact a professor with
whom you are interested in working. In your email explain your interest(s). The
list below is in alphabetical order. Personal webpages, if available, can be accessed
by clicking on the professor's name.
Dr. Henry Antkiewicz
World HistoryRussia, Poland, Central-Eastern Europe, China Japan, East Asia
Dr. Stephen Fritz
European History19th-20th Cent Europe, Germany, Holocaust, WW I & II, Cold War
Dr. Tom Lee
American / Public HistoryAppalachia, Agricultural History, Progressive Era, U.S. South
Dr. Mayo-Bobee
American HistoryPolitics 18th -19th Cents American Revolution, Early Republic, Politics of Slavery, Biography, Presidents, Women in Politics
Dr. Steven Nash
American History 19th Century, Civil War, Reconstruction, Appalachia, Environmental History
Dr. John Rankin
World HistoryBritain, Africa, Atlantic World, Caribbean, History of Health and Medicine, Social History
Dr. Elwood Watson
American HistoryRecent America, African American, American Studies, Gender History, Cultural History