Department Policies
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this department, and its consequences are serious. Proven willful plagiarism can result in failure in the course and may include dismissal from the university.
The MLA Handbook defines plagiarism as repeating...
" your own someone else's sentences, more or less verbatim. . . .Other forms of plagiarism include repeating someone else's particularly apt phrase without appropriate acknowledgment, paraphrasing another person's argument as your own, and presenting another's line of thinking. . . as though it were your own."
A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought. - Dorothy L. Sayers
Standardized Grading Scale
A: 93-100% A: 93-100 points
A-: 90-92% A-: 90-92 points
B+: 87-89% B+: 87-89 points
B: 83-86% B: 83-86 points
B-: 80-82% B-: 80-82 points
C+: 77-79% C+: 77-79 points
C: 70-76% C: 70-76 points
D+: 67-69% D+: 67-69 points
D: 60-66% D: 60-66 points
F: 0-59% F: 0-59 points
Student Conduct
Students must conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to learning for themselves and for others in the class. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable and may result in a student having to face campus disciplinary action or in being temporarily or, in severe cases, permanently removed from class.
Final Grade Policy
Students must earn a C or above to progress through all 1000-level courses. For this purpose, a C grade is defined as 70 points or more on a 100 point scale.
General Grade Descriptions
A Superior. The student has demonstrated a quality of work and accomplishment that exceeds the formal requirements and shows originality of thought and mastery of material.
B Above Average. The student’s achievement exceeds the usual accomplishment, showing a clear indication of initiative and grasp of the subject.
C Average. The student has met the formal requirements and has demonstrated good comprehension of the subject and reasonable ability to handle ideas.
D Below Average. The student has not met the formal requirements and has not demonstrated good comprehension of the subject and reasonable ability to handle ideas.
F Failure. The student has not met the minimum requirements.