Radiologic Science
Zoom Online Section
With the exception of RADT 4030 Radiographic Pathology, which is offered as an asynchronous online course, students can register for the traditional classroom section (001) or the Zoom (581) section of radiologic science didactic lecture courses. Courses are delivered synchronously with students in the classroom and others online via their home computer. Students in the 995 section log into Desire2Learn (D2L) to access course materials, exams, and Zoom.
Students using Zoom must have a laptop, a headset, and a wired high speed internet connection. The student must take all quizzes and tests in the Radiologic Science Classroom, Lamb Hall 014 or proctored at the ETSU Sevier Center. Students in the Zoom section must take a laptop to the Sevier Center. Exams will be accessed on D2L, which requires a log-in, pass code and a Respondus lock down browser.
The university charges an additional fee of $25/credit hour for Zoom undergraduate course sections, and that amount is subject to change per ETSU. Zoom sections are not available for lab or clinical courses. Lab courses are offered in Lamb Hall and LeConte Medical Center. All enrolled students complete clinical education at one of the program's clinical education settings.
Radiologic Science Program Grading Policy
Due to the close patient contact and radiographer responsibilities, mastery of academic
material and technical competency are required. Therefore, the grading policy in radiologic
science courses is as follows:
Grade Scale-Academic
95-100 - A
92-94 - A-
89-91 - B+
86-88 - B
83-85 - B-
80-82 - C+
75-79 - C
73-74 - C-*
71-72 - D+*
68-70 - D*
Below 68 F*
Grade Scale-Clinical
96-100 - A
94-95 - A-
91-93 - B+
89-90 - B
86-88 - B-
83-85 - C+
80-82 - C
78-79 - C-*
75-77 - D+*
73-74 - D*
Below 73 F*
*This grade is considered unsatisfactory and a failing grade.
Student Resources
- ETSU Admission
- Criteria for Transfer Credit
- Counseling Center
- Disability Services
- Financial Aid
- Refund Policies
- Academic Calendars
- Academic Policies
- Graduation Requirements
- Student Handbook
Tuition, Fees, and Other Expenses
- Current Tuition and Fees
- Textbooks
- Textbooks can be purchased from the ETSU Bookstore
- In the final semester of the program, students may purchase the required on-line review program directly from Corectec at a price of $80.
- Radiation badge fee of $22 is billed to the students account annually (in the fall semester)
- Each student is responsible for all expenses related to clinical education, including:
- Trajecsys recordkeeping system ($150)
- Background check ($37)
- Truescreen record keeper ($17.50 over 2 years)>
- Immunizations
- American Heart Association: Basic Life Support/CPR
- Physical exam
- Uniforms
- Lead markers ($35)
- Professional liability insurance ($37.50 per year)
- Name badge ($8)
- Travel to classes/clinical
- Meals
- Personal and incidental expenses
All expenses are subject to change