ETSU’s Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Learning, the ETSU department of Pediatrics and the First Tennessee Development District have partnered with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee Health Foundation, Washington County, Johnson City, and UCLA’s Center for Healthier, Children, Families and Communities to implement the Early Development Instrument (EDI) Project. This project provides a meaningful snapshot of young childrends development in Washington County, TN.
The EDI is a valid and reliable kindergarten readiness checklist that measures a child’s readiness for school and predicts health, education, and social outcomes. The EDI assesses key developmental areas known to impact well-being and school performance:
Physical Health & Well-Being
Emotional Maturity
General Knowledge & Communication
Language & Cognition
Social Competence
EDI results will provide meaningful data for our community and help us make more strategic and better-informed decisions about the allocation and prioritization of resources and services to young children and their families.
For more information, contact Kimberly Hale at or Lottie Ryans at