Campus Partners
Quillen Chair of Excellence in Education
The current Quillen Chair, Dr. Dawn Rowe, focuses on rural education and wellness through scholarship, research, grant-seeking activities, faculty and staff mentoring, and teaching. Research projects aim at recognizing the cultural capital of rural residents and finding ways to make educational opportunities more accessible and equitable in rural areas. Click here for more info.
Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Learning and Development
This center supports high-quality programs for children, birth to age eight, and their
families, sponsors research and innovation within the community, and provides training
and professional development for college students pursuing degrees in early childhood
learning and development. Click here for more info.
Center of Excellence in STEM
This center supports the advancement of STEM (Science, Technology, Education, Math) education from for students along the entire educational spectrum, from preschool to postsecondary, and seeks to develop communities in which children and adults are empowered to engage in meaningful, equitable, and innovative STEM teaching and learning experiences. Click here for more info.
EDWorks is a consortium of leaders from postsecondary institutions, K-12 school systems, and regional business leaders aimed at improving educational attainment and workforce development in nine counties in Northeast Tennessee. EDWorks’ initiatives in pathway development, policy analysis, and data sharing benefit rural students and rural-serving institutions. Click here for more info.
Center for Community College Leadership
The Center for Community College Leadership brings a multidisciplinary approach to addressing the complex issues that face post-secondary education, particularly those in community colleges. The center conducts research projects focusing on the needs of community colleges, analyzes policies, and offers professional development, continuing education, and training programs. Community colleges are an important postsecondary education option for many rural students in our region. Click here for more info.
Center for Rural Health and Research
This center engages rural communities to advance health and improve quality of life through innovative solutions that contribute to the expanding evidence base of what works in rural America. The Center works to honor and preserve its rich Appalachian heritage and Tennessee ties through distinctive research, community engagement, training and policy. Click here for more info.
Research Centers on Campus
Click here for a list of centers.