Teacher-Company Partnerships
Stellar Collab Example from Bristol!
Documentary! from 2023-2024 team
- Thanks to Carolyn Ferrel and team at the Robinette Company, and
- Catherine Lamie, STEM Teacher, Tennessee Middle School
- Forge meaningful collaborations across schools and employers
- Increase student awareness of
- local job opportunities across STEM fields
- what STEM careers are possible
- strategies for companies to bring content to life for middle school students
- Engage students in applied learning projects connected to real company challenges
- Program description
- Check out our year 1 report!
- Majority of teachers and employers viewed experience positively!
- Sign up for 2024-2025!
- Kickoff!
- Fall kickoff dinner meeting in person, at NeSCC's TEC Building, Tues, Sep 24, 4-7pm
- Teams meet, eat dinner, plan for the individualized collaboration
- Attendees share across sectors and teams, ideas to bolster the project
- Collaborate!
- Between Sep 2024-May 2025, teams collaborate in at least 2 ways
- Methods of collaboration are decided by the teams in ways that best meet their goals, resources, students
- Share out!
- Register and attend in person, Spring STEM Hub meeting, May 6, 2025, 4-7pm at Sulphur Springs Elementary School
- Be prepared to share out briefly what happened, how it went, what would be changed next time, and any outcomes of note
- Give feedback
- Recruitment Letter for School Families - edit at will!
- Unlocking Career Success grant program, US Dept of Education Learn more!
- Registration for May 6, 2025 STEM Hub meeting
- Attendance (Sep 24, 2024 event) and photo consent form
Partners: 2024-2025 Cohort
Employers/Teacher Partners
Partners: 2023-2024 Cohort
- Chuckey-Doak Middle, Greene County Schools
- Clinch School, Hawkins County
- Greeneville Middle School, Greeneville City Schools
- Indian Trail Middle School, Johnson City Schools
- Liberty Bell Middle School, Johnson City Schools
- Robinson Middle School, Kingsport City Schools
- Rogersville Middle School, Hawkins County
- Sevier Middle School, Kingsport City Schools
- Sulphur Springs Elementary School, Washington County Schools
- Tennessee Middle School, Bristol City Schools
- Unicoi County Middle School, Unicoi City Schools
- University School, Washington County Schools
School Systems
- Hawkins County
- Johnson City Schools
- Washington County Schools
- Kingsport City Schools
- Bristol City Schools
- Unicoi County Schools
- Greene County Schools
- Greeneville City Schools