You examine a 55-year-old man who present with a chief complaint of exertional
dyspnea and fatigue for the past 3 months. Physical examination reveals a chronically
ill appearing man with a blood pressure of 125/80 mmHg, a pulse rate of 65 beats per
minute, a resiratory rate of 14 breaths per minute, and an oral temperature of 98.6
degrees F. Positive findings on physical examination include evidence of right-sided
cardiac enlargement (retrosternal dullness, parasternal thrust), ascites, and pedal
edema. There is an ecchymosis below the right lower eyelid. His ejection fraction
is within normal limits. Cardiac imaging studies (A-C) and the results of a cardiac
biopsy (D) are shown below.
What is your diagnosis, what tests would you order to confirm your suspicions, and
what treatment, if any, do you recommend?
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