Facilities Management
PO Box 70653 | Johnson City, TN 37614
Phone: 423-439-7900
1380 Jack Vest Drive, Johnson City, TN
Find the appropriate department below to direct your requests.
Business Department and Customer Service
Kerri Perkins
Work Order ManagerCustomer Service
- perkinska@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7757
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
Donna Harmon
Business CoordinatorBusiness
- harmondj@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-6028
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
Chasity Foster
Property and Lease Manager Business
- fostercj@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7767
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
Sara Morawetz-Joyner
Facilities Accounting CoordinatorBusiness
- morawetzjoyn@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7197
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
Capital Assets and Real Estate
Design and Construction
Andy Salley, RCDD
Communication Infrastructure Engineer
- salleye@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7763
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
David Hollifield
Senior Design and Construction Coordinator
- hollifid@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7736
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
Sustainability and Recycling
Facilities Services and Operations
Jason Ervin
Assistant DirectorEnergy Management
- ervin@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7753
- 42 - Wilbur Bond Building
Housing - Custodial & Maintenance
Health Sciences Campus
Sid Smith
Director Health Sciences Campus Facilities & Custodial
- smithsa@etsu.edu
- 423-439-8782
- 119 - VA Campus
Zane Gray
Maintenance ManagerPhysical Plant
- grayz@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7900
- College of Medicine (VA Campus) Room 216
Grounds and Landscape