Welcome, New Faculty!
We are excited to have you as part of our ETSU family, and we would like to support you as you get oriented to our university and what it has to offer you as you embark on teaching, research, and service.
As Part 2 of your orientation to ETSU (Part 1 was our in-person New Faculty Orientation day), our Provost believes it would be helpful for you to complete at least 4 professional development activities with the CTE over the next academic year in our "Sustained Onboarding" process.
With Sustained Onboarding, you can select the information you most need to know to be successful as you launch your career here at ETSU. Our menu also helps you to select sessions that best fit your schedule and availability.
Crediting your CTE Sustained Onboarding sessions
One "session" includes:
- All CTE workshops (on ground, online, and asynchronous)
- Getting Started Toward Tenure & Promotion information session (offered by Provost's Office and Faculty Senate)
- This workshop is also recorded and you can request the link to view it for credit
- Book Club meetings
- Any CTE "Club" and "Learning Community" meetings
- TWO Flash Mentoring sessions (each is only 30 minutes long, online)
- Special invited guest speaker events
- Community-Engaged Learning informational workshops/events
- Micro-CHIIPs Keynote session(online, January)
- Each Micro-CHIIPs concurrent session (online, January)
- Each Open Teaching Week observation & completed Reflection (must register for credit)
- Exceptional Teaching: Get Inspired (a celebration of teaching held in February)
Special Events Worth More:
- Teaching Retreats:
- Early January (on campus): worth TWO sessions (less formal learning opportunities available at this Retreat)
- Mid-May (off-campus): worth THREE sessions if you remain all day (more learning opportunities available)
The CTE does its best to track your attendance at events - be sure to look for the sign-in sheet (for on-ground sessions) or put your name clearly in Zoom (for online events)!
We can send updates upon request, and at the end of the academic year, will send you a final report of CTE event attendance (and all included in above Sustained Onboarding options list).