High-Impact Teaching Practices (HITPs) for Instruction
At ETSU, we define high-impact teaching practices (HITPs) as those that emphasize research- or theory-supported, active learning methods that are used to teach within a course. While some can be intensive, many are easily added to your existing teaching practices.
More broadly, HITPs may also address quality aspects of teaching, including:
- Teaching students how to learn about learning
- Instructor-as-leader in the course
- For more about HITPs, please see Fink (2016).
Please see all of our available resources about the various types of HITPs available to you.
If you would like assistance for incorporating more HITPs into a specific course, feel free to request a TLC or Casual Consult.
HITPs are great to include and are a win-win: You'll engage and motivate your students and make their learning more effective, which can energize your own motivation to teach!