Ms. Sharon Cradic

Ms. Sharon Cradic
Welcome to Physical Education!
Hello Students,
Here are a few resources related to physical education that you may like:
- Keeping yourself and your family fit in the era of social distancing
- 8 tips
- for staying active during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Online Physical Education Network: Tools For Creating an Active Home
- USDA's Choose My Plate -- Building Healthy Eating Habits & Lifestyle
- US Department of Health & Human Services -- President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition
- Gym Calendar
Click the links below for more information
Curriculum Vitae
2011 Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year
American Heart Association
Top Fundraiser for Washington CountyCongratulations Ms. Cradic, for publishing an article in the March/April 2010 issue of Strategies, A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, titled, Establishing a Before School Activity Program
Masters of Education, Elementary Education, August 1998, Milligan College, Johnson City TN
Masters of Education, Physical Education/Exercise Physiology, August 1994, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN
Bachelor of Science, Exercise Science, May 1992, Lander College, Greenwood SC
Physical Education Instructor- University School, East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN, July 2002 - Present
Physical Education Instructor in a year round laboratory school. Responsibilities include development and implementation of curriculum and instruction in kindergarten thru eighth grade classrooms, Mentoring of approximately 50 pre-service physical education students and student teachers each year, Research and presentation of work at local, regional and national conferences.
Coaching Responsibilities:
2010 Present - Girls on the Run Coach and Site Liaison
2009 2007 - Head Middle Cross Country Coach (2008 State Champions)
2009 2007 - Assistant High School Cross Country Coach (2007 & 2008 Girls State Champions)
(2008 Boys State Champions)
2004 2002 Head Track and Field Coach
Adjunct Faculty East Tennessee State University, College of Education, Johnson City, TN,
2004 Present
Teach physical education and exercise science classes at a college level. Courses include Teaching through Aerobic Fitness (3080); and Teaching Rhythm and Gymnastics (3085).
Wellness/Physical Education Instructor David Crockett High School, Washington County School
System, Jonesbourgh TN, 1998 - 2002
Designed and implemented appropriate health and physical education curriculum based on the Tennessee Standards for high school students.
Head High School Volleyball Coach
5th Grade Classroom Instructor (Internship) West View Elementary School, Washington County School System, Limestone TN, 1996 1998.
5th grade classroom teacher for one year (1997 -1998), Taught Title One Math and 6th & 8th grade math (1996 1998).
Tennessee Teaching License, Elementary Education 1-8
Tennessee Teaching License, Physical Education K-12
Additional Certifications & Specialized TrainingTake 10, Facilitator, 2008
Responsive Classroom Training Institute, 2004, 2008
Brain Gym Training Institute, 2007
CPR/AED Training
Mozen, D., Cradic, S., & Lehwald, H., (2010, March/April). Establishing a Before School Activity Program, Strategies, A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, pp 24 -26.
Cradic, S., (2008). Physical Activity in the Classroom. A video for the Tennessee State Department of Education.
Cradic, S., Bozeman, T., Brotherton, S., Carringer, S., Fair, J., Krueckeberg, C., Matney, L., Stinson, J., & Scott, J. (2007). Tennessee Physical Activity Handbook Pre K 12. A Manual for Tennessee State Department of Education, Coordinated School Health and TAHPERD.
Mozen, D., Cradic, S., & Lehwald, H., (2010, March/April). Establishing a Before School Activity Program, Strategies, A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, pp 24 -26.
Cradic, S., (2008). Physical Activity in the Classroom. A video for the Tennessee State Department of Education.
Cradic, S., Bozeman, T., Brotherton, S., Carringer, S., Fair, J., Krueckeberg, C., Matney, L., Stinson, J., & Scott, J. (2007). Tennessee Physical Activity Handbook Pre K 12. A Manual for Tennessee State Department of Education, Coordinated School Health and TAHPERD.
Cradic, S., (2010). Creating Professional Learning Communities. TAHPERD Talks. Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Nashville, TN, $600.
Cradic, S., & Mozen, D. (2007). Integrating Core Academics with Movement-Based Learning. Deans Grant. Clemmer College of Education and Human Development, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, $750.
Cradic, S., (2007). Adding Academics into the Physical Education Classroom. Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, TN, $500.
Cradic, S., & Mozen, D. (2006). Technology in the Physical Education Classroom. Deans Grant. Clemmer College of Education and Human Development, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, $500.
Cradic, S., (2006). Dance Dance Revolution in the Physical Education Classroom. Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Nashville, TN, $500
Cradic, S., (2005). Adding Instant Pulse Heart Rate Monitors to Physical Education Program. Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, TN, $300
Cradic, S., (2004). Walk America A Pedometer Program for Elementary and Middle School Students. Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, TN, $300
Goal Setting Fitness Walk/Run in Elementary and Middle School Physical Education 2004 - 2009
Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD)
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD)
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)
American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (AAPAR)
Growth Measure Committee Tennessee State Department of Education, 2010 - Present
TAHPERD Committee/Board Member, 2003 - Present
Physical Education Taskforce chair
Advocacy Committee Member
Joint Projects State Representative
Convention Planning Committee
SDAAHPERD Committee Member, 2009 -2011
Joint Project Chair
ETSU KLSS Admission Boards Member Physical Education, 2002 - Present
Mentor Teacher for Student Teachers, 2002 - Present
University School - Professional Learning Committee Building and Facility, 2009 - Present
University School Social Committee, 2007 - Present
Girl Scouts of the Appalachian Council Assistant Leader, 2009 - Present
Take 10 Trained Facilitator, 2009 Present
ETSU EDFN 2100 Field Placement Mentor, 2009 - Present
TAHPERD Conference Yearly Attendee, 2002 - Present
SDAAHPERD Conference Yearly Attendee, 2002 Present
TAHPERD Leadership Development Conference Yearly Attendee, 2005 - Present
ETSU - KLSS Physical Education Methods Collaboration, 2005 - Present
American Heart Association Implemented Yearly Jump for Heart Event, 2002 - Present
American Heart Association Implemented Yearly Hoops for Heart Event, 2003 - Present
Johnson City Parks and Recreation Softball Coach, 2003 - 2010
Tennessee State Standard Revision for Middle School Physical Education Chair, 2008
Czech Republic Sports Camp Leader, 2008
University School Search Committee (Physical Education/Wellness) Chair, 2009
Growing Healthy Workshop Attendee, 2005 -2008
ETSU Wellness Committee- Faculty Representative, 2003 - 2007
University School Search Committee (Physical Education/Wellness) Chair, 2007
Michigan Model for Health Training Attendee, 2008
Love and Logic Workshop Attendee, 2008
Spark Workshop Attendee, 2008
Brain Gym Workshop Attendee, 2007
Early Childhood Conference Attendee, 2007 - 2008
University School Search Committee (1st grade), 2005
University School Search Committee (6th grade), 2004
First United Methodist Church Childrens Council Chair, 2009 - Present
University School Teacher of the Year Award (Middle), Clemmer College of Education and Human Development, East Tennessee State University, 2008 2009
Outstanding Faculty Award for Collaboration, Clemmer College of Education and Human Development, East Tennessee State University, 2006 - 2007
Nominated for Tennessee Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year, TAHPERD, 2005 2006
Outstanding Faculty Award for Collaboration, Clemmer College of Education and Human Development, East Tennessee State University, 2004 - 2003
8:00 – 9:00 - Middle School
9:03 – 9:30 - 1st grade
9:50 – 10:20 - 2nd grade
10:30 – 11:00 - 3rd grade
11:30 – 12:00 - K Kids
12:05 – 12:30 - Middle School
12:30 – 1:30 - Planning
1:35 – 2:05 - 4th grade
2:20 – 2:50 - 5th grade
Climbing Wall
Climbing Wall Unit - This takes strength, balance and coordination to move across.
Volleyball Unit - Middle School students working on the skill of forearm passing.
4th Grade Bowling Unit -
MS Volleyball
MS Volleyball Unit -
Volleyball Soccer
Volleyball Soccer Unit -
Tumbling Unit -
Yoga - Fitness Unit
Yoga Unit