Undergraduate Research and Extramural Research Opportunities
Dear Undergraduate Students:
Participation in an undergraduate research project under the direction of the faculty provides an opportunity for outstanding students to explore the possibility of a career as a research scientist. While these research projects are usually conducted within the Department's facilities, cooperative programs with other academic and industry laboratories, and NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) make it possible for students to conduct research projects at extramural sites.
Students interested in undergraduate research in the Department of Biological Sciences are required to take BIOL 2992 Research Orientation in the fall of their sophomore or junior year. This course helps students match their interests with specific faculty or a specific extramural research opportunity. The course also requires students to do intensive bibliographic research in the preparation of their research prospectus, i.e., a detailed description of their proposed research project.
Students generally complete their research during the next academic year or during an intensive 9 week period in the summer. The culmination of the student's undergraduate research experience, whether in the Department of Biological Sciences or at an extramural site, will require the student to produce a senior thesis and may qualify to present the results of their thesis as an oral presentation at the Boland Symposium or as a poster at the annual Appalachian Student Research Forum held in March or the Beta Beta Beta, Southeast Region, annual meeting in April. Academically outstanding students may be eligible for out of state tuition waivers or fellowships based on the recommendation of the faculty.
Departmental Funding Opportunities for Outstanding Undergraduate Research Students
For more information regarding general research opportunities contact any faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences. Explore our latest research insights, scholarly articles, and academic contributions in our publications
University Funding Opportunities
Research can be considered any type of activity that adds knowledge through academic study. Research activities can include traditional bench science, library-based studies, survey-based work and creative or performance activities.
The Honors College provides support for undergraduate research abroad, you can find more information concerning this funding opportunity at the Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities website.
Undergraduates Teaching Laboratory BIOL1121/ BIOL2 for Majors