Documenting Community Traditions: Sustainable Agriculture in Northeast Tennessee
Continuing ETSUs five-year commitment to Unicoi County, the central focus of the 2011
ATP is to document residents of Unicoi County engaged in sustainable agriculture or
living on family farms so that the county can use that documentation in sustainable
economic development initiatives. Additionally, this project is connected to Unicois
proposed Tanasi arts and heritage center, which will include a farmers market and
local foods restaurant. Students will work with the Town of Unicoi and learn how
to use a cultural survey as a tool in community development. Activities will include
interviewing active and retired farmers, agricultural agents, community kitchen planners,
and others involved with farming and local foods. Students will build a website or
print version of a local foods brochure/map that Unicoi County can use for marketing
Contact Information:
Tess Lloyd, Ph.D.
East Tennessee State University
Department of English
PO Box 70683
Johnson City, TN 37614
Telephone: 423-439-6677