2nd Annual Trialblazer Lecture | October 16, 2024
In partnership with the Office of Community Engagement, the Office of the Vice Provost for Research hosted Dr. Steve Abel for the 2nd annual Trailblazer Lecture. Dr. Abel, Associate Vice Provost for Engagement Emeritus at Purdue University, had a significant impact on scholarship of engagement recognition and success at Purdue and other Big Ten universities. In alignment with and support of ETSU’s Go Beyond the Classroom QEP and application for the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification, we’re bringing increased attention to the scholarship of engagement. The video of the lecture, titled Advancing Impactful University Engagement, can be found here for ETSU members.
New Faculty 3-Minute Mixer | September 6, 2024
The New Faculty 3-Minute Mixer featured new faculty presenting their research and/or ideas they’re exploring in three minutes. The overarching goal is to connect new faculty to the research community, foster interdisciplinary collaborations, and provide an environment in which faculty can master concise research/idea messaging. The schedule from the event can be found here.
Contracts Relating to Research and Sponsored Activities | April 23, 2024
Rachel Bishop, JD, Contract Officer in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, provided an overview of sponsored projects contracts - the various types we use, standard clauses, problematic terms and conditions, and the process of negotiating the best agreement for the university and investigator.
Appalachian Student Research Forum Award Ceremony | April 8, 2024
The award ceremony is an event in which students are celebrated for being the top presenters at the Forum.
Appalachian Student Research Forum | April 5, 2024
The Forum is an annual event in which dual enrollment, undergraduate, graduate, recent graduate and medical students as well as post-doctoral fellows and medical residents present their research and creative arts in a formal, juried setting. The Forum is open to students from all colleges and universities within the southern Appalachian region.
Kelly Foster and Trena Paulus | March 26, 2024
In this session, Drs. Kelly Foster and Trena Paulus will introduce common social science research designs using both qualitative and quantitative data. Misconceptions, pitfalls, resources and solutions will be discussed. They will also describe research design and methodology resources for faculty here at ETSU.
Christiana Keinath and Rachel Walden | February 27, 2024
This session will provided attendees with an overview of the steps involved in completing a systematic review and an understanding of when this methodology is appropriate. Special attention was given to the timeline, team members, and skills necessary to undertake a successful systematic review project.
Dr. Steve Abel | January 23, 2024
ETSU was privileged to host Dr. Steve Abel, Associate Provost for Engagement (emeritus) at Purdue University. Dr. Abel discussed Purdue’s experience with the scholarship of engagement as well as highlighted opportunities for ETSU to bolster the scholarship of engagement alongside efforts related to the Go Beyond the Classroom QEP.
Dr. Stephen Marshall | November 14, 2023
ETSU professor spoke to students and faculty on the importance of mastering research messaging. In this session, attendees learned how to communicate research through a "brand promise" lens.
Dr. Bern Melnyk | September 22, 2023
Dr. Bern Melnyk is the Vice President for Health Promotion, University Chief Wellness Officer, Dean Emeritus and the Helene Fuld Health Trust Professor of Evidence-based Practice (EBP) at The Ohio State University. She has consulted with hundreds of healthcare systems and colleges worldwide on improving quality of care and patient outcomes by implementing and sustaining evidence-based practice.
Qualtrics 101 | September 12, 2023
Dr. Kelly Foster and Ms. Morgan Kidd, our ETSU Qualtrics brand administrators, presented at the Fall ETSU Trailblazer Series kickoff to teach attendants an introduction to Qualtrics.
Faculty 3-Minute Mixer | September 6, 2023
Faculty are invited to share their research ideas in 3 minutes or less. This event fosters networking and interdisciplinary collaborations by allowing faculty to learn about research happening in a variety of fields in an informal and friendly setting.