Documenting Community Traditions: Sustainable Agriculture in Northeast Tennessee
Continuing ETSU's five-year commitment to Unicoi Country, the central focus of the 2012 ATP project was to document the history of agriculture in Unicoi County. The community partner is the Town of Unicoi. The project goals were to promote sustainable agriculture and to preserve Unicoi's farming heritage. By bolstering sustainable agriculture, Unicoi County will increase job opportunities and per capita income and be better prepared to compete in the global economy. Students learned how to work with a local community and how to use a cultural survey as a tool in community development. Students also researched print sources on the history of farming in the county. Students designed an exhibition to be held at the Reece Museum in 2013, with exhibit panels on Unicoi County's agricultural history.
These goals were implemented by interviewing people who were involved in farming in Unicoi County--retired farmers, agricultural agents, people who grew up on farms, and others. In addition to their presentation in Washington, DC, they also presented their findings to the local community in Northeast Tennessee (community partners, elected officials, farmers, and other interested people).
Contact Information:
Tess Lloyd, Ph.D.
East Tennessee State University
Department of English
PO Box 70683
Johnson City, TN 37614
Telephone: 423-439-6677