General Program Information
The Certificate in Community College Leadership Program is a 15-credit program of study designed to provide participants with specific leadership and management tools for the community college environment. The focus of the program is to further educate community college faculty and staff who seek positions of leadership or increased responsibility for those already in positions of leadership.
Course Descriptions
ELPA 7110:
Community Colleges in the United States:
Foundations: History & Philosophy (Credit: 3)
History * Philosophy * Contributions * Structures
This course emphasizes the history, philosophy, and contemporary nature of community
colleges in terms of organization and administration, students, faculty, curriculum
and instruction, finance, and issues and trends.
ELPA 6870:
Field Research in Educational Leadership: Capstone Course (Credit: 3)
Assessment * Evaluation * Research * Presentation
Students will take an active part in the collection and analysis of research data
of importance to educational leaders. Students will also take an active part in the
writing of research reports and dissemination of findings.
ELPA 6020:
Seminar in Educational Supervision: Internal Relations & the Community College Leader
Internal Relations * Staffing * Communication * Resources (Credit: 3)
An examination of problems and issues in supervision. Emphasizes evolving concepts
of supervision and strategies and practices of promoting instructional change.
ELPA 6454:
Policy, Power & Politics in Education: Community College Policy Research (Credit:
Public Policy * Analysis * Advocacy * Master Planning
This course critically examines the interrelationship of the formal and informal political
and social forces that influence the development of federal, state, and local educational
policy in the United States. Emphasis will be given to the development of individual
strategies to influence educational policy within the democratic process.
ELPA 6561:
Organizational Development: External Relations & the Community College Leader (Credit:
External Relations * Media * Fundraising * Partnerships
The principal purpose of this seminar is to show the process by which planned change
occurs in educational organizations through the application of behavioral science
knowledge. The focus of organizational development is on the ability of organization
members to diagnose and solve their own problems. Organizational development addresses
a broad range of topics, including the effects of change, the methods of organizational
change, and the factors influencing organizational development success.